轻松学英语口语惯用表达 上PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)柯蒂斯编著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787513532808
- 页数:185 页
1 above all 首要 6
2 across the board 全面地 8
3 a different ball game 完全不同 10
4 after all 毕竟;终究 12
5 again and again 反复 14
6 ahead of schedule 提前 16
7 all over again 重新 18
8 a load of rubbish 一派胡言 20
9 a pain in the neck 惹人讨厌的人或事 22
10 as a matter of fact 事实上 24
11 as a result 结果 26
12 as a rule 通常 28
13 as far as I know 据我所知 30
14 as long as 只要 32
15 as well 也 34
16 at any rate 不管怎样 36
17 at the back of your mind 在心底 38
18 at this rate 这样继续下去 40
19 be a tall order 任务艰巨 42
20 be my guest 请随便 44
21 bear in mind 记住 46
22 bear with me 请稍等 48
23 before you know it 转眼之间 50
24 behind bars 坐牢 52
25 believe it or not 信不信由你 54
26 be off to 去& 地方 56
27 beside the point 无关,不重要 58
28 be up to 做什么 60
29 by accident 偶然 62
30 by all means 当然可以 64
31 by and large 总的来说 66
32 by any chance 或许 68
33 by the way 顺便 70
34 can do without 用不着,希望没有 72
35 change your mind 改变主意 74
36 come to think of it 想起来了 76
37 couldn't care less 不在乎 78
38 day in,day out 日复一日 80
39 do your best 竭尽所能 82
40 Do you know what I mean? 你懂我的意思吗? 84
41 don't get me wrong 别误会 86
42 don't hold your breath 别指望 88
43 drag your feet 做事拖拉 90
44 easier said than done 说起来容易做起来难 92
45 every bit as…完全一样 94
46 every last/single 每一个 96
47 feel like…想要/做 98
48 first and foremost 首要的是,首先 100
49 first of all 首先 102
50 first thing 一大早 104
51 for all care 与我无关 106
52 for all I know 我不知道,说不定 108
53 for a start 首先 110
54 for good 永久 112
55 from time to time 有时 114
56 funnily enough 说来真怪 116
57 get a move on 赶快 118
58 get the picture 了解情况 120
59 give or take 相差 122
60 good riddance 总算摆脱了 124
61 had better 最好 126
62 hands off 别碰;不要干涉 128
63 have(got)a bone to pick with somebody 对某人不满 130
64 have a go 试一试 132
65 have a good time 玩得开心 134
66 have fun 玩得开心 136
67 have had enough of 受够了 138
68 have had it 没法用了;完蛋了 140
69 haven't the foggiest(idea) 一无所知 142
70 help yourself 请自便 144
71 hit/got hrough the roof 勃然大怒 146
72 How do you like…?你喜欢&? 148
73 I beg your pardon 对不起 150
74 I can't help it 我忍不住,我无法控制 152
75 I'd love to 我喜欢 154
76 I don't blame you 我不怪你 156
77 I dread to think 我不敢去想 158
78 if I were you 如果我是你 160
79 I know for a fact that& 我知道 162
80 I know what you mean 我能理解 164
81 in a manner of speaking 从某种意义上说 166
82 in a nutshell 简而言之 168
83 in any case 无论如何 170
84 in dribs and drabs 零星地 172
85 in my opinion 依我看 174
86 in public 公开地 176
87 in the long run 长远来看 178
88 in the news 成为新闻 180
89 it beats me 把我难倒了 182
90 I told you so 我早告诉过你 184
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