中国文化阅读 1800单词话中国PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄建滨主编;姚小玲,金忍冬副主编;夏杨露,aminb.jouryabi,赵玥编者
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787308141031
- 页数:207 页
1.The Territory of the People's Republic of China 1
2.Climate in China 5
3.The Chinese Writing System 8
4.The Ideographic Language 11
5.Sanxingdui Culture 14
6.Sun Yat-sen 17
7.The Chinese Ways of Spending Leisure(Part One) 21
8.The Chinese Ways of Spending Leisure(Part Two) 24
9.August 1st Nanchang Uprising Museum 27
10.Children's Self-esteem 31
11.Chinese Manners 34
12.Giving Compliments 37
13.Hanban 41
14.The Agricultural Calendar and the 24 Solar Terms(Part One) 45
15.The Agricultural Calendar and the 24 Solar Terms(Part Two) 48
16.The Great Buddha Hall 52
17.The Main Feature of Chinese Folk Belief 55
18.Labazhou 58
19.Folksongs of the Han Nationality 62
20.Silk and Bamboo Music in Jiangnan 66
21.Beihai White Dagoba 69
22.Lushan 72
23.The Stone Forest 75
24.The Ancient Tea-horse Road 79
25.An Introduction to Hangzhou(Part One) 82
26.An Introduction to Hangzhou(Part Two) 86
27.Bo'ao(Part One) 90
28.Bo'ao(Part Two) 93
29.The Penglai Pavilion 96
30.The Eight Immortals 99
31.Facial Makeup 102
32.Utensils Used for Tea Drinking 105
33.Tea Service Master 108
34.Was Red Pepper a Local Product in Ancient China? 111
35.Woodcut Pictures 114
36.Clay Statuettes 117
37.Longquan Sword 120
38.Zhang Xiaoquan Scissors 123
39.Hua Tuo 126
40.Zhang Qian 129
41.Zhang Heng 132
42.Zu Chongzhi 135
43.Cao Yu 138
44.John Woo 141
45.Shooter Grabs China's First Olympic Gold at Sidney 145
46.Jade 148
47.Lacquerware 151
48.Bawu 154
49.Chinatown in Glasgow 157
50.Chang Quan 160
Key to Exercises 163
Vocabulary 168
Postscript后记 206
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