The Boy and the Wolf 1
Boys and Frogs 2
The Maid and her Milk Pail 3
The Hare and her Friends 5
The Fox and the Grapes 7
The Dove and the Ant 8
The Ass and the Lap Dog 9
The Mice,the Cat,and the Bell 11
The Fox who had lost his Tail 12
The Bear in the Wood 14
The Ass with a Load of Salt 16
The Man,his Son,and his Ass 18
The Wolf and the Crane 21
The Wolf and the House Dog 22
The Lark and her Young Ones 24
The Two Goats on the Bridge 26
The Dog and the Thief 27
The Wolf and the Fox in the Well 29
The Stag in the Lake 30
The Fox and the Stork 32
The Daw and the Jay 34
The Old Hen and her Young Ones 35
The Dog in the Ox's Stall 37
The Field of Corn 38
The Man,the Horse,and the Ass 40
The Hawk,the Rooks,and the Cat 41
The Goose with the Gold Egg 44
The Boar and the Horse 44
The Stag in the Ox's Stall 46
The Judge and the Poor Man 47
The Goat and the Fox in the Well 50
The Lost Axe 51
The Fox and the Crow 53
The Hog,Ox,Cow,Dog,and Sheep 54
The Wind and the Sun 58
The Wolf in a Sheep's Skin 59
The Fox and the Cat 60
The Cock and the Fox 61
The Wolf and the Lamb 63
The Frogs and their King 65
The Stag,the Crow,and the Wolf 67
The Gnat and the Bull 70
The Crow and the Jar 71
The Fly and the Moth 72
Tne Old Fox and her Young One 73
The Man and the Ape 74
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