- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社;剑桥大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:7560085296
- 页数:248 页
Introduction 1
1 Warm-ups,breaks and fillers 1:Short energisers 8
Introduction 9
Seth Lindstromberg 9
1.1 Chair swapping for names Tessa Woodward 9
1.2 One chair missing Pierre Jeanrenaud 10
1.3 Balloon chase Paul Sanderson 12
1.4 I say,you do Tessa Woodward 14
1.5 Newspaper bash! Jane Revell 16
1.6 Staccato start Tessa Woodward 18
1.7 Singing start Tessa Woodward 19
1.8 Computer talk Denny Packard 20
1.9 Bizarre riot Tessa Woodward 22
2 Warm-ups,breaks and fillers 2:Speaking 24
Introduction 25
Seth Lindstromberg 25
2.1 By the way Seth Lindstromberg 25
2.2 How do you say...? Seth Lindstromberg 26
2.3 Make them say it Tessa Woodward 27
2.4 Whatever's in my bag Tessa Woodward 30
2.5 You guess their adjectives Tessa Woodward 32
2.6 Think of ten,five,or three things Tessa Woodward 33
2.7 Links with music Clem Laroy 34
2.8 A proverb a day Seth Lindstromberg 36
2.9 Making stress physical Tessa Woodward 42
3 Reviewing 45
Introduction 46
Seth Lindstromberg 46
3.1 Vocabulary brainshower Sheila Levy 46
3.2 Do you know this word? Hanna Kryszewska 47
3.3 Recycling Adriana Diaz 49
3.4 Student-produced vocabulary reviews Andrew Glass 50
3.5 Vocabulary on slips Sheelagh Deller 52
3.6 True-false student-student dictation Sheelagh Deller 53
3.7 Student-produced reference booklets Tessa Woodward 55
3.8 Hidden shape in the puzzle Adriana Diaz 57
3.9 Guess who grammar quiz Denny Packard 60
4 Communicative pot-pourri 63
Introduction 63
Seth Lindstromberg 63
4.1 The books on the shelf Adriana Diaz 63
4.2 ETs and earthlings Adriana Diaz 65
4.3 Live classroom Adriana Diaz 66
4.4 The Towet of Babel Adriana Diaz 68
4.5 Two part discussion Seth Lindstromberg 70
4.6 Guess my story Herbert Puchta 72
4.7 The movies you've seen Rick Cooper 74
4.8 A radio drama Adriana Diaz 75
4.9 Brothers and Sisters Clem Laroy 77
4.10 Stories that share the past Mario Rinvolucri 79
4.11 Your life in the cards Clem Laroy 81
5 Working with a coursebook 84
Seth Lindstromberg/Peter Grundy/Lindsey Gallagher 84
Introduction 86
5.1 Judge the book by its cover(but not only...) Hanna Kryszewska 86
5.2 What shall I leave in? David Cranmer 87
5.3 Supplementing coursebooks with authentic materials Peter Grundy 89
5.4 Coursebook recall Hanna Kryszewska 93
5.5 Personalising coursebooks Steve Gilbride and Peter Grundy 94
5.6 Stories in your coursebook Hanna Kryszewska 95
5.7 Reconstructing a patch on a page Seth Lindstromberg 96
5.8 Alternative coursebooks Lindsey Gallagher and Peter Grundy 98
6 Using magazines and newspapers 100
Introduction 101
Seth Lindstromberg 101
6.1 Who can take notes best? Hanna Kryszewska 101
6.2 Meet the demand Hanna Kryszewska 102
6.3 That's news to me! Hanna Kryszewska 108
6.4 Spot it! Hanna Kryszewska 109
6.5 Looking in from outside Mario Rinvolucri 111
7 Theme texts,affective texts,stories 113
Introduction 114
Seth Lindstromberg 114
7.1 Stories with opposite messages Mario Rinvolucri 114
7.2 Flip the frame Mario Rinvolucri 116
7.3 Milk bottles and dustbins Mario Rinvolucri 119
7.4 Creative criminality Mario Rinvolucri 121
7.5 Are you a worthy owner? Mario Rinvolucri 123
7.6 Inseparable Mario Rinvolucri 127
7.7 Correcting the teller G?inter Gerngross and Herbert Puchta 129
7.8 Comparing texts-a person-related way Peter Grundy 131
7.9 Discussion from key words Seth Lindstromberg 138
8 Writing 140
Introduction 141
Seth Lindstromberg 141
8.1 Bemy scribe John Morgan 141
8.2 Lyrical letters Joe Buckhurst 143
8.3 From novelists to publishers Adriana Diaz 147
8.4 From doodling to writing Adriana Diaz 149
8.5 Squalid things Mario Rinvolucri 151
8.6 L1 poem to English prose Bryan Robinson 153
8.7 As if a wild animal Tessa Woodward 155
8.8 Letters to literary characters David Cranmer 156
8.9 Sentences about countries Seth Lindstromberg 158
8.10 Creative plagiarism:manipulating a text James Banner 159
8.11 End of course certificates Hanna Kryszewska 161
9 Language through literature 163
Introduction 164
Colin Evans/Seth Lindstromberg 164
9.1 Dialogue from a poem John Morgan 164
9.2 Copycats John Morgan 167
9.3 This is how it ends! Andy Rouse 168
9.4 Signing as a character David Cranmer 172
9.5 A walk through the seasons David Cranmer 173
9.6 Fa?ade:exploring rhythm and rhyme in nonsense poetry David Cranmer 176
9.7 Identifying with characters Colin Evans 179
9.8 Completion Colin Evans 184
9.9 Collective fairy tale Colin Evans 186
9.10 Enactment Colin Evans 187
10 Music and imagination 190
Introduction 191
Clem Laroy/Seth Lindstromberg 191
10.1 Story in the music David Cranmer 191
10.2 Silent film mimes Clem Laroy 192
10.3 Silent film sequels Clem Laroy 193
10.4 Silent film scripts Clem Laroy 194
10.5 Musical constructions Clem Laroy 196
10.6 My home Clem Laroy 198
10.7 Paintings and music Clem Laroy 199
10.8 Inside the painting Clem Laroy 202
11 Not just for business people 205
Introduction 206
Seth Lindstromberg 206
11.1 Advertise your own job Marcus Child 206
11.2 The ideal job Denny Packard 207
11.3 Marketing a new product Denny Packard 210
11.4 Decision makers Satish Patel 211
11.5 Selling power Satish Patel 213
11.6 Vendor analysis Satish Patel 214
11.7 Bad meetings Chris Dalton 216
11.8 Concept word pictionary Marcus Child 217
11.9 Icon farrago race Marcus Child 218
11.10 Market icons Marcus Child 222
11.11 Gifts to professionals Mario Rinvolucri 225
12 Grammar and register:practice,reflection,review 226
Introduction 227
Seth Lindstromberg 227
12.1 The news in our town Viviana Valenti 227
12.2 I see...You see John Morgan 229
12.3 Transposed questionnaires Mario Rinvolucri 230
12.4 Crazy fortune Adriana Diaz 231
12.5 Gossips Adriana Diaz 233
12.6 Talking to the board John Barnett 235
12.7 A translation task Bryan Robinson 236
12.8 The register of replies Graham Butler 238
12.9 Dependency dictation Jon Carr 240
Bibliography 244
Index 246
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