- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘宁,张延涛主编;黄丽萍主审
- 出 版 社:大连:大连海事大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787563230761
- 页数:190 页
Module 1 Joining a Ship 1
Task 1 Arriving on a Ship 2
Task 2 Joining a Ship 4
Task 3 Familiarization with Places on a Ship 6
Module 2 Personal Care and Ship Sanitation 11
Task 1 Personal Care 12
Task 2 Ship Sanitation 15
Module 3 Preventing Personnel Injury on Board 20
Task 1 Preventing Personal Labour Injury 21
Task 2 Personal Protective Equipment 23
Module 4 Medical Care on a Ship and First Aid 30
Task 1 Medical Care on a Ship 31
Task 2 First Aid 33
Module 5 Engineering Safety and Practices(Ⅰ) 39
Task 1 Safe Working in Machinery Spaces 40
Task 2 Electrical Safety Practices 42
Module 6 Engineering Safety and Practices(Ⅱ) 47
Task 1 Entering Enclosed or Confined Spaces 48
Task 2 Procedures and Arrangements Before Entry 50
Module 7 Bunkering Operations:Safe Oil Transfer Procedures 55
Task 1 Before Bunkering 56
Task 2 During Bunkering 58
Task 3 After Bunkering 60
Module 8 General Emergencies and Their Organization 64
Task 1 General Emergencies 65
Task 2 Emergency Organization on a Ship 68
Module 9 Fire-fighting 73
Task 1 Fire-fighting Organization 74
Task 2 Accommodation and Engine Room Fire 77
Module 10 Man Overboard,Collision,Grounding,Flooding,Blackout 82
Task 1 Man Overboard 83
Task 2 Collision and Grounding 85
Task 3 Flooding 88
Task 4 Blackout 90
Module 11 Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery 94
Task 1 Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery 95
Task 2 Self-protection Measures and Increased Patrol 98
Module 12 Drills and Training 103
Task 1 Life-saving Drills 104
Task 2 Fire-fighting Drills 106
Task 3 Security Drills 108
Module 13 Duties of Engineers 112
Task 1 The Chief Engineer's Duties 113
Task 2 The Second Engineer's Duties 115
Task 3 The Third Engineer's Duties 117
Task 4 The Fourth Engineer's Duties 119
Module 14 Port State Control 123
Task 1 PSC Inspection 124
Task 2 Inspection in an Engine Room 128
Module 15 International Maritime Conventions 134
Task 1 ISM Code 135
Task 2 Safetv of Life at Sea(SOLAS)& Convention Prevention of Marine Pollution(MARPOL) 138
Task 3 ISPS Code 141
Task 4 International Convention on Standards of Training,Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers(STCW) 144
Task 5 Maritime Labor Convention,2006 146
Module 16 Check Lists,Commands 152
Task 1 Check List 153
Task 2 Possible Commands Used in Emergency Situations 166
TEST Ⅰ 169
TEST Ⅱ 172
Appendix Ⅰ Word List 175
Appendix Ⅱ 常见港口名称 184
Appendix Ⅲ Marks & Identification Concerning Safety Facilities or Measures 186
References 190
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