- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王文举,纪宏主编
- 出 版 社:北京:首都经济贸易大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7563813902
- 页数:413 页
Aims of the Conference 1
SME Capacity Building,Clustering and Regional Competitiveness&Charles Harvie 1
Impact of Economic Policy Reform and Regional and Global Shocks on Trade and Growth in East Asia:Econometric Evidence for China&Tran Van Hoa 20
The Regional Input-output Analysis On Industry Connection in Shanxi Province&Wang Lei Wang Zhenlong 40
A Study on Migration Characteristics of Highly Educated Human Capital in China’s Western Areas and the Reason&Liu Juan 51
A Competitive Analysis on Eastern and Western Attractive Factor of FDI in China&Zhao Yanyun Cao Qian 60
An Analysis of Human capital and Chinese Regional Economic Growth Convergence&Li Wenjie Fu Deyin 82
The Distribution of Human Capital and Economic Growth in China&Xia Wanjun Ji Hong 90
An Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Educational Investment and Economy Development in the Western Region of China&Ma Liping 104
The Potentiality and Opportunity of the Western Exploitation in terms of Consumption Model&Li Feng 112
Efficiency Evaluation of Agriculture Financial Expenditure in Western Area of China&Huang Sining 125
Viewpoints about the Development of the Service Industry in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region&Wang Rong Wang Xiaohua 135
An Empirical Analysis on Regional Disparity in China&Liu Yang Feng Xingguang 142
Macro-thinking on the Capital Formation of the West and Narrowing the Area Economic Disparity between the East and the West&Zhao Qingping Pei Yunlan 151
The Influence of Education on Income Inequality:Empirical Evidence from Different Regions of China&Liu Yang Du Peng 159
A Partial Least Square Comprehensive Evaluation of West China’s Economic Development Based on Structure Equation Modeling&Ruan Jing Ji Hong 168
A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Science and Technology Capability for the 12 Western Provinces&Zhu Meihong 179
The Hopf Bifurcation of Stochastic Dynamical Price Model&Li Jiao Rui Wang Zhen Long 189
Comparative Analysis and Thinking on the Development of Tourist Trade in West China&Dong Hanqing 197
Innovation Studies on the Housing Finance during the Western Development in China&Chen Hongmei Huang Shisong 203
Studies on N0n-agricultural Land Use in West China&Zheng Huadong Wang Rong 212
Investment Persistence and Investment——Fixed Assets Investment in the West&Sun Jiping Liu Yulong 220
An Empirical Analysis on the Strategy of Yielding Market to Exchange Technology in the Eastern, Middle and Western Regions of China&Chen Chao Ma Liping 230
An Empirical Analysis on Residents’Consumption of Western Cities and Towns Based on Panel Data&Zhao Yi Ma Liping 237
A Professional Structure Analysis for West China’s Fixed Assets Investment&Jin Yuan 245
The Effect of FDI on Economic Growth in West China&Hao Ran 253
Western Regions Tourism to Its Own Economic Development Influence and Related Conclusion in China&Liu Hongwei Ji Hong 262
A Present Situation Analysis of Regional Balanced Development in China’s Western Regions and the Choice of Strategy&Sun Xiaodan 269
The Research on C0integration Relations between the Fixed Assets Investment and the Economy Growth of Shanxi Province&Liang Zhijun 278
A Relevant Analysis of Agricultural Investment and Output Volume of Main Farming in Qinghai Province&Guo Jianchuan 285
An Association Analysis of S&T Investment and Economic Growth in the Western Regions&Zhou Jing 293
Strategies for Attracting Foreign Investment in the Western Regions of China&Shen Wei 301
The Measure and Calculation of the Personal Income Tax Erosion in China&Liu Liming Liu Lingling 308
Foreign Exchange Risk Premium in the Financial Markets and Its Measurement Techniques&He Sihui Wang Zhenlong 318
A Study on the Development of Cultural Industry in Beijing&Hao Xinyu 327
The Application of Cluster Analysis in Web Data Mining&Xue Luhua Zhang Nan 335
Measures of the Contribution Rate of Tradable Knowledge Assets—Improvement Based on the Production Function&Liu Juan Li feng Lu Chong 346
The Error Correction Model Building of the Copper Futures Prices between SHFE and LME&Wu Fang Liu Juan 354
An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Finance Expenditure Structure and Economic Growth&Zhang Yuchun 362
An Economic Development Analysis of BDA&Wu Shaoping Guo Hongwei 371
An Analysis on the Influence of the Financial Industry Development on the Economic Investment in Beijing&Lu Chong 379
Policies on Stabilizing Inflation Targeting in a Multi-region Economy&Zhang Guangxian 386
A Research on Public Medical Information Management System by Electronic Government Affair&Wang Wensi Liu Liming 393
A Game Analysis of Insurer Behavior and Its Simulation Test&Wang Wenju Ren Tao 404
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