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中国医学院士文库  薛社普院士集
中国医学院士文库  薛社普院士集

中国医学院士文库 薛社普院士集PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:薛社普主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民军医出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787509172148
  • 页数:498 页
《中国医学院士文库 薛社普院士集》目录

第一部分 奋斗历程 1

薛社普院士成长历程 3

我的口述传记 10

第二部分 学术贡献 23

一、薛社普院士的学术贡献与学术思想 25

二、薛社普院士的主要学术论文 29

The Neoformation of Cells of Preganglionic Type in the Cervical Spinal Cord of the Chick Embryo Following Its Transplantation to the Thoracic Level 29

鸡胚发育期中细胞与卵黄对放射性硫(S35)-蛋氨酸摄取的对比研究 55

An Autoradiographic Study on the Uptake of Radiosulphate(S35)-Methionine in the Embryonic Tissue Versus Yolk Material of the Developing Chick Embryo 63

移植小鼠纤维肉瘤在鸡胚内的生长及其对鸡胚神经组织分化的影响 67

Growth of the Implanted Mouse Fibrosarcoma and Its Effects on the Differentiation of Nervous Tissue of the Chick Embryo 77

离体鸡胚原结诱导作用及同位素标记的实验分析 82

Studies In Vitro on the Inductive Action of the Node Region of Different Ages of Chick Embryo 92

棉酚对大鼠抗精子发生作用的细胞学、放射自显影及超微结构的观察 97

14C-醋酸棉酚在大鼠体内的药物动力学的研究Ⅰ.在大鼠体内分布、定位的整体及组织放射自显影的动态观察 111

Ⅰ.Whole Body and Micro-autoradiographic Studies on the Distribution and Fate of 14C-gossypol in the Rat Body 118

14C-醋酸棉酚在大鼠体内的药物动力学研究 Ⅱ.在大鼠体内分布、排泄和代谢的动态的定量分析 124

Ⅱ.Quantitative Studies on the Kinetics of the Distribution,Excretion and Metabolism of 14C-gossypol Acetic Acid in the Rat Body 136

棉酚对大鼠42K代谢影响的研究 139

A Study of the Effect of Gossypol on the Metabolism of 42K in Rats 149

棉酚对大鼠及豚鼠肾钠、钾三磷酸腺苷酶(Na-K-ATPase)影响的电子显微镜观察 150

Ultra-cytochemical Observations on the Effect of Gossypol on Na-K-ATPase of the Renal Cell Membrane of Rats and Guinea Pigs 155

棉酚对人体外周血淋巴细胞染色体畸变和姐妹染色单体交换频率影响的研究 156

服棉酚前后血浆睾丸酮类似物双氢睾丸酮和睾丸酮含量的分析 162

Subcellular Site of Antispermatogenic Effect of Gossypol and Its Possible Molecular Mechanism of Action 167

棉酚抗生育作用的临床试验研究——棉酚对精子影响的电子显微镜观察 183

口服醋酸棉酚前后人精子体外受精能力及精核转变的细胞学观察 193

Evaluation of Human Sperm In Vitro Fertilization Capacity and Transformation of Sperm Nuclei Before and After Administration of Gossypol Acetic Acid 199

Evaluation of the Renal Tubulo-toxic Effect of Gossypol by Urinary Protein Analysis with SDS-polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis 205

睾丸酮、雌二醇和棉酚合并用药的雄性抗生育作用及其安全性的研究 212

The Antifertility Effect of Gossypol Plus Testosterone and Estrogen 215

Combined Administration of Low-dose Gossypol Acetic Acid with Desogestrel/mini-dose Ethinylestradiol/testosterone Undecanoate as an Oral Contraceptive for Men 216

胞质因子对肿瘤细胞恶性的调控研究——小鼠骨髓瘤细胞与网织红细胞胞质体的胞质杂交实验 231

The Study of the Regulatory Effect of Cytoplasmic Factors on Tumor Malignancy Ⅰ.Cybrid Experiments Between Reticulocyte Cytoplasts and Myeloma Cell Lines 241

胞质因子对人早幼粒白血病细胞恶性表型和基因表达的调控作用 244

非洲爪蟾卵母细胞卵质对哺乳类细胞核功能活动调整作用的研究 257

The Regulatory Effect of Xenopus Oocyte Cytoplasm on the Functional Activity of Injected Mammalian Nuclei 265

网织红细胞胞质因子调控肿瘤细胞基因表达的核酸杂交分析 267

Ⅰ.β-珠蛋白基因的表达 267

Ⅰ.β-globin Gene Expression 274

网织红细胞胞质因子调控肿瘤细胞基因表达的核酸杂交分析 275

Ⅱ.myc癌基因的表达状态 275

Ⅱ.Expression of myc Oncogene in Homo-and Hetero-cellular Hybridization 280

七种癌基因在HL-60-AR细胞中的表达及药物诱导分化后的变化 281

Expression of Seven Oncogenes in HL-60-AR Cells and Their Changes After Chemically Induced Differentiation 288

人浆细胞瘤与小鼠网织红细胞异种杂交的恶性调控研究 289

Studies on Malignancy Regulation by Heterologous Hybridization Between Reticulocytes and Human Plasmocytoma Cell Line(HMY-2) 296

大鼠有核红细胞与小鼠浆细胞瘤(SP2/0)细胞杂交后的细胞表型特性分析 297

兔网织红细胞中存在细胞生长抑制活性物质 306

哺乳类红细胞成熟过程中自然排核现象的电镜观察 311

Electron Microscopic Observation of the Process of Natural Denucleation During Mammalian Erythroblast Maturation 315

哺乳类(兔)红细胞分化因子的纯化及特性分析 316

Purification and Characterization of Mammalian(Rabbit)Erythroid Differentiation Factor(EDF) 323

兔网织红细胞与K562细胞胞质杂交体(K-RRneo)核基质-中间纤维体系的研究 324

Nuclear Matrix-intermediate Filament Scaffold of Cybrid Cells Crossed Between Rabbit Reticulocytes and K562 Ceils 330

Growth and Differentiation Characteristics of Cybrid K-RRneo Cells 333

不同发生阶段红系血细胞中红细胞分化因子的检测 339

Identification of Erythroid Differentiation Factor(EDF)in Different Developmental Stages of Erythropoietic Cells of Mice 344

红细胞终末分化期出现与珠蛋白基因表达增强子HS2序列特异结合的蛋白质因子 345

Appearance of Some Novel Proteins Binding Enhancer Element of Globin Gene(HS2) During Erythroid Terminal Differentiation 351

网织红细胞作为转基因靶细胞的实验性研究 352

Experimental Gene Transfer Study Using Anucleated Reticuloeytes as Target Cells 357

红细胞胞质因子对K562细胞分化及其核基质-中间纤维体系影响的研究 358

The Role of Cytoskeletal Elements in the Two-phase Denucleation Process of Mammalian Erythroblasts in Vitro Observed by Laser Confocal Scanning Microscope 365

Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Mouse Erythroid Differentiation-denucleation Related Gene(MEDDF) 378

Differentiation and Malignant Suppression Induced by Mouse Erythroid Differentiation and Denucleation Factor on Mouse Erythroleukemia Cells 385

Erythroid Differentiation Denucleation Factors(EDDFs)Function as Intrinsic,Post-erythropoietin Regulators for Mammalian Erythroid Terminal Differentiation 392

三、薛社普院士事业年表 409

四、薛社普院士学术年表 428

薛社普院士论文目录 428

薛社普院士著作目录 442

薛社普院士主要奖项及荣誉目录 443

第三部分 治学之道 447

孜孜不倦 449

第四部分 大师风范 455

薛社普历年培养的硕士生和博士生名单 457

薛社普院士部分青年学生的学术成绩 460

第五部分 社会影响 469

带领中国解剖学会走上国际舞台 471

深入年轻的大学生中进行学术报告与交流 477

深深的乡情 479

吴阶平副委员长为薛社普院士题词 481

路甬祥院长致薛社普院士贺信 482

刘德培校长为薛社普院士著作作序 483

曾益新校长为薛社普院士题词 484

第六部分 人生风采 485
