国外大学优秀教材-工业工程系列 国际物流-国际贸易中的运作管理 第4版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)戴维(PIERREA.DAVID)著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:7302371274
- 页数:474 页
1 International Trade 1
1.1 International Trade Growth 4
1.2 International Trade Milestones 4
1.3 Largest Exporting and Importing Countries 7
1.4 International Trade Drivers 12
1.5 International Trade Theories 15
1.6 The International Business Environment 23
2 International Supply Chain Management 27
2.1 Historical Development 27
2.2 Logistics and Supply Chain Management 36
2.3 Elements of International Logistics 41
2.4 The Economic Importance of Logistics 42
2.5 International Reverse Logistics 44
3 International Infrastructure 51
3.1 Definitions 51
3.2 Transportation Infrastructure 52
3.3 Communication Infrastructure 77
3.4 Utilities Infrastructure 80
3.5 Services Infrastructure 83
3.6 Legal and Regulatory Infrastructure 84
4 International Methods of Entry 91
4.1 Entry Strategy Factors 91
4.2 Indirect Exporting 92
4.3 Active Exporting 96
4.4 Production Abroad 103
4.5 Parallel Imports 111
4.6 Counterfeit Goods 113
4.7 Other Issues in Methods of Entry 113
5 International Contracts 119
5.1 Lex Mercatoria 120
5.2 International Sales Contracts and the CISG 121
5.3 Agency versus Distributorship Legal Issues 124
5.4 Elements of an Agency or Distributor Contract 126
5.5 Termination 134
5.6 Arbitration 136
5.7 Mediation 137
6 Terms of Trade or Incoterms? Rules 141
6.1 International Commerce Terms 142
6.2 Understanding Incoterms Rules 142
6.3 Incoterms Rule Strategy 143
6.4 Ex-Works(EXW) 146
6.5 Free Carrier(FCA) 148
6.6 Carriage Paid To(CPT) 150
6.7 Carriage and Insurance Paid To(CIP) 151
6.8 Delivered At Terminal(DAT) 152
6.9 Delivered At Place(DAP) 154
6.10 Delivered Duty Paid(DDP) 155
6.11 Free Alongside Ship(FAS) 156
6.12 Free on Board(FOB) 158
6.13 Cost and Freight(CFR) 161
6.14 Cost,Insurance,and Freight(CIF) 162
6.15 Summary of Incoterms?Responsibilities 163
6.16 Common Errors in Incoterms?Rules Usage 165
6.17 Incoterms Rules as a Marketing Tool 167
7 Terms of Payment 171
7.1 International Payment Characteristics 172
7.2 Alternative Terms of Payment 174
7.3 Risks in International Trade 175
7.4 Cash in Advance 178
7.5 Open Account 178
7.6 Letter of Credit 180
7.7 Additional Types of Letters of Credit 190
7.8 Documentary Collection 192
7.9 Forfaiting 196
7.10 Purchasing Cards 197
7.11 TradeCard 198
7.12 Bank Guarantees 199
7.13 Terms of Payment as a Marketing Tool 200
8 Managing Transaction Risks 205
8.1 Currency Used in the Sales Contract 206
8.2 The System of Currency Exchange Rates 210
8.3 Theories of Exchange Rate Determinations 220
8.4 Exchange Rate Forecasting 224
8.5 Managing Transaction Exposure 227
8.6 International Banking Institutions 231
8.7 Currency of Payment as a Marketing Tool 233
9 International Commercial Documents 237
9.1 Documentation Requirements 237
9.2 Invoices 238
9.3 Export Documents 242
9.4 Import Documents 250
9.5 Transportation Documents 261
9.6 Electronic Data Interchange 270
9.7 Document Preparation as a Marketing Tool 272
11 International Ocean Transportation 277
11.1 Types of Service 278
11.2 Size of Vessels 278
11.3 Types of Vessels 284
11.4 Flag 298
11.5 Liability Conventions 301
11.6 Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carriers 303
11.7 Security Requirements 305
12 International Air Transportation 309
12.1 Cargo Airlines,Airports,and Markets 310
12.2 Types of Service 312
12.3 Types of Aircraft 316
12.4Airfreight Tariffs 327
12.5 International Regulations 328
12.6 Environmental Issues and Sustainability 328
12.7 International Air Cargo Security 329
13 International Land and Multimodal Transportation 337
13.1Truck Transportation 338
13.2 Rail Transportation 341
13.3 Intermodal Transportation 347
13.4 Freight Forwarders 359
13.5 Project Cargo 359
13.6 Alternative Means of Transportation 360
13.7 Ground Transportation Security 362
14 Packaging for Export 367
14.1 Packaging Functions 368
14.2 Packaging Objectives 369
14.3 Ocean Cargo 370
14.4 Air Transport 385
14.5 Road and Rail Transport 387
14.6 Security 389
14.7 Hazardous Cargo 391
14.8 Refrigerated Goods 392
14.9 Domestic Retail Packaging Issues 393
14.10 Packaging as a Marketing Tool 395
15 International Logistics Security 399
15.1 The Impact of a Significant Disruption in International Logistics 401
15.2 International Organizations 402
15.3 The United States'Approach 406
15.4 The European Union's Programs 414
15.5 Other Countries'Approach 415
15.6Corporate Efforts 415
16 Customs Clearance 421
16.1 Duty 421
16.2Non-TariffBarriers 435
16.3 Customs Clearing Process 440
16.4ForeignTrade Zones 446
17 Developing a Competitive Advantage 453
17.1 Communication Challenges 454
17.2 International English 455
17.3 Special English 457
17.4 Metric System 458
17.5 Cultural Sensitivity 461
17.6 Specific Advice 462
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