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新核心大学英语泛读教程  拓展级
新核心大学英语泛读教程  拓展级

新核心大学英语泛读教程 拓展级PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:蔡基刚总主编;方亚中,何敏本册主编;刘玲玉,罗敏,李鹏等本册副主编;方亚中,刘玲玉,李鹏等编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787313113580
  • 页数:254 页
图书介绍:《新核心大学英语泛读教程》以针对大学生的实际需求为特色,以最新的外语学习理论为指导,以培养学生文献阅读能力为宗旨,以扩大学生词汇量和培养学生阅读技能为重点,通过讲、读、练相结合,帮助学生学会快速、准确地获取英文科技信息,提高英语文献资料的阅读水平。《泛读教程》共分为八个单元,每个单元都与《读写教程》和相应单元话题一致。每单元包括三大部分,分别是:与主题相关的文献阅读(theme-related reading)、阅读策略(reading strategies)和扩展阅读(extensive reading)。
《新核心大学英语泛读教程 拓展级》目录

Unit 1 Love and Marriage 1

Part Ⅰ Reading 2

Section Ⅰ Extensive Reading 2

How Long Should You Be Dating Before You Get Married? 2

Section Ⅱ Reading in Depth 5

Passage 1 5

Passage 2 6

Section Ⅲ Reading in Translation 8

Chinese to English 8

English to Chinese 11

Part Ⅱ Appreciation 16

Section Ⅰ Prose Appreciation 16

The Story ofan Hour 16

Section Ⅱ Movie Appreciation 22

Emma 22

Unit 2 Gender and Culture 27

Part Ⅰ Reading 28

Section Ⅰ Extensive Reading 28

How Will Same-Sex"Marriage"Change Our Culture? 28

Section Ⅱ Reading in Depth 31

Passage 1 31

Passage 2 33

Section Ⅲ Reading in Translation 34

Chinese to English 34

English to Chinese 40

Part Ⅱ Appreciation 45

Section Ⅰ Prose Appreciation 45

The Gentlemen of the Jungle 45

Section Ⅱ Movie Appreciation 51

The Color Purple 51

Unit 3 War and Peace 58

Part Ⅰ Reading 59

Section Ⅰ Extensive Reading 59

Was It Worth It?Afghanistan 11 Years Later 59

Section Ⅱ Reading in Depth 62

Passage 1 62

Passage 2 64

Section Ⅲ Reading in Translation 65

Chinese to English 65

English to Chinese 69

Part Ⅱ Appreciation 76

Section Ⅰ Prose Appreciation 76

Chapter 7 of The Red Badge of Courage 76

Section Ⅱ Movie Appreciation 82

The Red Badge of Courage 82

Unit 4 Dream and Reality 87

Part Ⅰ Reading 88

Section Ⅰ Extensive Reading 88

How to Make Dreams Real 88

Section Ⅱ Reading in Depth 91

Passage 1 91

Passage 2 92

Section Ⅲ Reading in Translation 94

Chinese to English 94

English to Chinese 101

Part Ⅱ Appreciation 110

Section Ⅰ Prose Appreciation 110

The House on Mango Street 110

Section Ⅱ Movie Appreciation 114

The Great Gatsby 114

Unit 5 Youth and Age 120

Part Ⅰ Reading 121

Section Ⅰ Extensive Reading 121

From HK To Mainland,Bridging a Gap 121

Section Ⅱ Reading in Depth 124

Passage 1 124

Passage 2 126

Section Ⅲ Reading in Translation 127

Chinese to English 127

English to Chinese 133

Part Ⅱ Appreciation 138

Section Ⅰ Prose Appreciation 138

A Clean,Well-Lighted Place 138

Section Ⅱ Movie Appreciation 148

TheAge of Innocence 148

Unit 6 Science and Mythology 152

Part Ⅰ Reading 153

Section Ⅰ Extensive Reading 153

The Bible and Greek Mythology 153

Section Ⅱ Reading in Depth 156

Passage 1 156

Passage 2 157

Section Ⅲ Reading in Translation 159

Chinese to English 159

English to Chinese 163

Part Ⅱ Appreciation 171

Section Ⅰ Poetry Appreciation 171

To Science 171

Section Ⅱ Movie Appreciation 174

Frankenstein 174

Unit 7 Man and Nature 179

Part Ⅰ Reading 180

Section Ⅰ Extensive Reading 180

No One Left Behind in Coal Country 180

Section Ⅱ Reading in Depth 183

Passage 1 183

Passage 2 184

Section Ⅲ Reading in Translation 186

Chinese to English 186

English to Chinese 191

Part Ⅱ Appreciation 199

Section Ⅰ Poetry Appreciation 199

Anecdote of the Jar 199

Section Ⅱ Movie Appreciation 203

Moby Dick 203

Unit 8 Language and Society 207

Part Ⅰ Reading 208

Section Ⅰ Extensive Reading 208

What's the Hardest Language in the World? 208

Section Ⅱ Reading in Depth 211

Passage 1 211

Passage 2 213

Section Ⅲ Reading in Translation 214

Chinese to English 214

English to Chinese 218

Part Ⅱ Appreciation 229

Section Ⅰ Poetry Appreciation 229

Tell All the Truth But Tell It Slant 229

Section Ⅱ Movie Appreciation 232

Pygmalion 232

Key to Exercises 236

Bibliography 253
