设计师的视觉笔记 2 肯尼亚·意大利·斯洛文尼亚PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:邹瑚莹,袁镔著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787517023302
- 页数:244 页
Part 1 肯尼亚 亲睹东非野生动物大迁徙 2
01 途经东非大裂谷前往马赛马拉Going to Masai Mara via the Great Rift Valley 2
02 美丽宁静的大草原暗藏杀机Potential Dangers Hidden in the Beautiful,Quiet Savannah 4
03 马赛马拉大草原空中鸟瞰Aerial View of the Masai Mara 8
04 声势浩大的迁徙大军秩序井然The Impressive and orderly Migratory Herds 12
05 角马混搭的形象设计The Mismatch Design of the Wildebeests 16
06 从斑马看斑马纹创意的源泉The Origin of the Ingenious Zebra-Stripe 18
07 羚羊有个诙谐的绰号The Funny Nickname of the Antelope 20
08 从大自然中获取灵感的艺术品Artworks Inspired by the Nature 21
09 浩浩荡荡的象群威武雄壮Elephant Herds in Formidable Armv 22
10 犀牛和小鸟的尺度差异Huge Size Contrast between Rhinoceros and Birds 25
11 打斗和游戏是动物世界的生活Play&Fight are the Daily Activities of the Animal Kingdom 26
12 染红堡高利亚湖巴林沟的火烈鸟Flamingos Colored Lake Bogoria in Red 28
13 纳库鲁湖的“居民”和肯尼亚旅游的启示“Inhabitants”of Lake Nakuru and Inspirations from Kenya Travel 35
14 住纳瓦沙湖酒店与动物亲密共处Close Contacts with Wildlife in Lake Naivasha Hotel 38
15 在方舟酒店与野兽隔窗互望Window View of the Wild Animals from the Ark Hotel 39
16 宿特色帐篷旅馆身心融入自然Staying in the Special Tent Hotel,Connecting with Nature 42
17 遇水淹湖滨旅馆与鳄鱼为邻Neighboring with Crocodiles in the Flooded-Lake Hotel 43
18 首都内罗毕的旅馆如同大型度假村Hotels in the Capital City Nairobi Look Like a Vacation Village 44
19 在原生态草原上现代化出行Modern Vehicles on the Primitive Savannah 46
20 草原露天餐厅让人心旷神怡Relaxed Outdoor Dining in the Savannah 47
21 漂亮的树引发种种联想Endless Imaginations Inspired by Beautiful Trees 48
22 观赏造物主精美设计的鸟Admire the Wondrous Birds 50
23 肯尼亚学生活泼可爱的校服The Lively School Uniforms of the Kenyan Children 52
24 同车同船的旅友Travelers on the Way 53
25 参观马赛人的村庄感受原始生态Visiting the Original Masai Village and Experiencing Lives of the Past 54
Part 2 意大利 品味古典建筑的魅力 59
26 集水景大成的蒂伏利千泉宫Villa d'Este in Tivoli 59
27 那不勒斯的卡塞塔王宫Royal Palace of Caserta in Naples 70
28 白色山城奥斯图尼White Hill Town Ostuni 79
29 罗马风建筑特拉尼大教堂Classical Roman Architecture Trani Cathedral 82
30 史前建筑技术活化石阿尔贝罗贝罗Prehistoric Building Technology of Alberobello's Trullo 85
31 马泰拉石窟民居的新生New Life of the Cave Dwellers in Sassi di Matera 92
32 蒙特城堡神秘的八角形Mystery Octagon ofthe Castle of Monte 100
33 让人困惑的巴里斯维沃城堡Perplexing Barri Svevo Castle 104
34 文艺复兴城市乌尔比诺山城Renaissance Town Urbino 108
35 镶嵌画之都拉文纳Mosaics CapitaI Ravenna 114
36 拉文纳皇室墓地Royal Cemetery in Ravenna 117
37 拉文纳圣·维托教堂San Vito Cathedral in Ravenna 118
38 拉文纳八角洗礼堂Octagonal Baptistery in Ravenna 125
39 拉文纳圣·阿波利纳尔·努奥瓦教堂San Apollinaire Nuovo Cathedral in Ravenna 128
40 拉文纳圣·阿波利纳尔教堂San Apollinare Cathedral in Ravenna 132
41 一间老建筑变身的旅馆Ripagrande—A Hotel Renovated from an Old Building 138
42 帕拉迪奥的家乡维琴察Andrea Palladio's Hometown Vicenza 142
43 向往已久的圆厅别墅Long-awaited Vilia Rotonda 144
44 贝里克山顶的千步廊及大教堂The Long Corridor&Cathedral on Top of Berwick Hill 148
45 帕拉迪奥母题的典范巴西利卡Basilica—Palladio's Representative Work 150
46 西方室内剧场的先驱奥林匹克剧院Teatro Olimpico—Western Pioneer of Indoor Theatres 154
47 阿奎莱亚教堂地面镶嵌画遗迹Relics of Inlay Mosaics in the Aquileia Cathedral 156
48 的里雅斯特市民的愉快周末Trieste Residents'Delightful Weekend 160
49 不一样的生日蛋糕An Unique Birthday Cake 162
50 柱头前世今生引发的思考Past and Present Contemplations Inspired by the Marble Pillars 164
51 费拉拉标志性建筑埃斯特城堡Castello Estense—Landmark Architecture by Ferrara 166
52 罗马风建筑费拉拉大教堂Classical Roman Architecture—The Ferrara Cathedral 172
Part 3 斯洛文尼亚 欣赏湖光山色与小镇风光 177
53 一国之都卢布尔雅那Capital Ljubljana 177
54 卢布尔雅那古城堡An Ancient Castle in Ljubljana 181
55 布莱德冰川湖风景美如画Beautiful Scenery of the Brad Glacial Lake 184
56 走进布莱德城堡风景赏心悦目The Pleasant Brad Castle 190
57 乘船登上湖心岛Boat Ride to the Lake Island 196
58 布莱德山村风光好Wonderful Views of the Brad Village 202
59 伯克湖上乘船游湖光山色眼底收Boatride of Lake Brad,the Natural Beauty of the Lake and the surrounding Mountains 204
60 大而美的波斯托伊纳溶司Splendid Grotto in Postojnska Jama 212
61 马里博尔城市印象Maribor City lmpressions 216
62 马里博尔的夜市Maribor Night Market 220
63 小镇普图伊有条漂亮的大河Beautiful River in A Small Town Ptui 222
64 普图伊的大街小巷Streets&Alleys in Ptui 227
65 中外老同学留影普图伊Alumni Reunion in Ptui 229
66 座后现代主义风格的教堂A Postmodern Church 231
67 独立自强的银发旅游人lndependent Silver-haired Travelers 238
68 手机改变我们的生活Cell Phones Fundamentally Changed Our Lives 243
后记 Afterwords 244
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