梦圆太空 中国的航天之路 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐菁著;郑慧贞译
- 出 版 社:北京:五洲传播出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787508527024
- 页数:200 页
Foreword 1
Milestones in the Development of China's Space Industry 2
1.Initiation of China's Aerospace 5
2.Exploration of China's Manned Spaceflight 20
3.A New Journey for Lunar Exploration 31
Long March Rocket Family 38
1.LM-1 Carrier Rocket Series:China's First Carrier Rocket Models 41
2.LM-2 Carrier Rocket Series:Sending Shenzhou Spacecraft into Space 42
3.LM-3 Carrier Rocket Series:Ladder to the Moon 47
4.LM-4 Carrier Rocket Series:Sending Satellites into Sun Synchronous Orbit 55
Chinese Satellites in Space 58
1.Widely-used Earth Observation Satellites 60
2.Communications Satellites as Bridges for Space Information 76
3.Beidou Navigation Satellites 81
4.Experimental Satellites for Scientific and Technological Development 86
5.Chinese Satellites in Global Market 90
The Shenzhou Spacecraft:Chinese Nation's Millennium Dream of Space flight Comes True 92
1.China's Self-developed Flying Vehicle:The Shenzhou Spacecraft 95
2.Shenzhou 5 Mission:First Manned Spaceflight 97
3.Shenzhou 6 Mission:First Multi-manned and Multi-day Spaceflight 100
4.Shenzhou 7 Mission:First Spacewalk 102
5.Shenzhou 8 Mission:First Rendezvous and Docking in Space 106
6.Shenzhou 9 Mission:Travel of First Female Astronaut to Space 110
7.Shenzhou 10 Mission:First Applied Spaceflight 115
Travel of Chinese Astronauts to Space 122
1."Cradle"of Chinese Astronauts 124
2.Selection and Training of Chinese Astronauts 126
3.Unusual Space Life of Chinese Astronauts 132
4."Feitian"Space Suit:Special Space Suit for Chinese Astronauts 140
5.Chinese Space Food 142
The Wonderful Beginnings and Progress of the Chang'e Program 144
1.First Lunar Exploration by Chang'e 1 147
2.Second Step in Lunar Exploration by Chang'e 2 159
3.First Landing on the Moon by Chang'e 3 166
Desert,Mountain and Ocean:Spaceports for China's Satellite Launch 172
1.First Spaceport for Manned Spaceflight:Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center 174
2.Aerospace Town on the Plateau in Northwestern Shanxi:Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center 182
3."Moon City"Helping Chang'e with the Journey to the Moon:Xichang Satellite Launch Center 184
4.Future Manned Lunar Landing Spaceport:Wenchang Satellite Launch Center 190
The Broad Prospects of China's Aerospace Sector 192
1.New Carrier Rockets 194
2.Various Artificial Earth Satellites 196
3.Future Manned Space Station 198
4.Deep Space Exploration in Progress 199
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