涡量空气动力学原理 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴镇远著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787313116239
- 页数:143 页
1.Introduction 1
1.1 Preliminaries 1
1.2 Differential Equations,Initial and Boundary Conditions 3
1.3 Major Assumptions 5
1.4 Vorticity-Dynamic Formulation 11
References 16
2.Theorems of Helmholtz and Kelvin 19
2-1 Introduction 19
2-2 Kinematic-Kinetic Partition of Flow Problem 20
2.3 Kinematic Preliminaries 22
2.4 Helmholtz'First Vortex Theorem 26
2.5 Vorticity Loops 29
2.6 Kelvin's Theorem 30
2.7 Helmholtz'Second Vortex Theorem 31
2.8 Concluding Remarks 33
References 34
3.Vorticity Kinematics 37
3.1 Differential Equations of Vorticity Kinematics 37
3.2 Vector Identities 40
3.3 Poisson's Equation and Integral Representations 41
3.4 Poisson's Equation and Boundary Conditions 44
3.5 Law of Biot-Savart 48
3.6 Generalized Law of Biot-Savart 50
3.7 Uniqueness of Solution 52
3.8 Boundary Conditions in Vorticity Kinematics 53
References 56
4.Vorticity Kinetics 59
4.1 Navier-Stokes Momentum Equation 59
4.2 Convection and Material Derivative 60
4.3 Viscous Force and Diffusion of Momentum 64
4.4 Vorticity and Flow Regions 66
4.5 Appearance and Transport of Vorticity 68
4.6 Speeds of Vorticity Transport 70
4.7 Boundary Conditions in Vorticity Kinetics 71
4.8 Approaching Steady Flow 73
References 75
5.Vorticity-Moment Theorem 77
5.1 Preliminary Remarks 77
5.2 Total Vorticity Conservation 78
5.3 Asymptotic Behavior of Velocity Field 81
5.4 Total Velocity 84
5.5 Aerodynamic Force 85
5.6 Moment of Aerodynamic Force 86
5.7 Two-Dimensional Flows 87
5.8 Observations 91
References 94
6.Classical Aerodynamics 95
6.1 Vorticity-Moment Theorem 95
6.2 Kutta-Joukowski's Theorem and Vortical Flow Zones 96
6.3 Non-Streamlined Flow and Karman Vortex Street 100
6.4 Vorticity Loop and Vorticity Moment 103
6.5 Lifting-Line Theory:Uniform Circulation Lift 105
6.6 Lift on Finite Wing with Variable Circulation 110
6.7 Induced Drag 112
6.8 Wake-Integral Expressions for Lift and Drag 114
References 117
7.Unsteady Aerodynamics 119
7.1 Aircraft and Streamlined Flows 119
7.2 Animal Flight and Flapping Wings 123
7.3 Classical vs.Vorticity-Dynamic Approach 125
7.4 Apparent Mass of Sphere and Circular Disk 130
7.5 Apparent Mass Coefficients 134
References 139
Index 141
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