语用学的哲学观点 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:斯比萨等编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787544637763
- 页数:318 页
Introduction&Marina Sbisà 1
1.Pragmatics and philosoPhy 1
2.Conceptions of meaning 2
3.Speech as action 4
4.Mind and self 6
5.Doing pragmatics,doing philosophy 8
Analytical philosophy-Ordinary language philosophy&Marina Sbisà 11
1.Philosophy as analysis 11
1.1 The‘linguistic turn' 12
1.2 The influence of Frege 12
1.3 Analysis in G.E.Moore and B.Russell 13
2.Analysis and the ideal of scientific language 14
2.1 Wittgenstein's Tractatus 14
2.2 Rudolf Carnap and the encyclopedia of unified science 14
3.Analysis and ordinary language 15
3.1 The evolution of Wittgenstein's thought 16
3.2 Wittgenstein's influence and ordinary language philosophy 16
3.3 Some Oxford philosophers 16
3.3.1 J.L.Austin 16
3.3.2 P.E Strawson 17
3.3.3 H.P.Grice 17
4.Further developments of analytical philosophy 18
4.1 W.V.O.Quine:From analysis to naturalization 18
4.2 From intensional semantics to discourse representation theory 19
4.3 Meaning and understanding 19
4.4 Philosophy of mind 20
5.Analytical philosophy and pragmatics 21
John L.Austin&Marina Sbisà 26
1.J.L.Austin and his approach to philosophy 26
1.1 Austin's philosophical method 26
1.2 "Linguistic phenomenology" 28
1.3 General tendencies 28
2.Epistemology 29
2.1 Knowledge and belief 29
2.2 Perception 30
3.Philosophy of language 31
3.1 Meaning 31
3.2 Performative utterances 31
3.3 Assertion and truth 32
3.4 The speech act 32
4.Philosophy of action 33
4.1 Action 34
4.2 Freedom and responsibility 34
5.Austin and pragmatics 35
Mikhail Bakhtin&Martina Bj?rklund 38
1.Biographical sketch 38
2.The'Bakhtin industry' 40
3.Bakhtin's view of language 41
3.1 Dialogue 42
3.2 Heteroglossia 43
3.3 Polyphony 43
3.4 Metalinguistics 44
3.5 Speech genres 47
3.6 Chronotope 49
3.7 Carnival 49
4.Conclusion 50
Contextualism&Claudia Bianchi 53
1.Two perspectives 53
2.Semantic minimalism 54
3.Indexicalism 55
4.Radical contextualism 57
4.1 Overview 57
4.2 Wittgenstein,Austin,Searle,and Travis 58
4.3 Motivations for radical contextualism 60
4.4 Objections to radical contextualism 62
5.Nonindexical contextualism 64
6.Conclusion 67
Deconstruction&Tony Schirato 71
1.Introduction 71
2.Historical background 71
3.Basic tenets 73
4.Deconstruction in literature and linguistics 76
5.Against deconstruction 77
Epistemology&Filip Buekens 79
Epistemology of testimony&Paul Faulkner 82
Michel Foucault&Luisa Martin Rojo ? Angel Gabilondo Pujol 85
1.Introduction 85
2.Foucault and the discursive turn 86
2.1 Discourse as a practice 89
2.2 Discourse,knowledge and power 92
3.The order of discourse 95
4.Rethinking the analytical practice 97
5.Conclusions 100
H.P.Grice&Frank Brisard 104
1.Life 105
2.Language 108
2.1 Meaning 108
2.2 The conversationalist hypothesis 112
2.3 Rationality 114
3.Value and the new metaphysics 117
3.1 Creature construction 117
3.2 Absolute value(Kantotle) 119
4.Concluding remarks 120
5.Further reading 122
Hermeneutics&Piet Van de Craen 125
1.Introduction 125
2.The origins of hermeneutic thinking 125
3.Some aspects of the evolution of hermeneutic thinking 126
4.The nature of the hermeneutic enterprise and the hermeneutical circle 127
5.Linguistics and hermeneutics 127
5.1 Structuralism 128
5.2 Linguistic anthropology 128
5.3 Cognitive linguistics 128
5.4 Conversation analysis 129
Indexicals and demonstratives&Eros Corazza 131
1.Introduction 131
2.Indexical expressions 132
3.Demonstratives,pure indexicals,and essential indexicals 134
4.Indexicals as singular terms 136
5.Indexicals and anaphors 137
6.Indexicals and contexts 148
7.Conclusion 150
Intensional logic&Paul Gochet 153
1.The distinction between intension and extension 153
2.The principle of extensionality and its failures 153
3.The Frege-Carnap treatment of intensional contexts 154
4.The problem of hybrid contexts 155
5.Intensional constructions in natural language: The montagovian paradigm 156
6.Inadequacies of the standard semantics of intensional logic 158
7.Hyperintensionality 159
8.Propositional attitudes and pragmatics 160
9.Intension,compositionality and context-dependence 161
Modal logic&Paul Gochet 163
1.The development of modal logic 163
2.Irving Lewis'contribution 164
3.What is modal logic all about? 165
4.Quantified modal logic 166
5.Tense logic 167
6.From tense logic to pragmatics 168
Model-theoretic semantics&Paul Gochet 171
1.The meeting of two different approaches to semantics 171
2.The basic notions of Tarski's semantics 172
3.The scope and limits of Tarski's semantics 174
4.Generalized quantifiers 175
5.The layers of contexts 176
6.A model-theory for contexts 177
Charles Morris&Susan Petrillf 180
1.Morris's behavioristics and pragmatics 180
2.Morris's pragmatics and Peirce's pragmaticism:Towards a'behavioral semiotic' 185
3.Pragmatic philosophy in the United States 192
4.Pragmatics,signs and values 195
Notation in formal semantics&Walter De Mulder 202
1.Objectives 202
2.Principles 202
3.The basis:Predicate logic and model theory 203
4.Semantic types 205
5.Lambda abstraction and lambda conversion 207
6.Quantifiers 208
7.Intensionality 209
8.Contexts 212
9.List of some frequently used symbols 214
Phenomenology&Peter Reynaert ?Jef Verschueren 217
1.The study of'phenomena' 217
2.History and basic tenets of the phenomenological movement 217
3.Phenomenology,linguistics,and the social sciences 219
4.Implications for pragmatics 221
Philosophy of action&Filip Buekens 222
Philosophy of language&Asa Kasher 228
1.Introduction 228
2.Natural language 230
3.Certain aspects of natural language 231
4.Programmatic theories 231
Philosophy of mind&Stefaan E.Cuypers 235
1.Philosophy of mind naturalized 235
2.The mind-body problem 235
3.The problem of intentionality or the status of folk psychology 237
4.Psychosemantics 239
5.Cognitive pragmatics 240
Possible worlds semantics&Paul Gochet 244
1.Some logical problems 244
2.The emergence of possible worlds semantics 245
3.Key concepts of possible worlds semantics 247
4.From possible worlds semantics to pragmatics 248
Reference and descriptions&Andrea Bianchi 253
1.Do proper names describe? 253
1.1 Gottlob Frege 253
1.2 Bertrand Russell 256
1.3 John Searle 258
1.4 Taking stock 260
1.5 Saul Kripke 261
2.Do definite descriptions refer? 265
2.1 Russell again 265
2.2 Peter Strawson 269
2.3 Keith Donnellan 271
3.One further issue:Semantics versus pragmatics 274
Truth-conditional semantics&Robyn Carston 280
1.The basics 280
2.Short history and key names 282
3.Brief comparison with other approaches to linguistic meaning 283
4.Truth-conditional semantics and pragmatics 284
4.1 Indexicality 285
4.2 Non-truth-conditional aspects of semantics 286
Universal and transcendental pragmatics&Joachim Leilich 289
1.Origins 289
2.Habermas' universal pragmatics 290
3.Apel's transcendental pragmatics 292
Ludwig Wittgenstein&Joachim Leilich 297
1.Biographical sketch 297
2.General characteristics of Wittgenstein's conception of philosophy 298
3.The Tractatus and the picture-theory of meaning 299
4.Logical constants and the doctrine of saying and showing 301
5.Wittgenstein's later philosophy 302
6.Influence 306
Index 309
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