中国古董拍卖精华 铜器 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:欣弘编
- 出 版 社:长沙:湖南美术出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787535651853
- 页数:160 页
Guide to the Use of This Series 7
Preface 8
Ⅰ.Vessels 23
Bronze Tripod with Beast Face Patterns 23
Bronze Tripod with Cicada Patterns 24
Bronze Lobed Tripod with Beast Face Patterns 25
Bronze Quadrate Pot with Bird-shaped Flat Feet 26
Bronze Tripod with BeastFace atterns 27
Bronze Rectangular Pot with Beast Face Patterns 28
Bronze Tripod with Curling-up Dragon Patterns 29
Bronze Tripod with Curling-up Snake Patterns 30
Bronze Li with BeastFace Patterns 31
Bronze Yan with Beast-Face Patterns 32
Bronze Yan with Patternss of Intertwining Dragons 33
Bronze Gui with Beast Face Patterns 34
Bronze Gui with Beast Face Patterns 35
Gold Dotted Bronze Gui with Beast Face Patterns 36
Bronze Xu with Double-ring Patterns 37
Bronze Fu with Dragon Patterns 38
Bronze Dou with Worm Patterns 39
Bronze Kettle with Beast Patterns 40
Bronze Kettle with Wave Patterns 41
Bronze Kettle with Beast Face Patterns 42
Bronze Square Kettle with Beast Ears(one pair) 43
Bronze Gourd Bottle with Bird Lid 44
Flat Bronze Kettle with Inlaid Snake Patterns 45
Flat Bronze Kettle with Beast Face Patterns and Inlaid Gold and Silver 46
Square Bronze Kettle with Geometric Patterns 47
Bronze Kettle with Hunting Patterns 48
Square Bronze Kettle with Beast Face Patterns 49
Fujizuxin Bronze Zun 50
Bronze Zun with Beast Face Patterns 51
Bronze Phoenix Zun 52
Bronze Zun with Beast Face Patterns 53
Square Bronze Zun with Gilding Dragon Patterns 54
Bronze Goblet in the Shape of a Sacrificial Animal with Embedded Filamentary Silver 55
Bronze“Wei Fu”You with Inscription 56
Bronze You with Beast Face Patterns 57
Bronze You with Beast Face Patterns 58
Bronze You with Bird Patterns 59
Bronze You with Beast Face Patterns 60
Bronze He with Dragon Patterns 61
Bronze Bu with Beast Face Patterns 62
Bronze Bu with Beast Face Patterns 63
Bronze Lei with Flame Patterns 64
Square Bronze Yi with Beast Face Patterns 65
Bronze Gong with Beast Face Patterns 66
Bronze Vase with Dragon-in-sea-water Patterns 67
Gold-and-silver-inlaid Bronze Vase with Double Ears 68
Square Bronze Vase with the Patternss of Dragon and Phoenix(one pair) 69
Bronze Jia with Beast Face Patterns and Pouched Legs 70
Bronze Owl-shaped Jia 71
Bronze Jia with Beast Face Patterns 72
Bronze Zhi with Owl-shaped Patterns 73
Bronze Zhi with Beast Face Patterns 74
Bronze Tripod with Beast Face Patterns(two pieces) 75
Bronze Tripod with Beast Face Patterns(two pieces) 76
Bronze Jiao with Beast Face Patterns 77
Bronze Gu with Beast Face Patterns 78
Bronze Gu with Beast Face Patterns 79
Bronze Gu with Beast-Face-like Patterns 80
Gilt Bronze Gu with Beast Face Patterns and the Inscription of“Made by Hu Wenming” 81
Bronze Cup with Lotus-petal Patterns 82
Bronze Jian with Intertwining Dragon Patterns 83
Bronze Bathing Fou with Cloud Patterns 84
Bronze Basin with Dragon and Phoenix Patternss 85
Bronze Basin with Waterfowl Patterns 86
Ⅱ.Musical Instruments 87
Bronze Gourd-shaped Sheng with the Sculpture of a Standing Ox 87
Bronze Musical Bells with Dragon Patterns(four pieces) 88
Gold-and-silver-inlaid Bronze Bell with Geometrical Patterns 90
Bronze Zheng with Beast Face Patterns 91
Gilt Zhonglü Chime with Cloud and Dragon Patternss 92
Ⅲ.Weapons 93
Bronze Dagger-axe with Beast Face Patterns 93
Bronze Sword with Diamond-shaped Patterns 93
Gilt Bronze Knife with Dragon Patterns 94
Ⅳ.Bronze Mirrors 95
Bronze Mirror with Four W-shaped Patterns 95
Bronze Mirror with Three Dragon Patterns 96
Bronze Mirror with Rhomb Patterns 97
Bronze Mirror with Linked Arc and Dragon Patterns 98
Bronze Mirror with Nipple Patterns 99
Bronze Mirror with Grass-and-leaf Patterns 100
Zhao Ming Bronze Mirror 101
Bronze Mirror with Boju(Game Board)Patterns 102
Bronze Mirror with Decoration of Painted Chariot and Horses 103
Bronze Mirror with Dragon and Tiger Patternss 104
Bronze Mirror with Design of Mythical Beasts Standing in Rows 105
Bronze Mirror with Design of Mythical Beasts,Produced in the 4th year of Pakang Era 106
Bronze Mirror with Round Flower Patterns 107
Bronze Mirror with Inscriptions of“Chuan Wen Ren Shou” 108
Bronze Mirror with Auspicious Beast and Grape Patternss 109
Bronze Mirror with Celestial-being-flying Patterns 110
Bronze Mirror with Dragon Patterns 111
Bronze Mirror Decorated by Mother-of-Pearl 112
Bronze Mirror with Moon Palace Patterns 113
Bronze Mirror with Dragonfly Patterns 114
Bronze Mirror Produced by Family Shi of Huzhou 115
Bronze Mirror with Makara Patterns 116
Bronze Mirror with Double-fish Patterns 117
Bronze Mirror with Dragon Patterns Made in the 4th Year of Zhiyuan Era 118
Bronze Mirror Made in the 22nd Year of Hongwu Era 119
Ⅴ.Religious statues and appliances 120
Bronze Statue of Sitting Xuanwu God 120
Gilt Bronze Statue of Sitting Sun Simiao(King ofMedicine) 121
Bronze Statue of Zhang Xian 122
Bronze Statue of Liu Hai 123
Bronze Buddha Statue Made For the Meng Family 124
Gilt Bronze Statue of Sakyamuni Buddha and Two of His Disciples 125
Bronze Statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva(Avalokitesvara) 126
Gilt Bronze Statue of Sitting Guanyin Bodhisattva(Avalokitesvara) 127
Gilt Bronze Statue of Amitabha Buddha 128
Gilt Bronze Statue of Green Tara 129
Gilt Bronze Statue of Supreme Pleasure Vajra(Chakrasamvara) 130
Gilt Bronze Statue of Padmasambhava 131
Gilt Bronze Statue of Manjushri from Xuande Era 132
Gilt Rose Copper Statue of Medicine Buddha 133
Gilt Bronze Statue of Birupa,the Mahasiddha 134
Gilt Bronze Statue of Guanyin with Eleven Faces and One Thousand Hands 135
Gilt Bronze Statue of Tsongkhapa 136
Gilt Bronze Statue of the Beast that Protects Buddhism(one pair) 137
Gilt Bronze Vajvakilaka 138
Gilt Bronze Statue of Lotus-shaped Mandala 139
Ⅶ.Others 140
Gilt Bronze Jar with Sea and Beast Patternss 140
Ox--head--shaped Brush Pot 141
Hill-shaped Pen Rack 142
Bronze Beast-shaped Paper weight 142
Box-shaped Four-footed Lamp 143
Cylindric Shell-storing Vessel with Five Oxen 144
Bronze Iron with Eight-treasure Patterns 145
Bronze Tiger Head 146
Bronze Ox Head 147
Bronze Monkey Head 148
Incense Burner with Dragon Patterns 149
Bronze Civilian-Riding Censer 150
Gilt Beast-shaped Incense Burner(two pieces) 151
Tri-footed Bronze Stove 152
Bronze Rectangular Stove 153
Bronze Censer with Cloud and Dragon Patternss 154
Bronze Horse 155
Bronze Persian-presenting-treasures Statue 156
Bronze Standing Boy Statue 157
Bronze Chinese Unicorn 158
Bronze Lion 159
Bronze Buffalo-herding Statue 160
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