认知语言学基础及其应用 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:廖光蓉著;白解红审定
- 出 版 社:长沙:湖南师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787564818777
- 页数:299 页
Part Ⅰ Views,commitments,foundations and assumptions 1
1 Views and commitments 2
1.1 Three views 2
1.1.1 Experiential view 2
1.1.2 Prominent view 3
1.1.3 Attentional view 4
1.2 Two commitments 4
2 Foundations and assumptions 6
2.1 Foundations 6
2.1.1 Sensation and perception 6
2.1.2 Types of experience 6
2.1.3 Cognition and cognitive economy 7
2.2 Assumptions of language 8
Part Ⅱ Concept and category 11
3 Conceptualization,concept and concept structure 12
3.1 Conceptualization and concept 12
3.1.1 Conceptualization 12
3.1.2 Concept 14
3.2 Conceptual structure 15
3.2.1 Definition 16
3.2.2 What does conceptual structure look like? 16
3.2.3 Conceptual structure and semantic structure 17
4 Categorization and prototype category 20
4.1 Categorization 20
4.1.1 Definitions 20
4.1.2 Principles,rules and operation of categorization 21
4.1.3 Functions 24
4.1.4 Two dimensions 25
4.2 Prototype category 25
4.2.1 Family resemblance 25
4.2.2 Definitions of prototype category 26
4.2.3 Fuzziness of prototype category 27
4.2.4 Types of categories 27
4.2.5 Attribute structure of prototype category 28
4.2.6 Prototype 28
4.2.7 Basic-level category 33
4.2.8 Problems with prototype category theory 35
4.3 Concept and category 36
Part Ⅲ Theories of conceptual knowledge structures 38
5 Image schem 40
5.1 Image and schema 40
5.2 Image schema 40
5.2.1 Definitions of image schema 41
5.2.2 Classification of image schema 42
5.2.3 Properties of image schema 42
5.2.4 An inventory of image schemas 43
5.2.5 Illustration of some image schemas 44
5.3 Limitations 48
6 Cognitive model and cultural model 50
6.1 Culture 50
6.1.1 Definitions from the cognitive perspective 50
6.1.2 Classifications 51
6.1.3 Attributes and characteristics 52
6.2 Cognitive model and idealized cognitive model 53
6.2.1 Definitions and characteristics of cognitive model 53
6.2.2 Definitions and principles of idealized cognitive model 55
6.3 Cultural model 55
6.3.1 Definition 56
6.3.2 Two types 56
6.4 Connection and distinction of cultural model and cognitive model 56
6.5 Major influences of culture on cognition 57
7 Frame and domain 59
7.1 Frame 59
7.1.1 Definitions 59
7.1.2 Two basic components 62
7.1.3 Event frame 62
7.1.4 Speech event frame 63
7.2 Conceptual domain 64
7.2.1 Definition 64
7.2.2 Classification 65
7.2.3 Connection and distinction between image schema and basic domain 66
7.2.4 Two more characteristics of domain 68
7.2.5 Profile and base organisation 69
7.2.6 Active zones 71
7.3 Connection and distinction of Fillmore's theory of frame semantics and Langacker's theory of domain 72
8 Encyclopedic knowledge network and formal unit concept frame 75
8.1 Encyclopedic knowledge network 75
8.1.1 Basis of encyclopedic semantics 75
8.1.2 Definition of encyclopedic knowledge network 75
8.1.3 Types of encyclopedic knowledge 76
8.1.4 Four continua 78
8.1.5 Conventionality versus non-conventionality 78
8.1.6 Influences of the types of encyclopedic knowledge upon centrality 79
8.1.7 Distinction between encyclopedic meaning and contextual meaning 79
8.2 Formal unit concept frame 80
8.2.1 Conceptual segmentation 81
8.2.2 Lexical concept and formal unit concept 81
8.2.3 Definition of formal unit concept frame 81
8.2.4 Application fields 81
8.3 The connection and distinction between the two guys 82
8.3.1 Connection 82
8.3.2 Distinction 83
9 Mental space 85
9.1 Definitions 85
9.2 Complex relationship between language and cognition 86
9.3 Meaning construction 89
9.3.1 General introduction 89
9.3.2 The architecture of the process of meaning construction 90
9.3.3 Dynamic nature of meaning construction 95
Part Ⅳ Theories of cognitive operations 96
10 Conceptual metaphor 98
10.1 Resemblance metaphor 98
10.1.1 Schematic form 98
10.1.2 Basis 98
10.1.3 Definition 99
10.1.4 Image metaphor 99
10.2 Conceptual metaphor 99
10.2.1 Focus and significance 100
10.2.2 Definitions 101
10.2.3 Most common target and source domains and their characteristics 102
10.2.4 Metaphorical entailments 104
10.2.5 Conceptual metaphor system 105
10.2.6 Conceptual metaphor and image schema 106
10.2.7 Characteristics 109
10.2.8 Major problems 111
11 Conceptual metonymy 113
11.1 Definitions 113
11.1.1 By Lakoff&Johnson(1980) 113
11.1.2 By Langacker(1993) 113
11.1.3 By K?vecses&Radden(1998) 113
11.1.4 By Croft(1993) 114
11.1.5 By Croft&Cruse(2004:48) 114
11.1.6 By Evans&Green(2006:314) 114
11.1.7 By Panther(2006) 114
11.1.8 Conclusion 115
11.2 Classification 115
11.2.1 Part-whole/whole-part relationship 116
11.2.2 Part-part relationships 118
11.2.3 Simple and compound metonymy 122
11.3 Properties and characteristics 123
11.3.1 Properties 123
11.3.2 Characteristics 124
11.4 Cognitive principles for selection of a source/vehicle 124
11.5 Differences between conceptual metaphor and metonymy 125
11.5.1 Metonymy represented by the formula B for A 125
11.5.2 Metonymy functioning as a reference differently from metaphor 126
11.5.3 Metonymy motivated by physical or causal associations 126
11.5.4 Metonymy:not a cross-domain mapping 127
12 Conceptual blending 128
12.1 Objective of conceptual blending theory 128
12.2 Network of conceptual blending 130
12.2.1 Illustration of the basic network of conceptual blending 130
12.2.2 Difference between mental space and conceptual domain 132
12.2.3 Composition of integration network 133
12.2.4 Kinds of integration network 134
12.2.5 Application to a non-linguistic example of meaning construction 138
12.3 Constitutive processes and consequences 139
12.4 Goals of conceptual blending achieved by compressing 140
12.4.1 Vital relations 141
12.4.2 Types of vital relations and their compressions 142
12.4.3 Disintegration and decompression 147
12.5 Multiple blending 147
12.6 Constraints on the theory 149
12.6.1 Governing principles 149
12.6.2 Brief discussion of two principles 151
12.7 Identification and complementation of conceptual blending theory and conceptual metaphor theory 151
12.7.1 Identification 151
12.7.2 Complementation 152
Part Ⅴ Cognitive approaches to form and meaning 154
13 Talmy's approach to grammar 158
13.1 Grammatical meaning is schematic 159
13.2 Primary basic domains and conceptual alternativity 161
13.2.1 SPACE and TIME domains 161
13.2.2 Conceptual alternativity 162
13.3 Conceptual structuring system 163
13.3.1 Configurational structure system 164
13.3.2 Attentional system 169
13.3.3 Perspectival system 171
13.3.4 Force-dynamics system 173
14 Langacker's approach to grammar 175
14.1 Conceptual basis of word classes 175
14.1.1 Nominal predication 176
14.1.2 Relational predication 177
14.2 Attention 178
14.2.1 Selection:profiling 179
14.2.2 Perspective:trajector-landmark organisation and deixis 183
14.2.3 Abstraction:profiling 186
14.3 Force-dynamics 187
14.4 Categorization and polysemy in grammar:the network conception 188
15 Construction grammar 191
15.1 Construction 191
15.1.1 Definitions 191
15.1.2 Properties 192
15.1.3 Similarities and differences between the definitions of Langacker and Goldberg 192
15.2 Constructional approaches to grammar developed within cognitive linguistics 193
15.2.1 Construction grammar by Goldberg 193
15.2.2 Croft's approach 210
15.2.3 Embodied construction grammar by Bergen&Chang 211
15.3 Comparison among constructional approaches to grammar 212
16 Grammaticalisation 215
16.1 General introduction 215
16.1.1 Definition 215
16.1.2 Nature 215
16.1.3 Renewal process 216
16.1.4 Patterns 219
16.2 Three cognitive theories of grammaticalisation 219
16.2.1 Metaphorical extension approach 219
16.2.2 Invited inferencing theory 224
16.2.3 Langacker's subjectification approach 228
16.3 Comparison among the approaches:taking be going to as an example 230
Appendix 1 Referential key points of the answers to the pre-lecture questions 233
Appendix 2 Referential key points of the answers to the in-lecture questions 250
Appendix 3 Instances of students'after-lecture research practices 277
References 293
后记 299
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