- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国科学院声学研究所编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787030561343
- 页数:679 页
第一部分 空化及其作用机理 3
单一空化气泡的电磁辐射和光辐射&汪承灏,张德俊 3
超声空化压力效应的测量&谢瑞珄,汪承灏 13
单一空化气泡运动的高速摄影的实验研究&张德俊,汪承灏 18
空化乳化机制的高速摄影实验研究&汪承灏,张德俊,宗健 25
第二部分 功率超声 35
盘形聚能器设计理论&汪承灏 35
广义变幅器理论——有负载情况下变幅器特性研究&汪承灏 44
Development of an acoustic levitation reactor&Cao Zhuyou,Liu Shuqin,Li Zhimin,Gong Mingli,Ma Yulong,Wang Chenghao 60
相控的HIFU系统研究&张迪,汪承灏,马军,吴先梅 67
第三部分 压电换能器 73
在电负载下压电板的厚度振动&汪承灏,赵哲英 73
The effect of electric load on the characteristics for piezoelectric vibrational system&Wang Chenhao,Zhao Zheying,Ma Yulong 78
Principle ofpiezoelectric-tunable transducer&Wang Chenhao,Zhao Zheying 89
Principle of piezoelectric damping of vibration:an experimental investigation&Wang Chenghao 98
ZnO planar focusing transducer on using Fresnel Array&Donghai Qiao,Shunzhou Li,Chenghao Wang,Zheying Zhao 105
Theoretical and experimental investigation of ultrasonic focusing with annular phased array&Zhang Bixing,Wang Chenghao,Lai Puxiang 110
第四部分 固体中的弹性波 117
The radiation impedance and the energy partition among wave fields generated by a normal force strip radiator on isotropic solid surface&Qiao Donghai,Wang Chenghao 117
An analytical method for calculating P-SV acoustical field excited by a piezoelectric strip with finite width and thickness&Zhang Bixing,Wang Chenghao,Anders Bostr?m 127
Focusing and scanning of bulk acoustic wave in solid&Wu Jinyuan,Wang Chenghao,He Qiguang 131
菲涅耳阵在固体中所产生的声束聚焦和扫描特性&吴进远,汪承灏,何启光 135
Study on focusing properties of acoustic beams in solid&Donghai Qiao,Chenghao Wang 145
Experimental analysis of multimode guided waves in stratified media&Laiyu Lu,Chenghao Wang,Bixing Zhang 149
Time-frequency analysis of the dispersive Rayleigh wave in stratified media&Lu Laiyu,Wang Chenghao,Zhang Bixing 152
Inversion of multimode Rayleigh waves in the presence of a low-velocity layer:numerical and laboratory study&Laiyu Lu,Chenghao Wang,Bixing Zhang 165
第五部分 晶体声学 179
Analysis of surface excitation of elastic wave field in a half space of piezoelectric crystal-general formulae of surface excitation of elastic wave field&Wang Chenghao,Chen Dongpei 179
Generalized Green's functions of surface excitation of elastic wave fields in a piezoelectric half-space&Wang Chenghao,Chen Dongpei 191
压电晶体表面激发的赝表面声波Green函数&汪承灏,黄歆 208
压电晶体表面任意源分布所产生的弹性波场&汪承灏,范思齐 213
压电晶体表面激发的二维声表面波Green函数&范思齐,汪承灏 223
Transient waves in a piezoelectric half-space generated by line-loaded surface sources&Yuan Liu,Chenghao Wang,Chongfu Ying 229
Head waves in a piezoelectric half-space&Yuan Liu,Chenghao Wang,C.F.Ying 234
High velocity acoustical head wave on surface of ST quartz&Wang Chenghao,Liu Yuan,He Shitang,Huang Xin 241
压电晶体表面高速声学模式&汪承灏,黄歆,许钊庚,应崇福 243
Electromagnetic acoustic head waves in piezoelectric media&Yuan Liu,Chenghao Wang,C.F.Ying 249
Scattering ofBG wave by a groove on the surface ofa 6mm crystal&Wang Chenghao 252
Scattering of Rayleigh wave through a groove on surface of piezoelectric crystal&Wang Chenghao,Chen Dongpei 265
Scattering of normally incident Rayleigh wave from short-circuited metallic grating&Sun Baoshen,Wang Chenghao,Ying Chongfu 280
SAW diffraction field generated by source with finite aperture piezoelectric crystal surfaces&Wang Chenghao,Fan Siqi,Fan Huaiyu,Liu Yuan 289
Elastic wave diffraction fields generated by surface excitation of a crystal&Huang Xin,Wang Chenghao 300
Focusing of surface acoustic wave on a piezoelectric crystal&Qiao Donghai,Wang Chenghao,Wang Zuoqing 307
第六部分 SAW在声栅上衍射 313
声表面波在声栅上的Bragg衍射&王佐卿,周素华,汪承灏 313
The angular spread of the deflected SAW beam diffracted by Bragg grating&Wang Zuoqing,Wang Chenghao 325
The diffraction of normally incident SAW by acoustic grating&Wang Zuoqing,Zhou Suhua,Wang Chenghao 334
SAW声栅频谱分析器探讨&汪承灏,王佐卿,周素华 346
Purely acoustical RF spectrum analyzer based on 2-dimensional acoustic Bragg lens&Wang Chenghao,Wang Zuoqing and Zhou Suhua 352
第七部分 SAW叉指换能器、器件和系统 359
The IDT with high internal reflection suppression&He Shitang,Chen Dongpei,Wang Chenghao 359
General two-dimensional planar transducers and blazed array-like interdigital transducer&Liu Yuan,Wang Chenghao,Ying Chongfu 369
声表面波低插入损耗滤波器的研制(Ⅰ)——控制电极宽度单相单向换能器&何世堂,汪承灏,解述,金国华 373
声表面波低插入损耗滤波器的研制(Ⅱ)——横向耦合谐振滤波器&郭艳明,何世堂,汪承灏,解述 378
高稳定性的500MHz声表面波沟槽谐振器型振荡器&周先明,汪承灏,周连亨 383
Uniform groove-depth RAC by using transducer weighting&Wang Chenghao,Zhou Xianwen,Xie Shu,Chen Dongpei 390
高性能SAW MSC弹性卷积器的研制&金国华,冯所椿,李丽岩,汪承灏 397
基于声表面波滤波器组的快速跳频频率综合器&汪承灏,何世堂,薛丹炜,孙宝申,周正芳 401
用声表面波技术实现合成孔径雷达成像&许聿峰,汪承灏 405
声表面波可编程匹配滤波器及应用于构成码分多址扩频通讯系统的实验研究&张宇行,乔东海,汪承灏 410
第八部分 高频体声波器件和系统 417
Resonance spectrum characteristics of effective electromechanical coupling coefficient of high-overtone bulk acoustic resonator&Jian Li,Mengwei Liu,Chenghao Wang 417
Influence of electrodes on the effective electromechanical coupling coefficient distributions of high-overtone bulk acoustic resonator&Mengwei Liu,Jian Li,Chenghao Wang,Junhong Li,Jun Ma 428
Mechanical quality factor of high-overtone bulk acoustic resonator&Li Jian,Liu Mengwei,Li Junhong,Ma Jun,Wang Chenghao 437
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