中国文化阅读 3000单词话中国PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄建滨著
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787308172806
- 页数:224 页
1.The Construction of the National Grand Theater of China 1
2.Ningbo Port 5
3.Urumqi,Center of Asia 8
4.Kashgar,a Fascinating City in Xinjiang 12
5.The Miracle of an Oasis 16
6.Filial Piety 20
7.Auspicious Culture(Part One) 24
8.Auspicious Culture(Part Two) 28
9.Auspicious Culture(Part Three) 31
10.Scientific Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine 35
11.Chinese Herbal Medicine 39
12.Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty(Part One) 43
13.Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty(Part Two) 47
14.Everything Is Ready Except the East Wind 51
15.The Eight Characters of a Horoscope 55
16.Qipao(Part One) 59
17.Qipao(Part Two) 63
18.Ningbo International Costume Festival 67
19.Liangzhu Marriage Custom Festival of China 70
20.Woven Bamboo Articles 74
21.Lin Shu(Part One) 77
22.Lin Shu(Part Two) 81
23.Chow Yun-Fat 85
24.Jay Chou 89
25.Taishan(Part One) 93
26.Taishan(Part Two) 97
27.Ancient City of Loulan(Part One) 101
28.Ancient City of Loulan(Part Two) 105
29.Ancient City of Loulan(Part Three) 109
30.A World Heritage Site in Hangzhou 113
31.Nine Creeks in Misty Forest 117
32.Precious Stone Hill Floating in Rosy Clouds 121
33.Solitary Hill 124
34.The City Tree and Flower of Hangzhou 127
35.Wansong Academy 131
36.Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill(南屏晚钟) 134
37.Pagoda of Blessing Chu 137
38.Feiying Pagoda 140
39.Guanyin of the South Sea 143
40.Wild Crane Pool 146
41.Qiantong,Ninghai Ancient Town 149
42.King Asoka Temple 152
43.Cicheng Town 155
44.Loulan Beauty 159
45.Urging People to Drink 162
46.Kungfu Tea 166
47.A Golden Millet Dream 170
48.Kumz 174
49.Chinese Food in Thailand(Part One) 178
50.Chinese Food in Thailand(Part Two) 182
Key to the Exercises 186
Vocabulary 191
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