- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李华蓉主编
- 出 版 社:重庆:重庆大学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:7562492917
- 页数:299 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Surveying 1
1.2 Types of surveys 3
1.3 Plane surveys and Geodetic surveys 5
1.4 How to carry out surveys 6
1.5 Characteristics of surveying 11
Chapter 2 Measurements and Errors 14
2.1 Errors 14
2.2 Characteristics of accidental errors 17
2.3 Arithmetic mean value 19
2.4 Accuracy and precision 20
2.5 Propagation of accidental errors 27
2.6 Significant figures 30
2.7 Field notes 31
2.8 Planning 33
Chapter 3 Levelling 35
3.1 Datums and heights 35
3.2 Levelling equipment 40
3.3 Differential levelling 50
3.4 Precision of levelling 54
3.5 Application of levelling 58
3.6 Errors in levelling 63
3.7 Adjustment of levels 67
3.8 Automatic or self-levelling level 70
3.9 Electronic digital level 72
Chapter 4 Angle Measurement 74
4.1 Theory of angle measurement 74
4.2 Theodolites 75
4.3 Measuring horizontal angles 86
4.4 Measuring vertical angles 90
4.5 Errors in measuring angles 93
4.6 Adjustment of theodolites 98
Chapter 5 Distance Measurement 103
5.1 Introduction 103
5.2 Ordinary taping 105
5.3 Precision taping 113
5.4 Stadia surveying 116
5.5 Electronic distance measurement 121
5.6 Total station instruments 126
Chapter 6 Coordinate and Direction 133
6.1 Geographic coordinate systems 133
6.2 Plane rectangular coordinates 139
6.3 Direction of a line 143
6.4 Azimuth 145
6.5 Bearing 148
6.6 Grid azimuth calculations 148
Chapter 7 Control Survey for Small Regions 155
7.1 Introduction 155
7.2 Traverse surveys 157
7.3 Traverse fieldworks 160
7.4 Traverse calculations 164
7.5 Other methods in horizontal control surveys 171
7.6 Vertical control surveys 175
Chapter 8 Detail Surveying and Mapping at Large Scale 183
8.1 Introduction of topographic map 183
8.2 Preparation before locating details 197
8.3 Surveying detail using theodolites 202
8.4 Surveying detail using total stations 209
8.5 The Completed survey map 214
Chapter 9 Setting Out 217
9.1 Introduction 217
9.2 Setting out distances,angles and elevations 219
9.3 Setting out by coordinates 224
9.4 Applying of setting out 229
Chapter 10 Route Surveying 241
10.1 Introduction 241
10.2 Center line survey 242
10.3 Setting out a circular curve 248
10.4 Setting out a transition curve 260
10.5 Setting out a curve by coordinate method 268
10.6 Setting out a vertical curves 270
10.7 Route section survey 275
10.8 Calculation of volumes 284
10.9 Route construction survey 293
Bibliography 299
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