- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:艾蓉,朱雪梅,冯健,胡晶著
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787307193123
- 页数:305 页
Chapter 1 Formation of the British Empire and Its Monarchies 1
1.1 Early Settlers in Britain 1
1.2 Roman Britain(AD 43 to AD 410) 3
1.3 Saxon Britain(AD 450 to AD 779) 6
1.4 Viking Britain(AD 793 to AD 1055) 8
1.5 Norman Britain—Medieval Britain(1066-1485) 11
1.6 Tudor Britain(1485-1603) 14
1.7 Stuart Britain(1603-1649)(1660-1714) 17
1.8 Georgian Britain/Hanoverian(1714-1834) 20
1.9 Victorian Britain(1837-1901) 23
1.1 0 Modern Britain(1902+) 25
Chapter 2 Facts and Figures of the United Kingdom 29
2.1 The Countries and Names 29
2.2 The Origin of the British Flag 32
2.3 The Population Structure and National Identity 36
2.4 The Landscape and Climate 39
Chapter 3 Political and Legal Systems of the United Kingdom 42
3.1 Government System 42
3.2 Major Political Parities and General Elections 45
3.3 Legal System 48
Chapter 4 Religion and Beliefs 52
4.1 History of Religion in Britain 52
4.2 Church of England 55
4.3 Religion and British Culture 57
Chapter 5 Economy and Social Welfare 60
5.1 Domestic Economy and Foreign Trade 60
5.2 Social Welfare 64
Chapter 6 Education System 68
6.1 Education Stages 68
6.2 Types of Schools 71
6.3 Homeschooling 74
6.4 University Degrees and Requirements 77
Chapter 7 Daily Life of the British People 81
7.1 Family and Marriage 81
7.2 Housing 83
7.3 Transport 87
7.4 Sports 89
7.5 Shopping 91
7.6 Pubs 95
Chapter 8 Famous People 98
8.1 Monarchs 98
8.2 Politicians 101
8.3 Scientists 104
8.4 Musicians 108
8.5 Film Stars 112
Chapter 9 Famous Landmarks and Top Attractions 116
9.1 Historic Sites and Landmarks 116
9.2 Castles,Palaces and Stately Home 120
9.3 Churches,Cathedrals and Abbeys 122
9.4 Museums and Galleries 125
9.5 Amusement and Theme Parks 128
Chapter 10 Etiquette and Manners in the UK 132
10.1 Courtesy Manners 132
10.2 Visiting People in Their Houses 135
10.3 Eating Utensil Etiquette 137
10.4 Business Etiquette 139
Chapter 11 Festivals and Holidays 144
11.1 Religious Festivals 144
11.2 National Holidays 147
11.3 Bank Holidays 150
Chapter 12 British Literature 153
12.1 Development of British Literature 153
12.2 Famous Writers and Their Works 162
Chapter 13 Mass Media 181
13.1 The Press(Newspapers and Magazines) 181
13.2 Television and Broadcasting 184
Chinese Version 188
第1章 大英帝国的形成及其历代君主 188
第2章 英国概况 204
第3章 英国的政治和法律体系 210
第4章 宗教信仰 215
第5章 经济和社会福利 221
第6章 英国的教育体系 226
第7章 英国人的日常生活 232
第8章 英国著名人物 243
第9章 英国著名景点 256
第10章 英国的礼仪和礼节 266
第11章 节日和假日 274
第12章 英国文学 279
第13章 大众传媒 298
References 304
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