智慧语言服务 全球化与本地化国际会议论文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李萍主编;付静,(新西兰)JonathonRyan副主编
- 出 版 社:成都:四川大学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787569001723
- 页数:539 页
Research Frontier 2
Translation and Interpreting Ethics in the Age of Smart Language Services&Prof.Ren Wen,Sichuan University 2
Language Learning Principles for E-learning Task Design&Dr.Jonathon Ryan,Waikato Institute of Technology,New Zealand 12
Thoughts on the Development of Global Language Services&Dr.Wang Huashu,Localisation Service Committee of Translators Association of China 27
Graphic Self-consciousness and Graphic Travel Narratives&Prof.Monica E.Chiu,University of New Hampshire,USA 36
Research Papers 40
Session Ⅰ:Translation and Interpreting 40
A Tentative Study on the Three-stage Consecutive Interpreting Training Model on the Basis of Deverbalization in Consecutive Interpreting&Fan Huang 40
C-E Translation of Cultural Images in Idioms in Terms of Non-equivalence&Kang Na 59
A Tentative Approach to Transient Days Translated by Zhang Peiji from the Perspective of Translator's Subjectivity&Wang Tingting 77
An Ecological Interpretation of Paradise News&Xu Dongping 90
Colloquial Style of TL Speeches of Interpretation:A Result of Both External Conditions and Initiative Efforts&Cheng Yan 106
A Case Study of Lin Shu:The Translator's Political and Ideological Interventions in Heinu Yutian Lu&An Liya 113
Feasible Suggestions for Solving the Problems of the Professionalizing Development of Non-literary Translation&Liu Qiaoling 129
Problems of C-E Translation in Public Signs from Perspective of Register Theory:A Case Study of Chengdu Subway&Zhang Shiying 143
Cultural Defaults and Compensation Strategies in Translation&Zhao Xiqiang 153
A Comparative Analysis on Two Subtitle Translation Versions of U-Prince under Skopos Theory&Zou Xiaoyi&Huang Shengwei 160
A Study on the Chinese Translation of Manyoshu&Jin Wei&Jin Rusha 175
Session Ⅱ:Language Teaching and Learning 185
Research on Cultivating the English Translation Capability of Students Majoring in Electronic Information and Engineering&Yang Yuting 185
Intercultural Communicative Competence in College English Teaching:A Survey on Students'Attitudes&Yuan Xia 199
User Experience and Their Willingness to Implement Moodle in Language Teaching Practice:Perspectives from Singapore In-service Teachers Working on MEd TLCL&Wu Long 220
An Empirical Study on the Continuation Task"Talking after Reading"Based on Indonesia's Target of Cultivating International Personnel:Take ZHONGWENSHIJIE Mandarin Institute as an Example&Chen Hongyu 238
Factors about Why L2 Learners Cannot Achieve"Native-Like"Competence in Target Language&Zuo Ying 253
Undergraduates'Satisfaction with Perceived English Teaching Service Quality of Higher Education in Thailand&Qin Shiyu 266
Attitudes and Motivation on English Learning among Chinese Major Thai Undergraduates&Li Yuanyuan&Nutprapha K. Dennis,Ph.D. 279
On Pragmatic Competence in Vocabulary Acquisition&He Chunmei 303
Reflection on Intercultural Communication in China's College English Teaching from the Perspective of Postcolonialism&Yu Yang 322
A Study on the Training of Students'Cross-cultural Communication Competence in the Second Language Teaching&Zeng Ni,Yin Shanying&Wang Shuhui 335
On the Study of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in Thailand under the Perspective of Culture Dissemination&Jiang Yinghui&Liu Li 343
Session Ⅲ:Language and Culture 355
Challenging and Reducing Cultural Stereotypes&Huang Ming 355
Managing the Knowledge for Chinese Tourists:From the Language and Culture Perspectives&Fu Jing,Li Ping&Paipan Thanalerdsopit 364
Mulatto in America and Its Significance in American Racial Integration&Zhang Ting 374
Awkward Transformation:An Analysis of Modeling in the Choctaw and Cherokee from the Late Eighteenth Century to the Early Nineteenth Century&Long Boyu 401
The Analysis on Intercultural Communication of English and Chinese Net-speak from the Perspective of Memetics&Xie Shuang 422
Session Ⅳ:Language Services for City Internationalization 430
Language Teaching for Internationalization:Contested Signifiers in Constructions of College English Teaching Policy in China&Bai Yang 430
On the Construction of Smart Language Service Environment in Urban Internationalization&Huang Xi 442
"Do They Really Just Tell You'About Us'?":An Investigation on the Online Texts of Universities in Hong Kong and Chengdu from the Perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis&Liu Bo 456
On Designing Context-aware and Customized Recommendation Systems for Mobile Users:From the Perspective of User Privacy&Mu Lei,Pathathai Na Lumpoon,Teerawat Kamnardsiri&Ahmed Lbath 473
An Exploration into the Growing Sustainable Fashion Market in UK&Zhu Yujie 494
Sports Diplomacy and Sino-U.S.Relations from the Perspective of Ping Pong Diplomacy&Dou Wei 510
The Current Situation of Sichuan Cultural Tourism and Its Countermeasures under the Background of"Three Kingdoms Fever"in Thailand&Liu Li&Jiang Yinghui 528
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