中国文化阅读 3500单词话中国PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄建滨
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787308169646
- 页数:233 页
1.The Spirit of Lei Feng(Part One) 1
2.The Spirit of Lei Feng(Part Two) 5
3.Hemudu Culture 10
4.Qinghai-Tibet Railway 14
5.Ningbo National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone 19
6.Some Basic Values of the Chinese People(Part One) 22
7.Some Basic Values of the Chinese People(Part Two) 26
8.Some Basic Values of the Chinese People(Part Three) 31
9.Some Basic Values of the Chinese People(Part Four) 35
10.Chinese Elements Around the World(Part One) 39
11.Chinese Elements Around the World(Part Two) 43
12.Understanding of Chinese Culture 47
13.Chinese Family Value 51
14.To Be Courteous 55
15.Chinese Family Relationships and Titles 58
16.Literary Revolution and the Literature at That Time 62
17.Westernization Movement(Part One) 67
18.Westernization Movement(Part Two) 71
19.Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches 76
20.Chinese Buddhist Architecture 81
21.Tianfeng Tower in Ningbo 85
22.Seven-Pagoda Temple in Ningbo 88
23.Mount Wuyi in Wuyishan 91
24.Heavenly Lake in Baishan 95
25.Nadam Fair 98
26.Imperial Tombs of the Western Xia(Part One) 102
27.Imperial Tombs of the Western Xia(Part Two) 107
28.Imperial Tombs of the Western Xia(Part Three) 112
29.Jingpo Lake in Ning'an 117
30.Fujian Tulou 121
31.Eating in Chinese Restaurants 125
32.Chinese Art of Dining 129
33.Status of Tofu in Chinese Food 134
34.Defeating the Enemy Without Fighting a Battle 138
35.The Magic of Chinese Qigong 142
36.Introduction of Ningbo(Part One—History) 146
37.Introduction of Ningbo(Part Two—Geography and Climate) 149
38.Introduction of Ningbo(Part Three—Economy) 152
39.Introduction of Ningbo(Part Four—Tourism Industry) 156
40.Introduction of Ningbo(Part Five—Culture) 159
41.Zhu Kezhen 163
42.Su Buqing 167
43.Li Shutong(Part One) 170
44.Li Shutong(Part Two) 173
45.Hu Shi 176
46.Zhou Xinfang 180
47.Jack Ma 183
48.Ah Q's Therapy of Spiritual Victory 187
49.Mao Dun's Works 191
50.Ba Jin's Family 194
Key to the Exercises 198
Vocabulary 203
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