外教社学术阅读文库 认知语言学读本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:文旭著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787544648707
- 页数:788 页
总论 3
导读 3
The Invariance Hypothesis:Is Abstract Reason Based on Image-Schemas?George Lakoff 5
概念与概念化 47
导读 47
Nouns and Verbs,Ronald W.Langacker 55
Force Dynamics in Language and Cognition,Leonard Talmy 107
The Structure of Events and the Structure of Language,William Croft 163
Conceptual Reference Points:A Cognitive Grammar Account of Pronominal Anophora Constraints,Karen van Hoek 190
“Subjective”and“Objective”Readings of Possessor Nominals,John R.Taylor 228
Over Again:Image-Schema Transformations in Semantic Analysis,Robert B.Dewell 273
语法构式 307
导读 307
Regularity and Idiomaticity in Grommatical Constructions:The Case of Let Alone,Charles J.Fillmore,Paul Kay,and Mary Catherine O'Connor 314
The Way Constructions Grow,Michael Israel 364
Raising and Transparency,Ronald W.Langacker 378
The Inherent Semantice of Argument Structrre:The Case of the English Dltransitve Constrution,Adele E.Goldberg 454
象似性 495
导读 495
The Iconicty of Grammar:Isomorphism and Motivation,John Haiman 500
Oats and Wheat:The Fallacy of Arbitrariness,Anna Wierzbicka 534
On Iconicty of Distance,William Croft 566
概念整合 579
导读 579
Conceptual Integration Networks,Gilles Fauconnier,Marke Turner 584
Compression and Global Insight,Gilles Fauconnier,Mark Turner 655
Fake Guns and Stone Lions:Conceptual Blending and Privative Adjectives,Seana Coulson,Gilles Fauconnier 677
语言习得与语言演化 695
导读 695
Rules and Schemas in the Development and Use of the English Past Tense,Joan L.Bybee,Dan I.Slobin 700
Ritualization and the Development of Language,John Haiman 732
Grammaticalization,Constructions and the Incremental Development of Language:Suggestions from the Development of Degree Modifiers in English,Elizabeth Closs Traugott 757
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