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“一带一路”公共外交报告  2017版
“一带一路”公共外交报告  2017版

“一带一路”公共外交报告 2017版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:孙治国主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:海洋出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787502799700
  • 页数:503 页
《“一带一路”公共外交报告 2017版》目录

领导论述 3

习近平主席在“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式上的演讲 3

“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛圆桌峰会联合公报 9

在中国首届“三亚公共外交论坛”上的致辞 13

致“三亚公共外交论坛”的贺辞 15

焕发古老文明新活力 共建人类命运共同体 16

加强政策沟通 做好“四个对接” 共同开创“一带一路”建设新局面 19

共建“一带一路”发展开放型世界经济 21

全球化浪潮中,中国发挥的积极作用日益瞩目 25

“一带一路”将成为巩固中俄世代友好新纽带 27

国际声音 31

联合国秘书长古特雷斯:“一带一路”倡议是对解决全球问题的重要贡献 31

联合国教科文组织总干事博科娃:“一带一路”对跨文化对话有重要意义 32

世卫组织总干事陈冯富珍:合作共建“健康丝绸之路” 34

世界知识产权组织总干事高锐:“一带一路”建设搭建全球化发展新平台 36

捷克总统泽曼:“一带一路”是伟大构想 38

柬埔寨首相洪森:“一带一路”为柬埔寨经济发展提供动力 39

塞尔维亚总理武契奇:塞中合作成绩单将更长 40

法国前总理拉法兰:“一带一路”倡议是世界性的、和平的倡议 41

德国驻华大使柯慕贤:“一带一路”倡议对发展中国家大有好处 42

哈萨克斯坦驻华大使努雷舍夫:中哈“一带一路”与“光明大道”对接顺利 43

以色列驻华大使何泽伟:以色列科技优势助力“一带一路”建设 45

意大利驻华大使谢国谊:期待意中关系美好未来 47

英国驻华大使吴百纳:推动“黄金时代”继续向前 48

乌兹别克斯坦驻华大使赛义多夫:积极参与国际旅游市场 49

斯里兰卡驻华大使科迪图瓦库:“一带一路”带来难得发展机遇 51

中国驻科威特大使王镝:中科“一带一路”合作前景光明 52

清洁能源公共外交助力世界发展 53

“一带一路”为经济全球化开出的“中国药方” 56

“一带一路”倡议是互利共赢外交理念的典范 57

“一带一路”倡议推动科研领域创新合作 59

“一带一路”为各岛国发展提供更多选项 61

“一带一路”为欧洲复兴提供前景 62

BBC:“一带一路”令中哈边境城市变“新深圳” 65

巴西智库:中国通过“一带一路”建设务实推进共同发展 66

东盟学生:“一带一路”让我们的前途更宽广 68

国际舆论热议“一带一路”:这是一条共商共建共享之路 70

红十字国际委员会官员:与中国就“一带一路”合作空间大 73

捷克文化部副部长卡利斯托娃:“一带一路”倡议助力两国文化交流 74

联合国环境署:将致力于开展与“一带一路”有关的工作 75

马来西亚联邦贸工部第二部长黄家泉:马来西亚支持“一带一路”的多个原因 76

美国库恩基金会主席库恩:“一带一路”从愿景变成现实 79

牛津大学高级研究员彼得·弗兰科潘:“一带一路”为何如此重要 80

诺贝尔经济学奖获得者斯蒂格利茨:“一带一路”对全球化贡献大 82

塞尔维亚副总理米哈伊洛维奇:“一带一路”倡议帮助塞尔维亚发展 84

苏丹政界学者:“一带一路”倡议将给苏丹发展带来新机遇 85

外媒看中国:中国经济活力助推全球增长 86

各国学者:让“一带一路”在全球经济治理中发挥更重要作用 89

德国经济非洲协会主席斯特凡·利宾:中德两国需携手同行为非洲发展 91

世界评说“一带一路”高峰论坛“五大热词” 93

专家观点 97

“一带一路”推进中的教育合作 97

“一带一路”推进中的科技合作 107

“一带一路”推进中的文化合作 119

“一带一路”推进中面临的安全风险 126

“一带一路”推进中面临的地缘政治风险 132

“一带一路”推进中面临的经济风险 141

“一带一路”:近期发展与挑战 147

海南省开展公共外交的探索与实践 153

三亚市开展地方公共外交的相关实践与思路 160

“一带一路”扬帆远航 中国拉美携手圆梦 168

共建“一带一路”加强文明对话 172

以“一带一路”倡议引领全球治理变局与中国国家治理现代化 175

“一带一路”倡议机遇与中国的全球治理能力构建 182

发挥民间组织独特作用 服务“一带一路”文化建设 186

我国互联网金融风险法律监管探讨 194

大幅提升南京城市国际知名度,为海洋世纪奠基 205

“一带一路”走起来 209

南京应主动融入国家“一带一路”总体倡议 212

郑和下西洋对维护“21世纪海上丝绸之路”航线安全的启示 218

郑和下西洋与“21世纪海上丝绸之路” 224

“一带一路”中俄合作的进展与展望 230

加强“一带一路”中俄合作的相关建议 244

日印接近及其对“一带一路”的地缘挑战 250

“一带一路”背景下的孔子学院跨文化传播的新篇章 257

基于全球治理视角中“一带一路”的各国博弈分析 263

Work Together to Build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road 274

Joint Communique of the Leaders Roundtable of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation 283

Speech at China's first“Sanya public diplomacy forum” 289

Congratulations on Sanya public diplomacy Forum 291

Forge Ahead under the Guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Thought on Diplomacy 292

Guterres,The United Nations General Secretary:the Belt and Road initiative is an important contribution to solving global problems 300

The director general of UNESCO:the Belt and Road initiative has important significance for intercultural dialogue 302

WHO general director Chen Fengfuzhen:cooperation to build a healthy silk road 304

The director general of the World Intellectual Property Organization:the Belt and Road construction to build a new platform for the development of Globalization 306

Zeman,Czech's president:the Belt and Road initiative is a great idea 308

Hong Sen,The Prime Minister of Kampuchea:the Belt and Road initiative provides the impetus for the economic development of Kampuchea 310

Serbia Prime Minister Wu Yong:plug in cooperation transcripts will be longer 312

Raffarin,Former French Prime Minister:a worldwide and peaceful initiative 314

The German ambassador:the Belt and Road initiative is good for developing countries 315

Kazakhstan docking the Belt and Road and“bright road”Interview with Ambassador Nur Ray Scherf of Kazakhstan 316

The advantage of science and technology in strengthening the Belt and Road construction in Israel 319

Xie Guoyi,Ambassador to Italy:looking forward to a better future between Italy and China 322

British ambassador to China:push the golden age forward 324

Actively participate in the international tourism market in the Belt and Road framework Bach G Iel Saidorf,Ambassador of Uzbekistan 326

The Belt and Road brings rare opportunities for development Sri Lanka ambassador Senna Cody Tuwaku Karuna 328

The Belt and Road will become the new ties of Sino Russian friendship consolidation 330

The Belt and Road:Recent Developments and Challenges 332

Chinese ambassador to Kuwait:Science the Belt and Road bright prospects for cooperation 340

Brief Speech to The 7th Annual Xinhua Clean Energy Forum 342

The Belt and Road:“Chinese prescription”of the economic globalization 346

The Belt and Road initiative is mutually beneficial and win-win diplomatic idea 348

The Belt and Road initiative to promote innovation in scientific research cooperation to build a platform to help experts recommend project landing 350

The Belt and Road initiative provide more options for the development of the island 353

The Belt and Road initiative provide prospects for the European Renaissance 355

BBC:the Belt and Road brought border city of Kazakhstan's new 358

Brazil:China promotes common development through the Belt and Road 360

ASEAN Students:the Belt and Road makes our future more broad 362

International public hot issue of the Belt and Road:this is a iointly sharing road 364

The International Committee of the Red Cross officials:the Belt and Road cooperation with China has a large space 368

Vice Minister of the Ministry of culture of Czech:the Belt and Road initiative to boost cultural exchanges between the two countries 370

The United Nations Environment Programme will focus on the Belt and Road work 371

A number of reasons Malaysia supports the Belt and Road 373

The chairman of the Kuhn Foundation:the Belt and Road initiative from vision into reality 378

Peter Francopan,Senior research fellow at the University of Oxford:“Why is it so important to the Belt and Road” 380

Joseph Stiglitz,the Nobel laureate:the Belt and Road contribution to globalization 382

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia:the Belt and Road initiative to help Serbia to develop as an important forward step 384

Sultan politicians and scholars:the Belt and Road initiative will bring new opportunities for the development of Sultan 386

Foreign media to see China:China's economic vitality boost global growth 388

Scholar:let the Belt and Road play a more important role in global economic governance 391

China and Germany need to join hands in making more contributions to African Development 393

Five hot words the world says in the Belt and Road forum 395

The security risks that the Belt and Road faced in advance 397

Geopolitical risks that the Belt and Road faced in advance 405

In the face of the economic risk to promote the Belt and Road 418

To lead the modernization of governance change of global governance and China countries with the Belt and Road initiative 427

Construction of the Belt and Road initiative opportunities and global governance ability 436

Building a cultural highland of Maritime Silk Road,dramatically enhancing the international popularity of Nanjing,actively integrating Nanjing into National Strategy of the Belt and Road,and laying a foundation for the 21st century as a marine century 441

Nanjing should take the initiative to integrate into the overall strategy of the country the Belt and Road 446

The inspiration of Zheng He's voyages to the west to safeguard the maritime route of the Silk Road in twenty-first Century 456

Zheng He's voyages to the West and the maritime Silk Road in twenty-first Century 464

The progress and Prospect of the Belt and Road of Sino-Russian cooperation 473

Some suggestions to strengthen the Sino Russian cooperation about the Belt and Road 495
