- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李聪,毛根海,罗峰等编著
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787308170482
- 页数:230 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Summary 1
1.2 Fluid and modeling 6
1.3 Major physical properties of fluid 7
1.4 Classification of fluid 17
1.5 Forces acting on the fluid 19
Chapter 2 Hydrostatics 22
2.1 Stress characteristics in a stationary fluid 22
2.2 Differential balance equation 25
2.3 Fluid hydrostatic pressure distribution under the action of gravity 28
2.4 Relative balance of liquid 36
2.5 Total hydrostatic pressure of liquid acting on a horizontal surface 39
2.6 Total hydrostatic force on curved surface 48
2.7 Buoyancy force and stability of snorkeling 56
Chapter 3 The basic theory of fluid motion 67
3.1 Description method of fluid motion 67
3.2 Some basic concepts of fluid motion 68
3.3 Motion analysis of fluid parcel 73
3.4 The basic equation for fluid motion 75
3.5 Integration of Euler's differential equation 79
3.6 Steady plane potential flows 81
Chapter 4 Fundamental equations of steady total flow 85
4.1 Analysis method of total flow 85
4.2 Continuity equation of incompressible fluid 87
4.3 The Bernoulli equation 88
4.4 Momentum equation 95
Chapter 5 Similarity theory and dimensional analysis 98
5.1 Dimension 98
5.2 Dimensional analysis 99
5.3 Similarity theory basis of fluid motion 101
5.4 Model experiment 105
Chapter 6 Fluid resistance and energy loss 107
6.1 Introduction 107
6.2 Laminar and turbulent flow 111
6.3 laminar flow in a circular pipe 115
6.4 Turbulent flow 118
6.5 Linear head losses of turbulent flow in circular pipes 122
6.6 The linear head loss of the turbulent flow in a non circular tube 130
6.7 Local head loss 132
6.8 The concept of boundary layer 135
6.9 Drag force 139
Chapter 7 Orifice outflow and nozzle flow 142
7.1 Steady orifice outflow 142
7.2 Nozzle outflow 147
7.3 Unsteady outflow of orifice and nozzle 149
Chapter 8 Fluid motion in pressure pipe 151
8.1 Hydraulic calculation of equal diameter short pipe 151
8.2 Hydraulic calculation of long pipe 153
8.3 Hydraulic calculation basis of pipe networks 158
8.4 Water hammer in a pressure pipe 164
Chapter 9 Open channel flow 169
9.1 Classification of open channel 169
9.2 Uniform flow in open channel 170
9.3 Uniform flow in non-pressure circular conduits 174
9.4 Concepts of non-uniform flow in open channel 175
9.5 Gradually varied flow water surface curves analysis in prismatic open channel 181
9.6 The gradually varied flow water surface calculation in open channel 187
Chapter 10 Weir flow 190
10.1 Definition and classification of weir flow 190
10.2 Basic formula of weir flow 193
10.3 Sharp-crested weir 195
10.4 Ogee weir 196
10.5 Broad-crested weir 197
10.6 Hydraulic computation of flow cross small bridge 199
Chapter 11 Seepage 202
11.1 Seepage basic laws 203
11.2 Steady gradual seepage 206
11.3 Seepage catchment corridor 210
11.4 Seepage of wells 211
11.5 Vertical water pressure of the building in water-table aquifer 216
Chapter 12 One dimensional flow of compressible gas 219
12.1 Some basic concepts of compressible gas 219
12.2 The basic principle of one dimensional flow of ideal gas 221
12.3 Pipe flow of compressible gas 225
Reference 230
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