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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张炬主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787568232579
  • 页数:210 页
图书介绍:本书由三个部分组成,第1部分为英语导游服务情景对话,第2部分为中国传统文化讲解,第3部分为旅游景点讲解。 第1部分以国外场景为背景,按照领队带团出境的工作流程。第2部分从英语导游的角度介绍中国传统文化。第3部分对重点景区景点介绍,目的是为英语导游提供景区景点外语讲解的范本。本书可作为高等院校旅游管理教学用书,也可作为旅游从业人员培训教材。
标签:导游 主编

Chapter 1 Tour Guide 1

PART ONE Background Reading 1

Text A Developing Your Guide Skills 1

Text B Top 10 Characteristics of a Great Tour Guide 4

PART TWO Situational Dialogue 8

Dialogue 1 Job Interview 1 8

Dialogue 2 Job Interview 2 8

Dialogue 3 Job Interview 3 9

PART THREE Traditional Chinese Culture 9

PART FOUR Scenic Spots Introduction 16

Chapter 2 Travel Preparations 23

PART ONE Background Reading 23

TEXT A Travel Preparation 23

TEXT B How to Pass a Tourist Visa Interview 25

PART TWO Situational Dialogue 28

Dialogue 1 Discussing the Itinerary 28

Dialogue 2 Tickets Booking 29

Dialogue 3 Room Reservation 29

PART THREE Traditional Chinese Culture 30

PART FOUR Scenic Spots Introduction 35

Chapter 3 At the Airport 39

PART ONE Background Reading 39

Text A How to Get Through Airport Security Faster 39

Text B USA Airport Customs and Immigration Inspection 40

PART TWO Situational Dialogue 43

Dialogue 1 Receiving Guests 1 43

Dialogue 2 Receiving Guests 2 43

Dialogue 3 Check-in 44

Dialogue 4 Going Through the Customs Office 44

Dialogue 5 Going Through Immigration 45

PART THREE Traditional Chinese Culture 46

PART FOUR Scenic Spots Introduction 50

Chapter 4 At the Hotel 57

PART ONE Background Reading 57

TEXT A Types of Rooms in Hotels 57

TEXT B 8 Tips to Score Early Check-in at Hotels 58

PART TWO Situational Dialogue 61

Dialogue 1 Check-in 61

Dialogue 2 Using Hotel Services and Facilities 62

Dialogue 3 At Tea Time 62

Dialogue 4 Check out 1 63

Dialogue 5 Check out 2 63

PART THREE Traditional Chinese Culture 64

PART FOUR Scenic Spots Introduction 68

Chapter 5 Transportation 74

PART ONE Background Reading 74

TEXT A Traveling by Rail 74

TEXT B Taxi in Japan 77

PART TWO Situational Dialogue 79

Dialogue 1 Taking a Bus 79

Dialogue 2 Taking the Subway 80

Dialogue 3 Taking a Taxi 80

Dialogue 4 Car Rental 81

PART THREE Traditional Chinese Culture 82

PART FOUR Scenic Spots Introduction 86

Chapter 6 At the Restaurant 95

PART ONE Background Reading 95

TEXT A Michelin Star 95

TEXT B How to Eat Healthy While Traveling 97

PART TWO Situational Dialogue 98

Dialogue 1 Choosing a Restaurant 98

Dialogue 2 How to Order 99

Dialogue 3 Table Manners 99

Dialogue 4 Talking about Wine 100

Dialogue 5 Aperitif 101

Dialogue 6 Digestif 101

PART THREE Traditional Chinese Culture 102

PART FOUR Scenic Spots Introduction 107

Chapter 7 Sightseeing 114

PART ONE Background Reading 114

TEXT A The Winter Palace 114

TEXT B The Tower of London 116

PART TWO Situational Dialogue 118

Dialogue 1 Showing Places of Interest 118

Dialogue 2 On the Way to the Scenic Spot 118

Dialogue 3 Downtown Sightseeing 120

Dialogue 4 Visiting Museums and Galleries 120

PART THREE Traditional Chinese Culture 121

PART FOUR Scenic Spots Introduction 125

Chapter 8 Entertainment 133

PART ONE Background Reading 133

TEXT A Disneyland 133

TEXT B A Beginner’s Guide to British Pubs 135

PART TWO Situational Dialogue 138

Dialogue 1 Introduce Hotel Entertainment 138

Dialogue 2 Book Ticket for a Show 138

Dialogue 3 Fashion Show 139

PART THREE Traditional Chinese Culture 139

PART FOUR Scenic Spots Introduction 144

Chapter 9 Tourism Shopping 150

PART ONE Background Reading 150

TEXT A Tourism Shopping 150

TEXT B Travelling and Shopping the Chinese Way 152

PART TWO Situational Dialogue 154

Dialogue 1 At the Souvenir Shop 154

Dialogue 2 Shopping for Clothes and Shoes 155

Dialogue 3 Shopping for Cosmetics 155

Dialogue 4 Shopping Information 156

PART THREE Traditional Chinese Culture 157

PART FOUR Scenic Spots Introduction 165

Chapter 10 Tourism Safety 169

PART ONE Background Reading 169

TEXT A Basic First Aid 169

TEXT B Hotel Safety Tips for Travelers 171

PART TWO Situational Dialogue 175

Dialogue 1 Seeing a Doctor 175

Dialogue 2 A Traffic Accident 176

Dialogue 3 Dealing with Loss and Theft 177

Dialogue 4 Passport Lost 177

PART THREE Traditional Chinese Culture 178

PART FOUR Scenic Spots Introduction 182

练习答案 187

参考书目 210
