- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:文旭著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787303141166
- 页数:236 页
Chapter 1 Preliminaries 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Language 2
1.3 Linguistics 5
1.4 A brief history of linguistics 9
1.5 Summary 12
Chapter 2 Phonetics and Phonology 14
2. 1 Introduction 14
2.2 Phonetics 14
2. 3 Phonology 22
2.4 Summary 29
Chapter 3 Morphology 32
3.1 Introduction 32
3.2 Morpheme 32
3.3 Morph and allomorph 35
3.4 Word formation 36
3.5 Summary 45
Chapter 4 Syntax 48
4. 1 Introduction 48
4. 2 The domain of synta 49
4. 3 Generative grammar 55
4. 4 Functional grammar 64
4. 5 Summary 69
Chapter 5 Semantics 71
5.1 Introduction 71
5.2 Word meaning 72
5.3 Semantic relations between words 72
5.4 Sentence meaning 76
5.5 Semantic relations between sentences 77
5.6 Mechanisms of semantic change 78
5.7 Summary 80
Chapter 6 Pragmatics 82
6. 1 Introduction 82
6. 2 Deixis 83
6. 3 Presupposition 85
6. 4 Speech acts 87
6.5 Conversational implicatures 88
6. 6 Conversation analysis 90
6. 7 Summary 92
Chapter 7 Discourse Analysis 94
7. 1 Discourse and discourse analysis 94
7.2 Information structure 96
7.3 Cohesion and coherence 101
7.4 Discourse marker 107
7.5 Multimodal discourse analysis 109
7.6 Critical discourse analysis 110
7.7 Summary 112
Chapter 8 Sociolinguistics 115
8. 1 Introduction 115
8.2 Language varieties 116
8.3 Language and gender 121
8.4 Choosing a code 123
8.5 Language planning 127
8.6 Methods for sociolinguistic investigation 128
8.7 Summary 130
Chapter 9 Stylistics 132
9.1 Introduction 132
9.2 Dimensions of variation 133
9.3 Stylistic codification 138
9.4 Linguistic approaches to stylistic analysis 142
9.5 Practical stylistics 147
9.6 Summary 147
Chapter 10 Psycholinguistics 150
10. 1 Introduction 150
10. 2 Language production 151
10. 3 Language comprehension 155
10. 4 Language acquisition 160
10. 5 Summary 162
Chapter 11 Cognitive Linguistics 165
11.1 Introduction 165
11.2 Categories and categorization 166
11.3 Conceptual metaphors 168
11.4 Conceptual metonymies 171
11.5 Image schemas 173
11.6 Construal 175
11.7 Iconicity 177
11.8 Summary 179
Chapter 12 Applied Linguistics 181
12. 1 Introduction 181
12.2 Some basic concepts 182
12.3 Second language acquisition 183
12.4 Second language teaching 189
12. 5 Language testing 192
12.6 Summary 194
Index 197
Answers to self-study activities 212
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