复函数论导论 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)帕克著
- 出 版 社:北京:世界图书北京出版公司
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787510044069
- 页数:560 页
Ⅰ The Complex Number System 1
1 The Algebra and Geometry of Complex Numbers 1
1.1 The Field of Complex Numbers 1
1.2 Conjugate,Modulus,and Argument 5
2 Exponentials and Logarithms of Complex Numbers 13
2.1 Raising e to Complex Powers 13
2.2 Logarithms of Complex Numbers 15
2.3 Raising Complex Numbers to Complex Powers 16
3 Functions of a Complex Variable 17
3.1 Complex Functions 17
3.2 Combining Functions 19
3.3 Functions as Mappings 20
4 Exercises for Chapter Ⅰ 25
Ⅱ The Rudiments of Plane Topology 33
1 Basic Notation and Terminology 33
1.1 Disks 33
1.2 Interior Points,Open Sets 34
1.3 Closed Sets 34
1.4 Boundary,Closure,Interior 35
1.5 Sequences 35
1.6 Convergence of Complex Sequences 36
1.7 Accumulation Points of Complex Sequences 37
2 Continuity and Limits of Functions 39
2.1 Continuity 39
2.2 Limits of Functions 43
3 Connected Sets 47
3.1 Disconnected Sets 47
3.2 Connected Sets 48
3.3 Domains 50
3.4 Components of Open Sets 50
4 Compact Sets 52
4.1 Bounded Sets and Sequences 52
4.2 Cauchy Sequences 53
4.3 Compact Sets 54
4.4 Uniform Continuity 57
5 Exercises for Chapter Ⅱ 58
Ⅲ Analytic Functions 62
1 Complex Derivatives 62
1.1 Differentiability 62
1.2 Differentiation Rules 64
1.3 Analytic Functions 67
2 The Cauchy-Riemann Equations 68
2.1 The Cauchy-Riemann System of Equations 68
2.2 Consequences of the Cauchy-Riemann Relations 73
3 Exponential and Trigonometric Functions 75
3.1 Entire Functions 75
3.2 Trigonometric Functions 77
3.3 The Principal Arcsine and Arctangent Functions 81
4 Branches of Inverse Functions 85
4.1 Branches of Inverse Functions 85
4.2 Branches of the p th-root Function 87
4.3 Branches of the Logarithm Function 91
4.4 Branches of the λ-power Function 92
5 Differentiability in the Real Sense 96
5.1 Real Differentiability 96
5.2 The Functions fz and f? 98
6 Exercises for Chapter Ⅲ 101
Ⅳ Complex Integration 109
1 Paths in the Complex Plane 109
1.1 Paths 109
1.2 Smooth and Piecewise Smooth Paths 112
1.3 Parametrizing Line Segments 114
1.4 Reverse Paths,Path Sums 115
1.5 Change of Parameter 116
2 Integrals Along Paths 118
2.1 Complex Line Integrals 118
2.2 Properties of Contour Integrals 122
2.3 Primitives 125
2.4 Some Notation 129
3 Rectifiable Paths 131
3.1 Rectifiable Paths 131
3.2 Integrals Along Rectifiable Paths 133
4 Exercises for Chapter Ⅳ 136
Ⅴ Cauchy's Theorem and its Consequences 140
1 The Local Cauchy Theorem 140
1.1 Cauchy's Theorem For Rectangles 140
1.2 Integrals and Primitives 144
1.3 The Local Cauchy Theorem 148
2 Winding Numbers and the Local Cauchy Integral Formula 153
2.1 Winding Numbers 153
2.2 Oriented Paths,Jordan Contours 160
2.3 The Local Integral Formula 161
3 Consequences of the Local Cauchy Integral Formula 164
3.1 Analyticity of Derivatives 164
3.2 Derivative Estimates 167
3.3 The Maximum Principle 170
4 More About Logarithm and Power Functions 175
4.1 Branches of Logarithms of Functions 175
4.2 Logarithms of Rational Functions 178
4.3 Branches of Powers of Functions 182
5 The Global Cauchy Theorems 185
5.1 Iterated Line Integrals 185
5.2 Cycles 186
5.3 Cauchy's Theorem and Integral Formula 188
6 Simply Connected Domains 194
6.1 Simply Connected Domains 194
6.2 Simple Connectivity,Primitives,and Logarithms 195
7 Homotopy and Winding Numbers 197
7.1 Homotopic Paths 197
7.2 Contractible Paths 203
8 Exercises for Chapter Ⅴ 204
Ⅵ Harmonic Functions 214
1 Harmonic Functions 215
1.1 Harmonic Conjugates 215
2 The Mean Value Property 219
2.1 The Mean Value Property 219
2.2 Functions Harmonic in Annuli 221
3 The Dirichlet Problem for a Disk 226
3.1 A Heat Flow Problem 226
3.2 Poisson Integrals 228
4 Exercises for Chapter Ⅵ 238
Ⅶ Sequences and Series of Analytic Functions 243
1 Sequences of Functions 243
1.1 Uniform Convergence 243
1.2 Normal Convergence 246
2 Infinite Series 248
2.1 Complex Series 248
2.2 Series of Functions 253
3 Sequences and Series of Analytic Functions 256
3.1 General Results 256
3.2 Limit Superior of a Sequence 259
3.3 Taylor Series 260
3.4 Laurent Series 269
4 Normal Families 278
4.1 Normal Subfamilies of C(U) 278
4.2 Equicontinuity 279
4.3 The Arzelà-Ascoli and Montel Theorems 282
5 Exercises for Chapter Ⅶ 286
Ⅷ Isolated Singularities of Analytic Functions 300
1 Zeros of Analytic Functions 300
1.1 The Factor Theorem for Analytic Functions 300
1.2 Multiplicity 303
1.3 Discrete Sets,Discrete Mappings 306
2 Isolated Singularities 309
2.1 Definition and Classification of Isolated Singularities 309
2.2 Removable Singularities 310
2.3 Poles 311
2.4 Meromorphic Functions 318
2.5 Essential Singularities 319
2.6 Isolated Singularities at Infinity 322
3 The Residue Theorem and its Consequences 323
3.1 The Residue Theorem 323
3.2 Evaluating Integrals with the Residue Theorem 326
3.3 Consequences of the Residue Theorem 339
4 Function Theory on the Extended Plane 349
4.1 The Extended Complex Plane 349
4.2 The Extended Plane and Stereographic Projection 350
4.3 Functions in the Extended Setting 352
4.4 Topology in the Extended Plane 354
4.5 Meromorphic Functions and the Extended Plane 356
5 Exercises for Chapter Ⅷ 362
Ⅸ Conformal Mapping 374
1 Conformal Mappings 375
1.1 Curvilinear Angles 375
1.2 Diffeomorphisms 377
1.3 Conformal Mappings 379
1.4 Some Standard Conformal Mappings 383
1.5 Self-Mappings of the Plane and Unit Disk 388
1.6 Conformal Mappings in the Extended Plane 389
2 M?bius Transformations 391
2.1 Elementary M?bius Transformations 391
2.2 M?bius Transformations and Matrices 392
2.3 Fixed Points 394
2.4 Cross-ratios 396
2.5 Circles in the Extended Plane 398
2.6 Reflection and Symmetry 399
2.7 Classification of M?bius Transformations 402
2.8 Invariant Circles 408
3 Riemann's Mapping Theorem 416
3.1 Preparations 416
3.2 The Mapping Theorem 419
4 The Carathéodory-Osgood Theorem 423
4.1 Topological Preliminaries 423
4.2 Double Integrals 426
4.3 Conformal Modulus 427
4.4 Extending Conformal Mappings of the Unit Disk 440
4.5 Jordan Domains 445
4.6 Oriented Boundaries 447
5 Conformal Mappings onto Polygons 450
5.1 Polygons 450
5.2 The Reflection Principle 451
5.3 The Schwarz-Christoffel Formula 454
6 Exercises for Chapter Ⅸ 466
Ⅹ Constructing Analytic Functions 477
1 The Theorem of Mittag-Leffler 477
1.1 Series of Meromorphic Functions 477
1.2 Constructing Meromorphic Functions 479
1.3 The Weierstrass ?-function 486
2 The Theorem of Weierstrass 490
2.1 Infinite Products 490
2.2 Infinite Products of Functions 493
2.3 Infinite Products and Analytic Functions 495
2.4 The Gamma Function 504
3 Analytic Continuation 507
3.1 Extending Functions by Means of Taylor Series 507
3.2 Analytic Continuation 510
3.3 Analytic Continuation Along Paths 512
3.4 Analytic Continuation and Homotopy 517
3.5 Algebraic Function Elements 520
3.6 Global Analytic Functions 527
4 Exercises for Chapter Ⅹ 535
Appendix A Background on Fields 543
1 Fields 543
1.1 The Field Axioms 543
1.2 Subfields 544
1.3 Isomorphic Fields 544
2 Order in Fields 545
2.1 Ordered Fields 545
2.2 Complete Ordered Fields 546
2.3 Implications for Real Sequences 546
Appendix B Winding Numbers Revisited 548
1 Technical Facts About Winding Numbers 548
1.1 The Geometric Interpretation 548
1.2 Winding Numbers and Jordan Curves 550
Index 556
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