法医学 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵虎著
- 出 版 社:北京:人民卫生出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787117245944
- 页数:369 页
1.Principles of forensic practice 1
2.The ethics of medical practice 15
3.The medical aspects of death 26
4.Identifcation of the living and the dead 41
5.The appearance of the body after death 50
6.Unexpected and sudden death from natural causes 62
7.Deaths and injury in infancy and child assault 74
8.Assessment,classification and documentation of injury 87
9.Regional injuries 110
10.Ballistic injuries 124
11.Use of force and restraint 136
12.Sexual assault 147
13.Child assault and protection 155
14.Transportation medicine 164
15.Asphyxia 175
16.Immersion and drowning 187
17.Heat,cold and electrical trauma 194
18.Principles of toxicology 210
19.Alcohol 219
20.Licit and illicit drugs 228
21.Medicinal poisons 244
22.Miscellaneous poisons 250
23.Medical tangle 258
24.Custody medicine 268
25.Forensic psychiatry 284
26.Forensic DNA analysis methods 290
27.Parentage testing 308
28.Identification and characterization of biological evidence 318
29.Principles of forensic science 330
30.Allied forensic specialties 352
Appendix 1:Guidelines for an autopsy and exhumation 360
Appendix 2:Widmark's formula 363
Appendix 3:Diagnosing poisoning-carbon monoxide.Health protection agency guidelines 364
Appendix 4:Allele frequencies and population genetic parameters of 13 CODIS STR Loci from Han population in Shanghai 365
Index 367
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