- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:田晓莉,代尊峰,刘佳爱主编
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林文史出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787547238301
- 页数:186 页
Chapter One 区域划分 1
1.1 England 5
1.2 Scotland 10
1.3 Wales 14
1.4 Northern Ireland 18
Chapter Two 政治体系 22
2.1 The Monarchy 25
2.2 The Parliamentary Government 28
2.3 Political Parties 32
2.4 Elections and Voting 35
Chapter Three 英国的教育 38
3.1 British Education System 40
3.2 Eton College 44
3.3 Oxford University 46
3.4 Cambridge University 49
3.5 London School of Economic 51
3.6 Summerhill 54
Chapter Four 英国的节日 56
4.1 Queen's Birthday 59
4.2 Christmas 61
4.3 Easter 63
4.4 St.Patrick's Day 65
4.5 Burns Night 67
4.6 The Eisteddfod 70
4.7 Halloween 72
Chapter Five 英国人的生活 74
5.1 Ways of connecting 75
5.2 British Humor 77
5.3 Weather Talk 79
5.4 Hat Culture 81
5.5 Newspaper and Magazines 83
5.6 British Weddings 86
5.7 British Funerals 88
Chapter Six 英国的经济 90
6.1 Overview 91
6.2 Primary Industry 94
6.3 Secondary Industry 100
6.4 Service Industry 102
Chapter Seven 英国的多元化 106
7.1 Multicultural Britain 107
7.2 Why is Britain so diverse? 109
Chapter Eight 英国的饮食文化 110
8.1 Dining Etiquettes 111
8.2 The Breakfast 114
8.3 Afternoon Tea 115
8.4 Fish and Chips 118
8.5 Different Kind of Beverages 121
Chapter Nine 英国著名的城市 124
9.1 London 125
9.2 Edinburgh 128
9.3 Manchester 130
9.4 Liverpool 132
9.5 Birmingham 134
9.6 Cambridge 136
Chapter Ten 英国的风景名胜 138
10.1 The Big Ben 139
10.2 Buckingham Palace 141
10.3 The British Museum 144
10.4 The Stonehenge 147
10.5 Westminster Abbey 149
Chapter Eleven 不可不知的英国名人 152
11.1 William Shakespeare 153
11.2 Winston Churchill 156
11.3 Margaret Hilda Thatcher 158
11.4 The Beatles 160
11.5 David Robert Joseph Beckham 162
11.6 Audrey Hepburn 164
Chapter Twelve 文学影视作品 166
12.1 Literature Works 167
12.1.1 Hamlet 168
12.1.2 Jane Eyre 170
12.1.3 Wuthering Heights 172
12.2 British Movies and Series 174
12.2.1 The English Patient 175
12.2.2 Four Weddings and a Funeral(1994) 177
12.2.3 Hustle 179
12.2.4 Hotel Babylon 181
12.3 British TV Shows 182
12.3.1 Britain's Got Talent 183
12.3.2 X Factor 185
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