- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:宋利明著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787030536150
- 页数:130 页
Part One Life in the Sea 1
Part Two Fishing Gears 4
Section One Fishing Gears and Fishing Technology 4
1.1 Netting materials 4
1.2 Classifications of fishing gears 5
1.3 Midwater otter trawls 8
1.4 Tuna drifting gillnets 10
1.5 Boat-operated lift nets 13
1.6 Squid jigging technology 14
1.7 Tuna longlining 17
1.8 Tuna purse seine 21
1.9 Bottom otter trawls 27
1.10 Shrimp beam trawling 29
1.11 Bottom pair trawling 32
Section Two Situation Dialogues about Fishing Gear Inspection in the Northern Pacific 35
2.1 Means to measure the mesh size 35
2.2 Means to measure the mesh size on the codend 35
2.3 Operating principles for trawling 36
2.4 Operating principles for squid jigging 37
2.5 Operating principles for gillnets 38
2.6 Midwater otter trawl inspection in the northern Pacific 39
2.7 Gillnetting inspection in the northern Pacific 40
2.8 Squid jigging inspection in the northern Pacific 41
Section Three Supplementary Reading Materials 43
Technological trends in capture fisheries 43
Part Three Forms to Fill in 59
Section Four Reading material 59
Section Five Forms to read and fill in 64
5.1 Log book 64
5.2 Fishing log 68
5.3 Observer sampling 72
5.4 Boarding report of United States coast guard 90
Part Four Responsible Fisheries 100
Section Six Stopping Illegal,Unreported and Unregulated Fishing 100
6.1 Reading materials 100
6.2 Questions for discussions 110
6.3 Situation dialogues about IUU Fishing 111
Section Seven Supplementary Reading Materials 117
7.1 Introduction of IUU fishing 117
7.2 Combats against IUU Fishing 118
7.3 Introduction of IPOA-IUU 119
7.4 Types of IUU Fishing 120
7.5 Reasons for the increased IUU fishing 120
Section Eight Inspection Procedures at the High Seas 122
8.1 Inspections at sea 122
8.2 Situation dialogues about IUU fishing 123
8.3 WCPFC boarding and inspection procedures(Excerpt) 126
Bibliography 131
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