白手起家的商人给儿子的信 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)乔治·贺瑞斯·洛里默著
- 出 版 社:世界图书北京出版公司
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787510023729
- 页数:190 页
1 From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepont,at Harvard University,Cambridge,Mass.Mr.Pierrepont has just been settled by his mother as a member,in good and regular standing,of the Freshman class 1
2 From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepont,at Harvard University.Mr.Pierrepont's expense account has just passed under his father's eye,and has furnished him with a text for some plain particularities 10
3 From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepont,at Harvard University.Mr.Pierrepont finds Cambridge to his liking,and has suggested that he take a post-graduate course to fill up some gaps which he has found in his education 18
4 From John Graham,head of the house of Graham & Co.,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepont Graham,at the Waldorf-Astoria,inNewYork.Mr.Pierrepont has suggested the grand tour as aproper finish to his education 27
5 From John Graham,head of the house of Graham & Co.,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepont Graham,at Lake Moosgatchemawamuc,in the Maine woods.Mr.Pierrepont has written to his father withdrawing his suggestion 34
6 From John Graham,en route to Texas,to Pierrepont Graham,care of Graham & Co.,Union Stock Yards,Chicago.Mr.Pierrepont has,entirely without intention,caused a little confusion in the mails,and it has come to his father's notice in the course of business 42
7 From John Graham,at the Omaha Branch of Graham & Co.,to Pierrepont Graham,at the Union Stock Yards,Chicago.Mr.Pierrepont hasn't found the methods of the worthy Milligan altogether to his liking,and he has commented rather freely on them 50
8 From John Graham,at Hot Springs,Arkansas,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.Mr.Pierrepont has just been promoted from the mailing to the billing desk and,in consequence,his father is feeling rather"mellow"toward him 57
9 From John Graham,at Hot Springs,Arkansas,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.Mr.Pierrepont has been investing more heavily in roses than his father thinks his means warrant,and he tries to turn his thoughts to staple groceries 69
10 From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Commercial House,Jeffersonville,Indiana.Mr.Pierrepont has been promoted to the position of traveling salesman for the house,and has started out on the road 78
11 From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepont,at The Planters'Palace Hotel,at Big Gap,Kentucky.Mr.Pierrepont's orders are small and his expenses are large,so his father feels pessimistic over his prospects 87
12 From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepont,at Little Delmonico's,Prairie Centre,Indiana.Mr.Pierrepont has annoyed his father by accepting his criticisms in a spirit of gentle,but most reprehensible,resignation 96
13 From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepont,care of The Hoosier Grocery Co.,Indianapolis,Indiana.Mr.Pierrepont's orders have been looking up,so the old man gives him a pat on the back-but not too hard aone 108
14 From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepont,at The Travelers'Rest,New Albany,Indiana.Mr.Pierrepont has taken a little flyer in short ribs on'Change,and has accidentally come into the line of his father's vision 117
15 From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepont,at The Scrub Oaks,Spring Lake,Michigan Mr.Pierrepont has been promoted again,and the old man sends him a little advice with his appointment 128
16 From John Graham,at the Schweitzerk?senhof,Karlsbad,Austria,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards,Chicago.Mr.Pierrepont has shown mild symptoms of an attack of society fever,and his father is administering some simple remedies 136
17 From John Graham,at the London House of Graham & Co.,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.Mr.Pierrepont has written his father that he is getting along famously in his new place 148
18 From John Graham,at the London House of Graham & Co.,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.Mr.Pierrepont is worried over rumors that the old man is a bear on lard,and that the longs are about to make him climb a tree 158
19 From John Graham,at the New York house of Graham & Co.,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.The old man,on the voyage home,has met a girl who interests him and who in turn seems to be interested in Mr.Pierrepont 168
20 From John Graham,at the Boston House of Graham & Co.,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.Mr.Pierrepont has told the old man"what's what"and received a limited blessing 184
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