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电路  第8版  英文版
电路  第8版  英文版

电路 第8版 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:23 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)尼尔森,(美)里德尔著
  • 出 版 社:北京:电子工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:712108774X
  • 页数:877 页
《电路 第8版 英文版》目录
标签:英文版 电路

List of Examples 11

Preface 15

Chapter 1 Circuit Variables 22

1.1 Electrical Engineering:An Overview 23

1.2 The International System of Units 28

1.3 Circuit Analysis:An Overview 30

1.4 Voltage and Current 31

1.5 The Ideal Basic Circuit Element 32

1.6 Power and Energy 34

Summary 36

Problems 37

Chapter 2 Circuit Elements 42

Practical Perspective:Electrical Safety 43

2.1 Voltage and Current Sources 44

2.2 Electrical Resistance(Ohm's Law) 48

2.3 Construction of a Circuit Model 52

2.4 Kirchhoff's Laws 56

2.5 Analysis of a Circuit Containing Dependent Sources 62

Practical Perspective:Electrical Safety 66

Summary 67

Problems 68

Chapter 3 Simple Resistive Circuits 76

Practical Perspective:A Rear Window Defroster 77

3.1 Resistors in Series 78

3.2 Resistors in Parallel 79

3.3 The Voltage-Divider and Current-Divider Circuits 82

3.4 Voltage Division and Current Division 85

3.5 Measuring Voltage and Current 88

3.6 Measuring Resistance—The Wheatstone Bridge 91

3.7 Delta-to-Wye(Pi-to-Tee)Equivalent Circuits 93

Practical Perspective:A Rear Window Defroster 96

Summary 99

Problems 100

Chapter 4 Techniques of Circuit Analysis 112

Practical Perspective:Circuits with Realistic Resistors 113

4.1 Terminology 114

4.2 Introduction to the Node-Voltage Method 117

4.3 The Node-Voltage Method and Dependent Sources 120

4.4 The Node-Voltage Method:Some Special Cases 121

4.5 Introduction to the Mesh-Current Method 125

4.6 The Mesh-Current Method and Dependent Sources 127

4.7 The Mesh-Current Method:Some Special Cases 129

4.8 The Node-Voltage Method Versus the Mesh-Current Method 132

4.9 Source Transformations 136

4.10 Thévenin and Norton Equivalents 139

4.11 More on Deriving a Thévenin Equivalent 143

4.12 Maximum Power Transfer 146

4.13 Superposition 149

Practical Perspective:Circuits with Realistic Resistors 153

Summary 157

Problems 158

Chapter 5 The Operational Amplifier 174

Practical Perspective:Strain Gages 175

5.1 Operational Amplifier Terminals 176

5.2 Terminal Voltages and Currents 176

5.3 The Inverting-Amplifier Circuit 181

5.4 The Summing-Amplifier Circuit 183

5.5 The Noninverting-Amplifier Circuit 184

5.6 The Difference-Amplifier Circuit 185

5.7 A More Realistic Model for the Operational Amplifier 190

Practical Perspective:Strain Gages 193

Summary 195

Problems 196

Chapter 6 Inductance,Capacitance,and Mutual Inductance 206

Practical Perspective:Proximity Switches 207

6.1 The Inductor 208

6.2 The Capacitor 215

6.3 Series-Parallel Combinations of Inductance and Capacitance 220

6.4 Mutual Inductance 223

6.5 A Closer Look at Mutual Inductance 227

Practical Perspective:Proximity Switches 234

Summary 237

Problems 238

Chapter 7 Response of First-Order RL and RC Circuits 248

Practical Perspective:A Flashing Light Circuit 249

7.1 The Natural Response of an RL Circuit 250

7.2 The Natural Response of an RC Circuit 256

7.3 The Step Response of RL and RC Circuits 260

7.4 A General Solution for Step and Natural Responses 268

7.5 Sequential Switching 274

7.6 Unbounded Response 278

7.7 The Integrating Amplifier 280

Practical Perspective:A Flashing Light Circuit 283

Summary 285

Problems 285

Chapter 8 Natural and Step Responses of RLC Circuits 304

Practical Perspective:An Ignition Circuit 305

8.1 Introduction to the Natural Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 306

8.2 The Forms of the Natural Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 311

8.3 The Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 321

8.4 The Natural and Step Response of a Series RLC Circuit 328

8.5 A Circuit with Two Integrating Amplifiers 332

Practical Perspective:An Ignition Circuit 337

Summary 340

Problems 341

Chapter 9 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis 350

Practical Perspective:A Household Distribution Circuit 351

9.1 The Sinusoidal Source 352

9.2 The Sinusoidal Response 355

9.3 The Phasor 357

9.4 The Passive Circuit Elements in the Frequency Domain 362

9.5 Kirchhoff's Laws in the Frequency Domain 366

9.6 Series,Parallel,and Delta-to-Wye Simplifications 368

9.7 Source Transformations and Thévenin-Norton Equivalent Circuits 375

9.8 The Node-Voltage Method 379

9.9 The Mesh-Current Method 380

9.10 The Transformer 381

9.11 The Ideal Transformer 385

9.12 Phasor Diagrams 392

Practical Perspective:A Household Distribution Circuit 395

Summary 395

Problems 396

Chapter 10 Sinusoidal Steady-State Power Calculations 410

Practical Perspective:Heating Appliances 411

10.1 Instantaneous Power 412

10.2 Average and Reactive Power 414

10.3 The rms Value and Power Calculations 419

10.4 Complex Power 421

10.5 Power Calculations 423

10.6 Maximum Power Transfer 430

Practical Perspective:Heating Appliances 437

Summary 439

Problems 440

Chapter 11 Balanced Three-Phase Circuits 452

Practical Perspective:Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power 453

11.1 Balanced Three-Phase Voltages 454

11.2 Three-Phase Voltage Sources 455

11.3 Analysis of the Wye-Wye Circuit 456

11.4 Analysis of the Wye-Delta Circuit 462

11.5 Power Calculations in Balanced Three-Phase Circuits 465

11.6 Measuring Average Power in Three-Phase Circuits 472

Practical Perspective:Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power 475

Summary 476

Problems 477

Chapter 12 Introduction to the Laplace Transform 486

12.1 Definition of the Laplace Transform 487

12.2 The Step Function 488

12.3 The Impulse Function 490

12.4 Functional Transforms 494

12.5 Operational Transforms 495

12.6 Applying the Laplace Transform 501

12.7 Inverse Transforms 502

12.8 Poles and Zeros of F(s) 514

12.9 Initial-and Final-Value Theorems 515

Summary 518

Problems 519

Chapter 13 The Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis 526

Practical Perspective:Surge Suppressors 527

13.1 Circuit Elements in the s Domain 528

13.2 Circuit Analysis in the s Domain 531

13.3 Applications 532

13.4 The Transfer Function 546

13.5 The Transfer Function in Partial Fraction Expansions 548

13.6 The Transfer Function and the Convolution Integral 551

13.7 The Transfer Function and the Steady-State Sinusoidal Response 557

13.8 The Impulse Function Circuit Analysis 560

Practical Perspective:Surge Suppressors 568

Summary 569

Problems 570

Chapter 14 Introduction to Frequency Selective Circuits 586

Practical Perspective:Pushbutton Telephone Circuits 587

14.1 Some Preliminaries 588

14.2 Low-Pass Filters 590

14.3 High-Pass Filters 597

14.4 Bandpass Filters 602

14.5 Bandreject Filters 613

Practical Perspective:Pushbutton Telephone Circuits 618

Summary 619

Problems 619

Chapter 15 Active Filter Circuits 626

Practical Perspective:Bass Volume Control 627

15.1 First-Order Low-Pass and High-Pass Filters 628

15.2 Scaling 632

15.3 Op Amp Bandpass and Bandreject Filters 635

15.4 Higher Order Op Amp Filters 642

15.5 Narrowband Bandpass and Bandreject Filters 656

Practical Perspective:Bass Volume Control 662

Summary 664

Problems 666

Chapter 16 Fourier Series 676

16.1 Fourier Series Analysis:An Overview 678

16.2 The Fourier Coefficients 679

16.3 The Effect of Symmetry on the Fourier Coefficients 682

16.4 An Alternative Trigonometric Form of the Fourier Series 688

16.5 An Application 690

16.6 Average-Power Calculations with Periodic Functions 695

16.7 The rms Value of a Periodic Function 698

16.8 The Exponential Form of the Fourier Series 699

16.9 Amplitude and Phase Spectra 702

Summary 705

Problems 706

Chapter 17 The Fourier Transform 718

17.1 The Derivation of the Fourier Transform 719

17.2 The Convergence of the Fourier Integral 721

17.3 Using Laplace Transforms to Find Fourier Transforms 723

17.4 Fourier Transforms in the Limit 726

17.5 Some Mathematical Properties 728

17.6 Operational Transforms 730

17.7 Circuit Applications 734

17.8 Parseval's Theorem 737

Summary 744

Problems 745

Chapter 18 Two-Port Circuits 750

18.1 The Terminal Equations 751

18.2 The Two-Port Parameters 752

18.3 Analysis of the Terminated Two-Port Circuit 761

18.4 Interconnected Two-Port Circuits 767

Summary 771

Problems 772

Appendix A The Solution of Linear Simultaneous Equations 779

A.1 Preliminary Steps 779

A.2 Cramer's Method 780

A.3 The Characteristic Determinant 780

A.4 The Numerator Determinant 780

A.5 The Evaluation of a Determinant 781

A.6 Matrices 784

A.7 Matrix Algebra 785

A.8 Identity,Adjoint,and Inverse Matrices 790

A.9 Partitioned Matrices 792

A.10 Applications 796

Appendix B Complex Numbers 801

B.1 Notation 801

B.2 The Graphical Representation of a Complex Number 802

B.3 Arithmetic Operations 803

B.4 Useful Identities 805

B.5 The Integer Power of a Complex Number 805

B.6 The Roots of a Complex Number 806

Appendix C More on Magnetically Coupled Coils and Ideal Transformers 807

C.1 Equivalent Circuits for Magnetically Coupled Coils 807

C.2 The Need for Ideal Transformers in the Equivalent Circuits 812

Appendix D The Decibel 817

Appendix E Bode Diagrams 819

E.1 Real,First-Order Poles and Zeros 819

E.2 Straight-Line Amplitude Plots 820

E.3 More Accurate Amplitude Plots 824

E.4 Straight-Line Phase Angle Plots 825

E.5 Bode Diagrams:Complex Poles and Zeros 827

E.6 Amplitude Plots 829

E.7 Correcting Straight-Line Amplitude Plots 830

E.8 Phase Angle Plots 833

Appendix F An Abbreviated Table of Trigonometric Identities 837

Appendix G An Abbreviated Table of Integrals 839

Appendix H Answers to Selected Problems 841

Index 859

Chapter 2

2.1 Testing Interconnections of Ideal Sources 46

2.2 Testing Interconnections of Ideal Independent and Dependent Sources 47

2.3 Calculating Voltage,Current,and Power for a Simple Resistive Circuit 51

2.4 Constructing a Circuit Model of a Flashlight 53

2.5 Constructing a Circuit Model Based on Terminal Measurements 55

2.6 Using Kirchhoff's Current Law 59

2.7 Using Kirchhoff's Voltage Law 59

2.8 Applying Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's Laws to Find an Unknown Current 60

2.9 Constructing a Circuit Model Based on Terminal Measurements 61

2.10 Applying Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's Laws to Find an Unknown Voltage 64

2.11 Applying Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's Law in an Amplifier Circuit 65

Chapter 3

3.1 Applying Series-Parallel Simplification 81

3.2 Analyzing the Voltage-Divider Circuit 83

3.3 Analyzing a Current-Divider Circuit 84

3.4 Using Voltage Division and Current Division to Solve a Circuit 87

3.5 Using a d'Arsonval Ammeter 89

3.6 Using a d'Arsonval Voltmeter 90

3.7 Applying a Delta-to-Wye Transform 95

Chapter 4

4.1 Identifying Node,Branch,Mesh,and Loop in a Circuit 115

4.2 Using the Node-Voltage Method 119

4.3 Using the Node-Voltage Method with Dependent Sources 120

4.4 Using the Mesh-Current Method 126

4.5 Using the Mesh-Current Method with Dependent Sources 128

4.6 Understanding the Node-Voltage Method Versus Mesh-Current Method 133

4.7 Comparing the Node-Voltage and Mesh-Current Methods 135

4.8 Using Source Transformations to Solve a Circuit 137

4.9 Using Special Source Transformation Techniques 138

4.10 Finding the Thévenin Equivalent of a Circuit with a Dependent Source 142

4.11 Finding the Thévenin Equivalent Using a Test Source 144

4.12 Calculating the Condition for Maximum Power Transfer 148

4.13 Using Superposition to Solve a Circuit 152

Chapter 5

5.1 Analyzing an Op Amp Circuit 180

Chapter 6

6.1 Determining the Voltage,Given the Current,at the Terminals of an Inductor 209

6.2 Determining the Current,Given the Voltage,at the Terminals of an Inductor 211

6.3 Determining the Current,Voltage,Power,and Energy for an Inductor 213

6.4 Determining Current,Voltage,Power,and Energy for a Capacitor 217

6.5 Finding v,p,and w Induced by a Triangular Current Pulse for a Capacitor 218

6.6 Finding Mesh-Current Equations for a Circuit with Magnetically Coupled Coils 226

Chapter 7

7.1 Determining the Natural Response of an RL Circuit 254

7.2 Determining the Natural Response of an RL Circuit with Parallel Inductors 255

7.3 Determining the Natural Response of an RC Circuit 258

7.4 Determining the Natural Response of an RC Circuit with Series Capacitors 259

7.5 Determining the Step Response of an RL Circuit 264

7.6 Determining the Step Response of an RC Circuit 267

7.7 Using the General Solution Method to Find an RC Circuit's Step Response 270

7.8 Using the General Solution Method with Zero Initial Conditions 271

7.9 Using the General Solution Method to Find an RL Circuit's Step Response 272

7.10 Determining the Step Response of a Circuit with Magnetically Coupled Coils 273

7.11 Analyzing an RL Circuit that has Sequential Switching 275

7.12 Analyzing an RC Circuit that has Sequential Switching 277

7.13 Finding the Unbounded Response in an RC Circuit 279

7.14 Analyzing an Integrating Amplifier 281

7.15 Analyzing an Integrating Amplifier that has Sequential Switching 282

Chapter 8

8.1 Finding the Roots of the Characteristic Equation of a Parallel RLC Circuit 310

8.2 Finding the Overdamped Natural Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 313

8.3 Calculating Branch Currents in the Natural Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 314

8.4 Finding the Underdamped Natural Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 317

8.5 Finding the Critically Damped Natural Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 320

8.6 Finding the Overdamped Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 324

8.7 Finding the Underdamped Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 325

8.8 Finding the Critically Damped Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 325

8.9 Comparing the Three-Step Response Forms 326

8.10 Finding Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit with Initial Stored Energy 326

8.11 Finding the Underdamped Natural Response of a Series RLC Circuit 330

8.12 Finding the Underdamped Step Response of a Series RLC Circuit 331

8.13 Analyzing Two Cascaded Integrating Amplifiers 333

8.14 Analyzing Two Cascaded Integrating Amplifiers with Feedback Resistors 336

Chapter 9

9.1 Finding the Characteristics of a Sinusoidal Current 354

9.2 Finding the Characteristics of a Sinusoidal Voltage 354

9.3 Translating a Sine Expression to a Cosine Expression 354

9.4 Calculating the rms Value of a Triangular Waveform 355

9.5 Adding Cosines Using Phasors 361

9.6 Combining Impedances in Series 369

9.7 Combining Impedances in Series and in Parallel 371

9.8 Using a Delta-to-Wye Transform in the Frequency Domain 373

9.9 Performing Source Transformations in the Frequency Domain 376

9.10 Finding a Thévenin Equivalent in the Frequency Domain 377

9.11 Using the Node-Voltage Method in the Frequency Domain 379

9.12 Using the Mesh-Current Method in the Frequency Domain 380

9.13 Analyzing a Linear Transformer in the Frequency Domain 384

9.14 Analyzing an Ideal Transformer Circuit in the Frequency Domain 390

9.15 Using Phasor Diagrams to Analyze a Circuit 392

9.16 Using Phasor Diagrams to Analyze Capacitive Loading Effects 393

Chapter 10

10.1 Calculating Average and Reactive Power 416

10.2 Making Power Calculations Involving Household Appliances 418

10.3 Determining Average Power Delivered to a Resistor by a Sinusoidal Voltage 420

10.4 Calculating Complex Power 422

10.5 Calculating Average and Reactive Power 426

10.6 Calculating Power in Parallel Loads 427

10.7 Balancing Power Delivered with Power Absorbed in an ac Circuit 428

10.8 Determining Maximum Power Transfer without Load Restrictions 433

10.9 Determining Maximum Power Transfer with Load Impedance Restriction 434

10.10 Finding Maximum Power Transfer with Impedance Angle Restrictions 434

10.11 Finding Maximum Power Transfer in a Circuit with an Ideal Transformer 435

Chapter 11

11.1 Analyzing a Wye-Wye Circuit 460

11.2 Analyzing a Wye-Delta Circuit 464

11.3 Calculating Power in a Three-Phase Wye-Wye Circuit 469

11.4 Calculating Power in a Three-Phase Wye-Delta Circuit 470

11.5 Calculating Three-Phase Power with an Unspecified Load 470

11.6 Computing Wattmeter Readings in Three-Phase Circuits 474

Chapter 12

12.1 Using Step Functions to Represent a Function of Finite Duration 490

Chapter 13

13.1 Deriving the Transfer Function of a Circuit 547

13.2 Analyzing the Transfer Function of a Circuit 549

13.3 Using the Convolution Integral to Find an Output Signal 555

13.4 Using the Transfer Function to Find the Steady-State Sinusoidal Response 559

Chapter 14

14.1 Designing a Low-Pass Filter 594

14.2 Designing a Series RC Low-Pass Filter 595

14.3 Designing a Series RL High-Pass Filter 599

14.4 Loading the Series RL High-Pass Filter 600

14.5 Designing a Bandpass Filter 607

14.6 Designing a Parallel RLC Bandpass Filter 608

14.7 Determining Effect of a Nonideal Voltage Source on a RLC Bandpass Filter 609

14.8 Designing a Series RLC Bandreject Filter 616

Chapter 15

15.1 Designing a Low-Pass Op Amp Filter 629

15.2 Designing a High-Pass Op Amp Filter 631

15.3 Scaling a Series RLC Circuit 633

15.4 Scaling a Prototype Low-Pass Op Amp Filter 634

15.5 Designing a Broadband Bandpass Op Amp Filter 638

15.6 Designing a Broadband Bandreject Op Amp Filter 641

15.7 Designing a Fourth-Order Low-Pass Op Amp Filter 645

15.8 Calculating Butterworth Transfer Functions■ 8

15.9 Designing a Fourth-Order Low-Pass Butterworth Filter 651

15.10 Determining the Order of a Butterworth Filter 654

15.11 An Alternate Approach to Determining the Order of a Butterworth Filter 654

15.12 Designing a High-Q Bandpass Filter 658

15.13 Designing a High-Q Bandreject Filter 661

Chapter 16

16.1 Finding the Fourier Series of a Triangular Waveform with No Symmetry 680

16.2 Finding the Fourier Series of an Odd Function with Symmetry 687

16.3 Calculating Forms of the Trigonometric Fourier Series for Periodic Voltage 689

16.4 Calculating Average Power for a Circuit with a Periodic Voltage Source 697

16.5 Estimating the rms Value of a Periodic Function 699

16.6 Finding the Exponential Form of the Fourier Series 701

Chapter 17

17.1 Using the Fourier Transform to Find the Transient Response 735

17.2 Using the Fourier Transform to Find the Sinusoidal Steady-State Response 736

17.3 Applying Parseval's Theorem 739

17.4 Applying Parseval's Theorem to an Ideal Bandpass Filter 740

17.5 Applying Parseval's Theorem to a Low-Pass Filter 741

Chapter 18

18.1 Finding the z Parameters of a Two-Port Circuit 753

18.2 Finding the a Parameters from Measurements 755

18.3 Finding h Parameters from Measurements and Table 18.1 758

18.4 Analyzing a Terminated Two-Port Circuit 766

18.5 Analyzing Cascaded Two-Port Circuits 770
