内蒙古珍宝 杂项PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:高延青主编
- 出 版 社:呼和浩特:内蒙古大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787811152074
- 页数:187 页
河套人头骨化石 Fossil for Bone of Htuman’S Head in Hetao 28
扎赉诺尔人头骨化石 Fossil for Bone of Human’S Head in Zalainuoer 28
骨针、骨针筒 Needle and Needle Canister Made of Bone 29
骨柄石刃匕 Dirk with Bone Handle and Stone Blade 30
骨柄石刃刀 Knife with Bone Handle and Stone Blade 31
熊形蚌饰 Mussel Ornament in Bear Shape 32
骨柄石刃刀 Knife with Bone Handle and Stone Blade 33
人形蚌饰 Mussel Ornament in Human Shape 34
狩猎纹骨板 Bone Board with Design of Hunting 35
骨尺 Ruler Made of Bone 36
骨尺 Ruler Made of Bone 37
骨尺 Ruler Made of Bone 38
刻纹骨锥管 Bone Pipe with Carved Design 39
骨鸣镝 Whistling Arrow Made of Bone 40
牙雕佛像 Ivory Carved Statuary 41
铁权 Iron Weight of Steelyard 42
双耳铁? Iron Cooking Caldron with Two Holders 43
双耳铁? Iron Cooking Caldron with Two Holders 44
错银铁矛 Silver Added Iron Spear 45
木弓、桦树皮弓囊 Wooden Bow and Bow Bag Made of Birch’s Bark 46
桦树皮罐 Jar Made of Birch’s Bark 47
木雕菩萨像 Wood Carved Bodhisattva 48
木雕菩萨像 Wood Carved Bodhisattva 49
契丹大字木简 Wood Slip with Big Khitan Characters 50
桦皮箭囊、箭 Arrow and Arrow Bag Made of Birch’s Bark 51
贴银花鸟纹漆盒 Silver Pasted Lacquer Box with Design of Flower and Bird 52
嵌宝石包银鎏金漆盒、铜镜 Gold Plated and Gem Inlaid Silver Lacquer Box and Copper Mirror 54
异形漆盒 Lacquer Box in Strange Shape 56
扇形漆盒 Lacquer Box in Fan Shape 57
“喜鹊登梅”木拐杖 Wood Crutch with Design of Magpie on Plum 58
木椅 Wooden Chair 59
木椅 Wooden Chair 60
彩绘木桌 Painted Wooden Table 61
涂金木雕坐狮 Gold Smeared and Wood Carved Sitting Lion 62
涂金木雕坐狮 Gold Smeared and Wood Carved Sitting Lion 63
真容木偶像 Wooden Statuary Imitated as Real Human 64
真容木偶像、木棺 Wooden Statuary Imitated as Real Human and Wooden Coffin 65
彩绘木棺 Painted Wooden Coffin 66
棺床小帐 Coffin Bed and Small Tent 68
九脊棺床小帐 Coffin Bed and Small Tent with Nine Ridges 69
彩绘木棺、棺床 Painted Wooden Coffin and Coffin Bed 70
彩绘木雕四神 Painted and Wood Carved Four Immortals 72
彩绘贴金七佛木雕法舍利塔 Painted and Gold Pasted Wooden Dagoba with Design of Seven Buddha 74
贴金七佛木雕法舍利塔 Gold Pasted Wooden Dagoba with Design of Seven Buddha 76
彩绘七佛木雕法舍利塔 Painted Wooden Dagoba with Design of Seven Buddha 77
“十方佛”木雕法舍利塔 Wooden Dagoba with Design of Buddha in Ten Positions 78
贴金木雕法舍利塔 Gold Pasted Wooden Dagoba 80
素旋木塔 Screwy Wooden Tower 82
涂金木雕法舍利塔 Gold Smeared Wooden Dagoba 83
三足木雕舍利罐 Three Feet Wooden Jar for Buddhist Relics 84
涂金木雕释迦佛坐像 Gold Smeared Wooden Sitting Statuary of Sakyanmni Buddha 85
“牡丹芭蕉”木板画 Painting of Peony and Banana on Wood Board 86
“雉鸡银杏”木板画 Painting of Pheasant and Gingko on Wood Board 87
“牧牛”木板画 Painting of Herding Cattle on Wood Board 88
“男侍、女侍”木板画 Painting or Male and Female Servants on Wood Board 89
“散乐图”木板画 Painting of Musicians on Wood Board 90
“门神”木板画 Painting of Door God on Wood Board 90
“敕勒川狩猎图”壁画 Fresco of Hunting in Chilechuan 92
“出猎图”壁画 Fresco of Going out for Hunting 94
“宴饮图”壁画 Fresco of Banquet 95
“击鼓图”壁画 Fresco of Beating Drum 95
“鼓乐图”壁画 Fresco of Playing Musical Instrument 96
“出行图”壁画 Fresco of Journey 98
“备饮图”壁画 Fresco of Preparing Drink 100
“烹饪图”壁画 Fresco of Cooking 100
“射虎图”壁画 Fresco of Shooting Tiger 101
“双鸡图”壁画 Fresco of Two Cocks 102
“侍吏图”壁画 Fresco of Official 103
“备饮图”壁画 Fresco of Preparing Drink 104
“墓主人对坐图”壁画 Fresco of Sitting Face to Face 105
木雕彩绘莲台琥珀观音像 Amber Statuary of Avalokitesvara with Wood Carved and Painted Lotus Throne 106
琥珀璎珞(公主) Amber Ornament(Princess) 108
琥珀璎珞(驸马) Amber Ornament(Princess’s Husband) 109
琥珀珍珠耳坠 Amber and Pearl Eardrop 110
鱼莲纹琥珀饰件 Amber Ornament with Design of Fish and Lotus 111
龙纹琥珀佩饰 Amber Pendant with Design of Dragon 112
菊花纹琥珀佩饰 Amber Pendant with Design of Chrysanthemum 112
龙纹琥珀佩饰 Amber Pendant with Design of Dragon 113
莲花纹琥珀佩饰 Amber Pendant with Design of Lotus Flower 114
蝶形琥珀盒 Amber Box in Butterfly Shap 114
胡人驯狮琥珀佩饰 Amber Pendant with Design of Taming Lion 115
鱼形琥珀盒 Amber Box in Fish Shape 116
鸳鸯形琥珀盒 Amber Box in Mandarin Duck Shape 117
莲蕾形琥珀舍利瓶 Amber Bottle for Buddhist Relics in Lotus Bud Shape 118
双龙纹琥珀瓶 Amber Bottle with Design of Two Dragons 119
包金玻璃管状项饰 Gilded Glass Necklace in Pipe Shape 120
带把玻璃杯 Glass Cup with Handle 121
高脚玻璃杯 Glass Standing Cup 122
乳钉纹玻璃盘 Glass Plate with Design of Nipple 123
玻璃舍利瓶 Glass Bottle for Buddhist Relics 124
黑玻璃舍利瓶 Black Glass Bottle for Buddhist Relics 125
凤纹织锦帽 Brocade Hat with Design of Phoenix 126
缠丝凤形钗 Hairpin in Phoenix Shape 127
摩羯纹缂金棉帽 Cotton Hat with Design of Fish with Dragon’s Head 128
飞雁花卉纹百纳织锦帕 Pieced Brocade Handkerchief with Design of Flying Wild Goose and Flower 129
罗棉帽 Silk and Cotton Hat 130
罗夹袍 Double Layered Silk Robe 130
四雁纹绮单衣 Thin Silk Clothes with Design of Four Wild Gooses 131
菱格纹绮长袖棉衣 Cotton Padded Clothes with Long Silk Sleeves and Design of Rhombic Gird 132
四瓣花绫短袖棉袍 Cotton Robe with Short Damask Silk Sleeves and Design of Four-petal Flower 133
圆点纹绮棉袍 Cotton Robe with Design of Round Pots 134
团花绫背带棉裙 Cotton Skirt with Damask Silk Suspenders and Design of Flower 135
背带式绮吊敦 Silk Pants with Suspenders 136
绢短裤 Thin Silk Pants 137
菱格纹罗袍 Robe with Design of Rhombic Gird 138
团窠莲花纹锦棉袍 Cotton Robe with Design of Lotus Flower 139
双雁衔绶纹锦棉袍 Cotton Robe With Design of Two Wild Gooses 140
团窠对凤纹捻金银线锦袍 Brocade Robe with Design of Flower and Phoenix 141
花鸟纹罗地团扇 Round Silk Fan With Design of Flower and Bird 142
童子花卉纹织锦荷包 Brocade Pouch with Design of Child and Flower 144
人物纹绮团扇 Round Silk Fan with Design of Portrait 145
提花绫荷包 Jacquard Damask Silk Pouch 146
几何纹锦囊 Brocade Bag with Geometric Design 146
联珠人物纹红色罗地经袱 Red Silk Wrapper for Scripture Roll with Beads and Design of Portrait 147
联珠团龙纹橙色罗地绣巾 Orange Silk Towel with Beads and Embroidered Design of Dragon 148
梅花蜂蝶纹蓝色罗地绣巾 Blue Silk Towel With Embroidered Design of Plum Blossom,Bee and Butterfly 150
联珠梅竹蜂蝶纹红罗地绣巾 Red Silk Towel with Beads and Embroidered Design of Plum,Bamboo,Bee and Butterfly 151
鸾凤蜂蝶穿花纹绫 Damask Silk with Design of Phoenix,Bee,Butterfly and Flower 152
橘红地蜂纹夹缬罗 Orange Grounded Cloth with Design of Bee 153
松纹红地夹缬罗 Red Grounded Cloth with Design of Pine 154
圆点“圭”字纹红地夹缬罗 Red Grounded Cloth with Design of Round Pot and Chinese Character of Gui 155
四合花纹“纳矢石”辫线袍 Braid Threaded Robe with Design of Flower 156
鹦鹉纹织锦风帽 Brocade Hood with Design of Parrot 158
紫色荷花纹缂丝靴套 Purple Silk Cover of Boot with Design of Lotus Flower 159
绣花夹衫 Embroidered and Double Layered Jacket 160
印金罗夹衫 Gold Pasted and Double Layered Silk Jacket 162
印金绫袍 Gold Pasted Damask Silk Robe 163
“格力芬”纹提花织锦被面 Jacquard Brocade Quilt Cover with Design of Griffon 164
葫芦形香囊 Spice Bag in Calabash Shape 166
百纳花瓣绫僧帽 Pieced Monk’s Hat With Design of Petal 167
黄色绢织僧帽 Monk’s Hat Made of Yellow Thin Silk 168
墨书宝幡 Flag in Ink Writing 169
莲池鹅蝶纹法器衬垫 Pad for Religious Instrument with Design of Goose and Butterfly in Lotus Pond 170
百纳法器衬垫 Pieced Pad for Religious Instrument 171
雕版印刷《妙法莲花经》 Presswork of Sutra by Printing Block 172
手抄佛经 Handwritten Buddhist Sutra 174
手抄袖珍《佛说摩利支天经》Handwritten Pocketbook of Buddhism Sutra 176
手抄袖珍《金刚经》 Handwritten Pocketbook of Diamond Sutra 177
西夏文刻本《顶尊相胜总持功德依经集》 Block Printed Edition of Sutra in Western Xia Characters 178
西夏文刻本《圣观自在大悲心总持功德依经集》 Block Printed Edition of Sutra in Western Xia Characters 178
西夏文写本《佛顶相胜无垢光明入普门观察一切如来心陀罗尼经卷》Handwritten Edition of Dharani Sutra in Western Xia Characters 180
中统元宝交钞 Currency with Characters of Zhong Tong Yuan Bao 182
至元通行宝钞 Currency with Characters of Zhi Yuan Tong Xing 183
公文卷题 Offcial Document 184
至正版《文献通考》 Wen Xian Tong Kao Printed in Zhizheng Period 185
吏礼房通知 Notification from Official Department 186
婚书 Marriage Certificate 187
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