- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王爱华编著
- 出 版 社:成都:四川大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787561448557
- 页数:326 页
中文导论 1
Chapter 1 Introduction 77
1.1 Introductory remarks 77
1.2 The object of this study 77
1.2.1 The etymology of ML 78
1.2.2 The language system 79
1.2.3 The incompleteness of the previous definitions of ML 81
1.2.4 The definition of ML for this study 81
1.2.5 The notions of OL and metalinguality 84
1.2.6 Some examples of ML phenomena 87
1.3 Rationale for the study 89
1.4 Objectives of this study 92
1.5 Some methodological preliminaries 92
1.6 The organization of the dissertation 94
Chapter 2 Previous approaches to ML 98
2.1 The philosophical approach 98
2.1.1 The reflexivity of language 98
2.1.2 The didymous relation between ML and OL 105
2.2 The linguistic approach 109
2.2.1 The pervasiveness of ML in language 109
2.2.2 Metalinguistic consciousness 116
2.2.3 ML's functioning 119
2.3 Comments on the previous approaches to ML 123
2.3.1 Contributions 123
2.3.2 Limitations and inspirations 124
2.4 Summary 126
Chapter 3 The dimension view of ML 127
3.1 Introduction 127
3.2 The most basic requirement of metalinguality 128
3.2.1 Russell's view on linguistic reflexivity 128
3.2.2 The most basic requirement of metalinguality 135
3.3 Metalinguality in language 135
3.3.1 Metalinguality in linguistic sounds 136
3.3.2 Metalinguality in syntax 137
3.3.3 Metalinguality in words 139
3.3.4 The metalinguistic power embedded in a linguistic sign 142
3.3.5 Summary 148
3.4 Metalinguality in speech 148
3.4.1 ML use as a dynamic process of metalinguistic operation 149
3.4.2 ML use displaying an explicit/implicit scale 151
3.4.3 ML use occurring in all language use 163
3.4.4 Summary 173
3.5 Conclusion:language and speech anchored in metalinguality 174
3.5.1 Summary 174
3.5.2 Philosophical implications 176
Chapter 4 Another argument for metalinguality in speech:ML's rescuing language from its imperfection 180
4.1 Language imperfection 181
4.1.1 Incapacity of language 181
4.1.2 Fallacies,errors and indeterminacy in language 188
4.2 The philosophers'rescue of language from its imperfection 195
4.2.1 Rescuing imperfect language by Locke 195
4.2.2 Rescuing imperfect language by analytic philosophers 197
4.3 ML and self-rescue of language 203
4.3.1 ML as rescuing devices and the Hegelian dialectic 203
4.3.2 ML rescuing the linearity and one-dimension of language 205
4.3.3 ML rescuing the discreteness and contractedness of language 207
4.3.4 ML rescuing the finiteness of language 208
4.3.5 ML rescuing the indeterminacy of language 211
4.3.6 ML rescuing the fallacies and errors in language 214
4.4 Conclusion:both metalinguality and remediable language imperfection as necessary dimensions of language 217
4.4.1 Summary and conclusion 217
4.4.2 Philosophical implications 218
Chapter 5 Metalinguality in human mind 220
5.1 The notion of mind 220
5.2 The controversial issue about mind and language 221
5.2.1 The identity view 221
5.2.2 The separability view 223
5.2.3 The inseparability view 229
5.2.4 Conclusion 232
5.3 Human mind is linguistic(1):biological arguments 233
5.4 Human mind is linguistic(2):metaphysical arguments 238
5.5 Do human beings think in mentalese or natural language? 242
5.6 Metalinguistic link between mentalese and NL 245
5.6.1 Approximation between mentalese and NL 245
5.6.2 Metalinguality linking mentalese and NL 247
5.7 How human mind works:metalinguistic operations on NL 253
5.7.1 The workplace hypothesis 254
5.7.2 The active-symbol hypothesis 257
5.7.3 The active-passive-symbol hypothesis 259
5.7.4 Summary 262
5.8 Conclusion 263
5.8.1 Metalinguality of human mind 263
5.8.2 Philosophical implications 264
Chapter 6 ML and reality 266
6.1 The notion of reality 266
6.2 ML dimension empowering language to be constructive 270
6.2.1 What is constructivism? 270
6.2.2 The constructive power of ML dimension 272
6.3 ML and constructive reality 275
6.3.1 Cookie-cutter reality by global ML 275
6.3.2 Mangrove-effect reality 286
6.3.3 Constructive realities accumulated by local ML 288
6.3.4 The thing-in-itself,dimensions of reality and constructive reality 295
6.4 Conclusion and philosophical implications 296
6.4.1 Conclusion 296
6.4.2 Philosophical implications of the relationship between language and reality 297
Chapter 7 Conclusion 303
7.1 Contributions of the study 303
7.2 Theoretical and philosophical implications of the study 306
7.3 Limitations of the study and suggestions for future work 309
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