- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:佚名编
- 出 版 社:珠海:珠海出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7806078266
- 页数:300 页
The Frog-King,or Iron Henry 1
Little Red-Cap 4
Thumbling 8
The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was 13
The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids 21
The Strange Musician 24
The Pack of Ragamuffins 27
Brother and Sister 29
The Three Spinners 34
Cat and Mouse in Partnership 36
The Straw,the Coal,and the Bean 38
The Fisherman and His Wife 40
The Valiant Little Tailor 47
Cinderella 54
The Riddle 60
The Mouse,the Bird,and the Sausage 63
The Bremen Town-Musicians 65
The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs 68
Clever Hans 74
The Three Languages 77
The Wishing-Table,the Gold-Ass,and the cudgel in the Sack 79
The Wedding of Mrs,Fox 88
Thumbling's Travels 91
Old Sultan 95
Little Briar-Rose 97
Little Snow-White 100
The Dog and the Sparrow 108
The Little Peasant 111
The Queen Bee 116
The Three Feathers 118
The Golden Goose 121
The Hare's Bride 125
The Twelve Huntsmen 126
The Thief and His Master 129
The Three Sons of Fortune 131
How Six Men Got On in the World 134
The Wolf and the Man 139
The Wolf and the Fox 140
Gossip Wolf and the fox 142
The Fox and the Cat 143
The Old Man and His Grandson 144
The Water-Nixie 145
The Death of Lilltle Hen 146
Brother Lustig 148
Gambling Hansel 156
Hans in Luck 158
The Poor Man and the Rich Man 163
The Singing,Soaring Lark 167
The Goose-Girl 172
The Young Giant 177
The Gnome 183
The Peasant's Wise Danghter 187
The Three Little Birds 190
The Water of Life 194
Doctor Knowall 199
The Willow-Wren and the Bear 201
Wise Folks 203
The Two Travellers 207
Hans the Hedgehog 216
The Skilful Huntsman 221
The Cunning Linttle Tailor 226
The Bright Sun Brings it to Light 229
The Blue Light 231
The Three Army Surgeons 235
The King's Son Who Feared Nothing 238
The Three Brothers 243
The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces 245
Iron Hans 248
The Lambkin and the Little Fish 255
The Donkey 257
The Old Beggar-Woman 260
The Three Sluggards 261
The Sepherd Boy 262
Looking for a Bride 263
The Sparrow and His Four Children 264
A Riddling Tale 267
Snow-White and Rose-Red 268
The Willow-Wren 274
The Owl 277
The Moon 279
The Duration of Life 281
Death's Messengers 283
The Nixie of the Mill-Pond 285
The Giant and the Tailor 290
The Hare and the Hedgehog 292
The Master-Thief 295
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