- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:7560085296
- 页数:131 页
Introduction 1
1.Postcolonial Studies,Translation Studies 8
Translation and empire 8
What does postcolonial mean? 12
The rise of postcolonial theory 17
Hegemony,subjectification and interpellation 22
Language,place and self 24
Beyond nationalism:migrant and border cultures 27
2.Power Differentials 31
Translating across power differentials 31
1.Disproportionate translations 32
2.'Inscrutable'texts 34
3.Stereotypes 34
4.Writing for translation 35
Theorizing across power differentials 36
3.Translation as Empire:The Theoretical Record 46
Emperors and displaced populations 46
The sublimation of empire:Cicero and Horace 50
Translatio Imperii et Studii 52
Taking the original captive 55
Translation and empire 60
4.Translation and the Impact of Colonialism 63
Eric Cheyfitz and the colonization of the New World 63
Repression and hierarchy 67
Projection 69
Eloquence and dialogue 71
Property 74
Centre and periphery 77
Niranjana and the British interpellation of India 79
Rafael and the Spanish conversion of the Tagalogs 82
The hierarchy of languages 84
Confession 86
5.Resistance,Redirection and Retranslation 88
Tejaswini Niranjana and retranslation 89
Vicente Rafael and mistranslation 93
Samia Mehrez and métissés 100
6.Criticisms 104
Glossary 114
Works Cited 126
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