内蒙古珍宝 青铜器PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:高延青主编
- 出 版 社:呼和浩特:内蒙古大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787811152043
- 页数:185 页
鹿纹灰陶尊 Gray Pottery Sacrificial Vessel with Carved Design of Deer 28
凤形陶杯 Pottery Cup in Phoenix Shape 29
神鹿纹陶尊 Pottery Vessel with Design of Deer 29
鹿纹筒形灰陶罐 Tube Shaped Gray Pottery Jar with Design of Deer 30
之字纹筒形罐 Tube Shaped Jar with Zigzag Design 30
彩绘筒形陶罐 Painted and Tube Shaped Pottery Jar 31
雷纹彩陶罐 Painted Pottery Jar with Design of Thunder 32
彩陶钵 Painted Pottery Bowl 32
彩绘陶尊 Painted Pottery Vessel 33
红陶牛 Red Pottery Cattle 34
彩陶猪首罐 Painted Pottery Jar with Design of Pig's Head 34
筒形陶罐 Tube Shaped Pottery Jar 35
红陶女神像 Red Pottery Statuary of Goddess 36
红陶女神像 Red Pottery Statuary of Goddess 36
鸟形双系彩绘陶罐 Painted Pottery Jar in Bird Shape 37
陶埙 Pottery Musical Instrument 38
菱形附加堆纹双耳灰陶罐 Gray Rhombic Pottery Jar with Two Holders and Pattern 38
小口双耳彩陶壶 Painted Pottery Pot with Two Holders 39
彩陶翁 Painted Pottery Urn 40
彩陶钵 Painted Pottery Bowl 40
粗绳纹双鋬耳灰陶甗 Pottery Plate with Two Holders and Design of Rope 41
双口四系陶壶 Pottery Pot with Two Tube Shaped Mouth 42
云纹彩绘陶罐 Painted Pottery Jar with Design of Cloud 43
彩绘云纹鼎形陶罐 Painted pottery Jar in Tripod Caldron Shape with Design of Cloud 44
彩绘陶鬲 Painted Pottery Caldron 45
兽面纹彩绘四系陶尊 Painted Pottery Vessel with Design of Beast's Face 46
彩绘陶罐 Painted Pottery Jar 47
灰陶爵 Gray Pottery Wine Vessel 48
彩绘鼎形盖双耳陶罐 Painted Pottery Jar in Tripod Caldron Shape with Two Holders 49
彩绘陶罐 Painted Pottery Jar 50
嵌贝彩绘陶鬲 Shell Inlaid and Painted Pottery Caldron 51
兽面纹彩绘陶罐 Painted Pottery Jar with Design of Beast's Face 52
双耳彩陶钵 Painted Pottery Bowl with Two Holders 52
几何纹陶斝 Pottery wine Vessel with Geometric Design 53
陶豆 Pottery Vessel for Lamp Oil 54
红陶豆 Red Pottery Vessel for Lamp Oil 55
黄釉浮雕带盖陶尊 Yellow Glazed Pottery Vessel with Cover 56
“单于天降”瓦当 Eaves Tile with Characters of "Chan Yu Tian Jiang" 58
“单于天降”瓦当 Eaves Tile with Characters of "Chan Yu Tian Jiang" 58
“单于和亲”瓦当 Eaves Tile with Characters of "Chan Yu He Qin" 58
“长乐末央”砖 Brick with Characters of "Chang Le Wei Yang" 59
“四夷尽服”瓦当 Eaves Tile with Characters of "Si Yi Jin Fu" 60
“四夷尽服”瓦当 Eaves Tile with Characters of "Si Yi Jin Fu" 60
黄釉鸮形双系带盖壶 Yellow Glazed and Owl Shaped Kettle with Cover 61
篦点纹红陶鬲 Red Pottery Caldron with Design of Pots 61
彩绘牵马陶俑 Painted Pottery Figurine Leading Horse 62
彩绘牵驼陶俑 Painted Pottery Figurine Leading Camel 63
彩绘牵牛车陶俑 Painted Pottery Figurine Leading Oxcart 64
彩绘舞乐陶俑 Painted Pottery Figurine Playing Musical Instrument 64
镇墓陶俑 Pottery Figurine Guarding Tomb 66
菩萨纹瓦当 Eaves Tile with Design of Bodhisattva 67
褐釉盘口穿带瓶 Brown Glazed Vase 68
褐釉璎珞纹盘口穿带瓶 Brown Glazed Vase with Design of Jade-like Stone 69
黄绿釉鹦鹉形提梁壶 Yellow and Green Glazed Pot in Parrot Shape 70
绿釉堆塑长颈瓶 Green Glazed Vase with Long Neck 71
花口青瓷碗 Celadon Porcelain Bowl with Flower Shaped Mouth 72
搅胎瓷盒 Jiaotai Porcelain Box 72
白釉提梁鸡冠壶 White Glazed Pot 73
褐釉提梁鸡冠壶 Brown Glazed Pot 73
磨光黑陶穿带鸡冠壶 Polished Black Pottery Pot 74
绿釉鸡冠壶 Green Glazed Pot 74
茶釉单孔鸡冠壶 Umber Glazed Pot with Single Hole 75
白釉单孔鸡冠壶 White Glazed Pot with Single Hole 76
茶釉鸡冠壶 Umber Glazed Pot 76
茶釉鸡冠壶 Umber Glazed Pot 76
绿釉龙首鸡冠壶 Green Glazed Pot with Design of Dragon'S Head 77
绿釉提梁鸡冠壶 Green Glazed Pot 78
白釉绿彩鸡冠壶 White Glazed and Green Colored Pot 79
白釉提梁鸡冠壶 White Glazed Pot 79
绿釉双猴鸡冠壶 Green Glazed Pot with Design of Two Monkeys 80
绿釉刻花带盖鸡冠壶 Green Glazed Pot with Cover and Carved Design 80
绿釉刻花带盖鸡冠壶 Green Glazed Pot with Cover and Carved Design 80
黄釉印花提梁鸡冠壶 Yellow Glazed Pot with Printing Design 81
黄釉提梁鸡冠壶 Yellow Glazed Pot 82
茶釉牛腿瓶 Umber Glazed and Cattle's Leg Shaped Wine Vessel 82
酱釉盘口穿带瓶 Dark Reddish Brown Glazed Bottle 83
酱釉穿带扁壶 Dark Reddish Brown Glazed Flat Pot 83
白釉牡丹纹花口注壶 white Glazed wine Vessel with Carved Design of Peony 84
黄釉凤首瓶 Yellow Glazed Vase with Design of Phoenix's Head 84
绿釉牡丹纹凤首瓶 Green Glazed Vase with Design of Phoenix's Head 85
绿釉鋬耳壶 Green Glazed Pot 86
白釉牡丹纹长颈瓶 White Glazed Vase with Long Neck and Design of Peony 86
绿釉长颈盖瓶 Green Glazed Bottle with Cover and Long Neck 87
黄釉葫芦形执壶 Yellow Glazed and Calabash Shaped Pot 88
白釉注壶 White Glazed Pot 88
白釉莲辦纹带温碗注壶 White Glazed Wine Vessel with Design of Lotus Petal 89
三彩唾盂 Sancai Spittoon 89
黑釉高颈瓷罐 Black Glazed Porcelain Jar with Long Neck 90
喇叭口浅褐釉瓷壶 Light Brown Glazed Porcelain Pot 90
黑釉暗花葫芦瓶 Black Glazed and Calabash Shaped Vase 91
双蝶纹青瓷盘 Celadon Porcelain Plate with Design of Two Butterflies 92
紫定碗 Brown Glazed Bowl from Ding Kiln 93
四鱼纹紫定碗 Brown Glazed Bowl with Design of Four Fishes from Ding Kiln 93
菊花纹青瓷盘 Celadon Porcelain Plate with Design of Chrysanthemum 94
白釉印花方盘 White Glazed Square Plate with Printing Design 95
白釉瓜棱盖罐 white Glazed Jar with Cover 96
白釉瓜棱罐 White Glazed Jar 96
黄釉印花碗 Yellow Glazed Bowl with Printing Design 97
白釉绿彩牡丹纹盆 White Glazed and Green Colored Basin with Design of Peony 97
白釉盘口穿带瓶 White Glazed Bottle 98
白釉贴塑折肩罐 White Glazed Jar 98
影青高足盖碗 White Blue Standing Bowl with Cover 99
“官”字款莲花纹白瓷盖罐 Covered white Porcelain Jar with Design of Lotus Flower and Characters of "Guan" 99
“官”字款白瓷盏托 White Porcelain Saucer with Characters of "Guan" 100
双耳四系青瓷盖罐 Celadon Porcelain Jar with Cover and Two Holders 100
白釉瓜棱形提梁壶 White Glazed and Melon Shaped Pot 101
白釉瓜棱形提梁壶 White Glazed and Melon Shaped Pot 101
三彩鸳鸯壶 Sancai Pot with Design of Mandarin Duck 102
三彩摩羯壶 Sancai Pot 102
三彩龙纹执壶 Sancai Pot with Design of Dragon 103
团龙纹扁壶陶范 Pottery Mold for Flat Pot with Design of Dragon 104
白釉人首摩羯形提梁壶 White Glazed Wine Vessel with Design of Human's Head 105
蘑菇形三彩香薰 Sancai Mushroom Shaped Incense Burner 106
三彩交颈鸳鸯壶 Sancai Pot with Design of Mandarin Ducks 106
三彩摩羯壶 Sancai Pot 107
三彩圆盘 Sancai Round Plate 108
三彩海棠盘 Sancai Plate with Design of Chinese Flowering Crabapple 108
三彩印花牡丹纹盘 Sancai Plate with Design of Peony 109
葵口青瓷碗 Celadon Porcelain Bowl 110
花口青瓷碗 Celadon Porcelain Bowl with Flower Shaped Mouth 110
青瓷碗 Celadon Porcelain Bowl 110
“官”字款花口白瓷盘 White Porcelain Plate with Characters of "Guan" 111
“盈”字款白瓷碗 White Porcelain Bowl with Characters of "Ying" 112
葵口白瓷碟 White Poreelain Dish 112
银扣白瓷钵 White Porcelain Bowl 113
黑釉钵 Black Glazed Bowl 113
三彩砚 Sancai lnkstone 114
三彩浮雕人兽纹八角形盘 Sancai Octagonal Plate with Design of Human and Beast 115
三彩砚 Sancai lnkstone 116
缠枝牡丹纹圆形三彩砚 Sancai Round Inkstone with Design of Peony Scrolls 116
黄釉五联套盒 Yellow Glazed Boxes(Set of Five) 117
三彩印花套盒 Set of Sancai Boxes with Printing Design 118
浮雕花草纹八角形三彩砚 Sancai Octagonal Inkstone with Design of Flower and Grass 119
鹿凤纹绿釉瓷枕 Green Glazed Pillow with Design of Deer and Phoenix 120
菊花纹黄釉瓷枕 Yellow Glazed Porcelain Pillow with Design of Chrysanthemum 120
三彩瓷枕 Sancai Porcelain Pillow 120
三彩龟形壶 Sancai Tortoise Shaped Pot 122
鹿纹穹庐式灰陶骨灰罐 Gray Pottery Pot for Bone Ash with Design of Deer 122
茶釉仓廪式骨灰罐 Umber Glazed Pot for Bone Ash 123
贴金彩绘涅槃佛及砖函 Gilded and Painted Buddha and Box 124
白瓷迦叶坐像 White Porcelain Sitting Statuary of Kassapa Thera 126
白瓷阿难坐像 White Porcelain Sitting Statuary of Ananda 127
灰陶菩萨头像 Gray Pottery Bodhisattva's Head 128
灰陶菩萨头像 Gray Pottery Bodhisattva'S Head 129
龙首陶构件 Pottery Component with Design of Dragon's Head 130
凤形陶构件 Pottery Component with Design of Phoenix's Head 130
灰陶龙头建筑构件 Gray Pottery Component for Construction with Design of Dragon's Head 131
褐釉剔花缸 Brown Glazed Vat with Carved Design 132
褐釉剔花海棠纹梅瓶 Brown Glazed Vase with Carved Design of Chinese Flowering Crabapple 133
酱釉剔花牡丹纹瓶 Dark Reddish Brown Glazed Vase with Design of Peony 133
褐釉剔花牡丹纹梅瓶 Brown Glazed Vase with Carved Design of Peony 134
酱釉剔花钵 Dark Reddish Brown Glazed Jar with Carved Design 135
酱釉剔花罐 Dark Reddish Brown Glazed Bowl with Carved Design 135
酱釉剔花罐 Dark Reddish Brown Glazed Jar with Carved Design 136
酱釉剔花牡丹纹罐 Dark Reddish Brown Glazed Jar with Design of Peony 136
酱釉花瓣口剔花瓶 Dark Reddish Brown Glazed Vase with Carved Design and Petal Shaped Mouth 137
彩绘泥塑弥勒像 Painted Clay Sculpture of Maitreya Buddha 138
彩绘泥塑菩萨像 Painted Clay Sculpture of Buddha 139
白釉铁锈花罐 White Glazed Jar 140
灰陶仿古纹玉壶春瓶 Gray Pottery Vase with Design in Ancient Style 141
酱釉猪首埙 Dark Reddish Brown Glazed Musical Instrument with Design of Pig's Head 142
白釉黑花双耳罐 White Glazed Jar with Two Holders and Black Design 142
白釉褐彩花卉纹都鲁瓶 White Glazed and Brown Colored Vase with Design of Flower 143
白釉褐彩花卉纹钵 White Glazed and Brown Colored Bowl with Design of Flower 144
兔毫斑黑釉罐 Black Glazed Jar with Design of Rabbit's Hair 144
童子戏荷陶范 Pottery Mold with Design of Child and Lotus 145
红绿彩人像 Red and Green Colored Human Statuary 146
白釉划花玉壶春瓶 White GIazed Vase with Carved Design 148
刻花青瓷香炉 Celadon Porcelain Incense Burner with Carved Design 149
白釉剔地填黑牡丹纹罐 White Glazed Jar with Design of Peony 150
白釉剔花玉壶春瓶 White Glazed Vase with Carved Design 151
白釉剔地填黑梅瓶 White Glazed Vase 151
白釉剔地填黑牡丹纹罐 White Glazed Jar with Design of Peony 152
白釉剔地填黑牡丹纹罐 White Glazed Jar with Design of Peony 152
白釉酱彩划花牡丹纹卷沿大罐 Big white Glazed and Dark Reddish Brown Colored Jar with Carved Design of Peony 153
钧窑“小宋自造香炉” Incense Burner from Jun Kiln 155
青花缠枝花卉纹罐 Blue and White Jar with Design of Flower Scrolls 156
青花凤纹玉壶春瓶 Blue and White Vase with Design of Phoenix 157
青花鸳鸯莲池纹大盘 Big Blue and white Plate with Design of Mandarin DuCk and Lotus Pond 159
钧窑香炉 Incense Burner from Jun Kiln 160
“大元国内”铁锈花罐 Jar with Characters of"Da Yuan Guo Nei" 160
钧窑镂空带座摩羯耳瓶 Hollowed Vase with Holder and Base from Jun Kiln 161
粉青釉划花缠枝牡丹纹凤尾尊 Lavender Grey Glazed Vase with Design of Peony Scrolls 162
粉青釉堆花缠枝牡丹纹凤尾尊 Lavender Grey Glazed Vase with Design of Peony Scrolls 162
釉里红卷云纹玉壶春瓶 Red Underglazed Vase with Design of Clouds 163
釉里红玉壶春瓶 Red Underglazed Vase 164
青花执壶 Blue and white Pot 164
白釉铁锈花花鸟纹罐 White Glazed Jar with Design of Flower and Bird 165
白釉带盖直腹罐 white Glazed Jar with Cover 166
钧窑鸡心罐 Jar with Design of Heart from Jun Kiln 166
搅胎高足杯 Jiaotai Standing Cup 167
搅胎碗 Jiaotai Bowl 167
青瓷刻花碗 Green Porcelain Bowl with Carved Design 168
钧窑盘 Plate from Jun Kiln 168
龙纹青花高足杯 Blue and white Standing Cup with Design of Dragon 169
龙纹青花高足杯 Blue and White Standing Cup with Design of Dragon 170
双凤纹青花高足杯 Blue and white Standing Cup with Design of Two Phoenixes 171
龙纹青花盘 Blue and white Plate with Design of Dragon 172
鸳鸯水草纹青花盘 Blue and White Plate with Design of Mandarin Duck and Waterweed 173
“颜乐”铭影青勺 Ladle with Characters of "Yan Le" 174
折枝花卉纹青花杯 Blue and white Cup with Design of Flower 174
青白釉刻花莲花纹盘 Green and White Glazed Plate with Craved Design of Lotus Flower 175
青釉缠枝牡丹纹三足樽 Green Glazed Vessel with Three Feet and Design of Peony Scrolls 175
青釉印花花口盘 Green Glazed Plate with Printing Design 176
青釉印花花口盘 Green Glazed Plate with Printing Design 176
白釉黑花龙凤纹四系瓶 White Glazed Vase with Black Design of Dragon and Phoenix 177
铁锈花龙凤纹瓷罐 Porcelain Jar with Design of Dragon and Phoenix 178
黑釉弦纹“葡萄酒瓶” Black Glazed Wine Bottle 179
白釉黑花花草纹玉壶春瓶 White Glazed Vase with Black Design of Flower and Grass 179
青釉龙首龟身砚滴 Green Glazed Receptacle of Water for Inkstone with Design of Dragon'S Head and Tortoise'S Body 180
景教瓷墓志 Porcelain Tombstone of Nestorianism 182
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