语法转喻的认知研究 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨成虎著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787313067036
- 页数:281 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Preamble 1
1.2 Rationale and research questions 7
1.3 Research scope and methodology 17
1.4 Organization of the book 21
Chapter 2 Literature Review 23
2.1 Conceptual metonymy 23
2.1.1 Traditional view of metonymy 23
2.1.2 Cognitive view of metonymy 33
2.2 Structuralist views of grammatical metonymy 53
2.3 Cognitivist views of grammatical metonymy 60
2.3.1 Langacker's research 60
2.3.2 Croft's research 68
2.3.3 Waltereit's and Warren's researches 73
2.3.4 Panther and Thornburg's research 78
2.3.5 Ruiz de Mendoza and his collaborators'researches 89
2.4 Shen Jiaxuan's and other Chinese scholars'researches 104
2.5 Other relevant researches 108
2.5.1 Functional linguists'view of grammatical metaphor 108
2.5.2 Grammaticalizationists'researches 109
2.6 Summary 110
Chapter 3 A Triangular Model 113
3.1 Refining the definitions of grammatical metonymy 113
3.1.1 The existing definitions and their limitations 113
3.1.2 The notion of grammatical structure in grammatical metonymy 116
3.1.3 A refined definition 118
3.2 A triangular model 121
3.2.1 The model 122
3.2.2 The links of A,B and C 128
3.3 Grammatical interrelations in grammatical metonymy 138
3.3.1 Traditional grammatical relation 138
3.3.2 Grammatical interrelations 139
3.3.3 Analyzing grammatical metonymy with grammatical interrelations 141
3.4 Summary 156
Chapter 4 Extralinguistic Conditions for Grammatical Metonymy 158
4.1 The emergence of extralinguistic conditions 158
4.1.1 Social and cultural conditions 159
4.1.2 Source domains as emergent 160
4.2 Categorical levels of source domains 166
4.2.1 Explicit categorical levels of source domains 166
4.2.2 Implicit categorical levels of source domains 173
4.2.3 Partially implicit lower levels of source domains 183
4.3 Source domains inferred from explicit target domains 187
4.3.1 The cases in proverbs and sayings 188
4.3.2 The cases in contextually made sentences 196
4.4 Summary 206
Chapter 5 Intralinguistic Constraints on Grammatical Metonymy 208
5.1 The constraints of intralinguistic contexts 208
5.1.1 General grammatical constraints 208
5.1.2 Specific grammatical constraints in English,Chinese and Russian 214
5.2 Syntactic constraints 216
5.2.1 The SV structure 217
5.2.2 The SVO structure 231
5.2.3 Head phrases 247
5.3 Morphological constraints 253
5.3.1 Verbalization in the source domain 254
5.3.2 Pluralization in the source domain 256
5.4 Summary 259
Chapter 6 Conclusions 261
6.1 Major findings 261
6.2 Implications 264
6.3 Suggestions for further research 266
Bibliography 269
Postscript 279
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