- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:肖冉等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787508478838
- 页数:262 页
Chapter One An Introduction to the United Kingdom 1
1.The Territory of U.K 2
2.The Geography of U.K 4
3.Rivers and Lakes 6
4.Climate and Weather 8
5.Resources 11
6.The British National Anthem and the Union Jack 14
Chapter Two British Politics 17
1.The Government and Politics in U.K 18
2.The Queen's Role/The Monarchy 21
3.The Parliamentary Government 23
4.The British Commonwealth 29
5.The British Constitution 32
6.Political Parties 34
7.Elections and Voting 37
Chapter Three British Education 39
1.Education System 40
2.Elementary School,Junior and Senior High School 44
3.Higher-education 46
4.Educational Issues 49
5.Public and Private Schools 51
6.Education of Students with Special Needs 54
Chapter Four Multicultural Britain 57
1.The Introduction of British Culture 58
2.Humor as Entertainment 61
3.English Football 63
4.Youth'Tribes'and Sub-cultures 65
5.The Proms 69
6.Great Highland Bagpipe and the Scottish Kilt 71
7.The Edinburgh Fringe 74
8.Strict Etiquette 76
Chapter Five British Cities 81
1.London,the Capital of England 82
2.Edinburgh,the Capital of Scotland 84
3.Birmingham,Industrial Boom Town in England 86
4.Glasgow,a City of Travel,Culture and Architectural Art 88
5.Liverpool,a City of Innovation 92
6.Manchester,One of the Most Vibrant City in Europe 95
7.Newcastle upon Tyne,the City of Entertainment in England 99
8.Cambridge,the Most Famous City of Learning in Britain 101
Chapter Six British Economy 103
1.British Economy System 104
2.European Union 106
3.British Industry 108
4.British Business 110
5.British Agriculture 113
6.British Transportation 116
7.British Banking 120
8.The National Health Service 122
Chapter Seven Food and Drink 125
1.The Breakfast 126
2.High Tea 128
3.Fast Food(Fish and Chips) 130
4.The Way of Cooking 131
5.Different Kinds of Beverages 134
6.Irish Whisky 136
Chapter Eight British Lives 139
1.Customs in Daily Life 140
2.The Taboo Subjects 142
3.The Family 144
4.Living with the British 146
5.British Wedding 149
6.Moral Values in Daily Life 152
7.British Funerals 153
8.The Class System 157
Chapter Nine Time Out 161
1."Casual"Is Good 162
2.Shopping 164
3.Sporting Life 166
4.Horse Racing 168
5.DIY and Gardening 171
6.Travel in Holidays 173
7.Soap Operas 175
8.Down the Pub 177
Chapter Ten Places of Interest in Britain 179
1.Big Ben 180
2.Tower of London 183
3.British Museum 186
4.Buckingham palace 188
5.Edinburgh Castle 192
6.Royal Greenwich Observatory 194
7.Hyde Park 197
8.Hampton Court Palace 199
9.Westminster Abbey 201
10.Stonehenge 204
Chapter Eleven The Famous People of British 207
1.William Shakespeare 208
2.Issac Newton 211
3.Adam Smith 214
4.Dickens Charles 217
5.George Gordon Byron 219
6.Duke of Windsor 222
7.Queen Victoria 225
8.Margaret Thatcher 227
9.Winston Churchill 231
10.David Beckham 236
Chapter Twelve British Festivals 239
1.Christmas Day 240
2.Easter Day 242
3.The May Day 244
4.Boxing Day 247
5.New Year's Day 250
6.Halloween,All Saints'Day 252
7.Passiontide 254
8.Queen's Birthday 256
9.Valentine's Day 258
10.April Fool's Day 260
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