内蒙古珍宝 金银器PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:高延青主编
- 出 版 社:呼和浩特:内蒙古大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787811152067
- 页数:213 页
鸟纹圆形金饰牌 Round Gold Ornamental Plate with Design of Bird 35
鹰形顶金冠 Gold Coronet in Eagle Shape 37
三鸟纹圆形金扣 Round Gold Button with Design of Three Birds 38
转体盘角羊纹金缀饰 Gold Ornament with Design of Sheep 38
变形鸟纹圆形金扣 Round Gold Button with Design of Transformed Bird 38
四鸟纹方形金扣 Square Gold Button with Design of Four Birds 39
鹰形金缀饰 Gold Ornament in Eagle Shape 40
刺猬形金缀饰 Gold Ornament in Hedgehog Shape 40
卧虎形金缀饰 Gold Ornament in Lying Tiger Shape 41
四虎噬牛纹金带扣 Gold Belt Clasp with Design of Four Tigers Eating Cattle 42
马形金饰件 Gold Ornament in Horse Shape 44
虎衔环形金带扣 Gold Belt Clasp in Tiger Shape 44
嵌宝石虎鹰纹金带饰 Gem Inlaid Gold Belt Ornament with Design of Tiger and Eagle 45
虎兽咬斗纹金饰牌 Gold Ornamental Plate with Design of Fighting Tiger and Beast 46
虎豕咬斗纹金饰牌 Gold Ornamental Plate with Design of Fighting Tiger and Hog 48
豹噬野猪纹嵌宝石金带扣 Gem Inlaid Belt Clasp with Design of Leopard Eating Wild Boar 50
虎形金饰牌 Gold Ornamental Plate in TigCr Shape 51
虎头形银饰件 SilVCr Ornament in Tiger's Head Shape 52
屈肢羚羊形金饰件 Gold Ornament in Antelope Shape 53
镶松石金耳坠 Turquoise Inlaid Gold Eardrop 54
金串珠 Gold Bead Chain 54
虎噬羊纹银项圈 Silver Chaplet with Design of Tiger Eating Sheep 55
鸟形金饰片 Gold Ornamental Flake in Bird Shape 56
直立怪兽纹金饰片 Gold Ornamental Flake with Design of Standing Monster 57
双龙纹金饰片 Gold Ornamental Flake with Design of Two Dragons 58
双兽纹金饰片 Gold Ornamental Flake with Design of Two Beasts 59
虎头形银节约 Silver Harness in Tiger's Head Shape 60
狼噬鹿形银缀饰 Silver Ornament with Design of Wolf Eating Deer 60
虎噬鹿纹银饰牌 Silver Ornamental Plate with Design of Tiger Eating Beast 61
双虎咬斗纹银饰牌 Silver Ornamental Plate with Design of Two Fighting Tiger 62
双虎咬斗纹银扣饰 Silver Clasp Ornament with Design of Two Fighting Tigers 63
刺猬形银饰件 Silver Ornament in Hedgehog Shape 64
金镶贝头饰 Shell Inlaid Gold Head Ornament 65
盘角卧羊纹包金带具 Gilded Belt Ornament with Design of Lying Sheep 66
盘角羊纹包金带饰 Gilded Belt Ornament with Design of Sheep 67
子母马形金饰牌 Gold Ornamental Plate in Two Horses Shape 68
子母马形金饰牌 Gold Ornamental Plate in TWo Horses Shape 69
三鹿纹金饰牌 Gold Ornamental Plate with Design of Three Deer 70
三鹿纹金饰牌 Gold Ornamental Plate with Design of Three Deer 71
“晋乌丸归义侯”金印 Gold Seal for Official 72
“晋鲜卑归义侯”金印 Gold Seal for Official 72
“晋鲜卑率善中郎将”银印 Silver Seal for Official 73
“猗?金”四兽纹金饰牌 Gold Ornamental Plate with Design of Four Beasts 74
嵌宝石熊形金饰 Gem Inlaid Gold Ornament in Bear Shape 75
兽头纹虎形金饰牌 Tiger Shaped Gold Ornamental Plate with Design of Beast'S Head 76
三鹿纹金饰牌 Gold Ornamental Plate with Design of Three Deer 76
兽面纹四鸟形金饰牌 Four Birds Shaped Gold Ornamental Plate with Design of Beast'S Face 77
双羊纹金饰牌 Gold Ornamental Plate with Design of Two Sheep 77
卧马形金挂饰 Gold Hanging Ornament in Lying Horse Shape 78
瑞兽形金饰牌 Gold Ornamental Plate in Beast Shape 78
瑞兽形金饰牌 Gold Ornamental Plate in Beast Shape 79
双马形金佩饰 Gold Pendant in Two Horses Shape 79
力士搏兽纹金饰牌 Gold Ornamental Plate with Design of Strong Man Fighting with Beast 80
人面形金饰牌 Gold Ornamental Plate in Human'S Face Shape 81
鹿首金步摇冠 Gold Coronet with Head in Deer Shape and Design of Leaves 82
鹿首金步摇冠 Gold Coronet with Head in Deer Shape and Design of Leaves 83
凤鸟形步摇金冠饰 Phoenix Shaped Gold Coronet with Design of Leaves 84
金龙佩饰 Pendant with Design of Golden Dragon 85
神兽纹包金铁带饰 Gilded Iron Belt Ornament with Design of Beast 86
野猪纹嵌玛瑙包金铁带饰 Agate Inlaid and Gilded Iron Belt Ornament with Design of wild Boar 87
嵌松石立羊形金戒指 Turquoise Inlaid Gold Ring in Standing Sheep Shape 88
嵌松石卧羊形金戒指 Turquoise Inlaid Gold Ring in Lying Sheep Shape 88
东罗马金币 Gold Coin from Eastern Rome 89
罗马金币 Gold Coin from Rome 89
“库思老”银币 Silver Coin with Mark of "Ku Si Lao" 90
“卡瓦德”银币 Silver Coin with Mark of "Ka Wa De" 90
折肩鋬耳银壶 Silver Pot with Holder 91
粟特式银杯 Silver Cup in Sute Style 91
摩羯纹金花银杯 Silver Cup with Gilded Design of Fish with Dragon'S Head 92
鳄鱼纹金冠饰 Gold Ornament for Coronet with Design of Crocodile 92
狩猎纹金蹀躞带 Gold Belt with Hole and Design of Hunting 94
狮纹金花银盘 Silver Plate with Gilded Design of Lion 96
卧鹿纹金花银盘 Silver Plate with Gilded Design of Lying Deer 98
摩羯戏珠纹金花银盘 Silver Plate with Gilded Design of Fish with Dragon's Head Playing with Pearl 99
双鱼形鎏金银壶 Gold Plated Silver Pot in Two Fishes Shape 100
猞猁纹金花银盘 Silver Plate with Gilded Design of Lynx 101
摩羯纹金花银盆 Silver Basin with Gilded Design of Fish with Dragon'S Head 102
摩羯纹金花银提梁壶 Silver Pot with Gilded Design of Fish with Dragon's Head 103
波斯银壶 Silver Pot from Persia 104
银铤 Silver Ingot 105
“天朝万顺”契丹文银币 Silver Coin with Khitan Characters of Tian Chao Wan Shun 105
金佛像 Golden Statuary of Buddha 107
五角花形金饰件 Gold Ornament in Pentagonal Flower Shape 108
凤形金簪 Gold Hairpin in Phoenix Shape 108
牡丹纹鎏金银饰牌 Silver Ornamental Plate with Design Penoy 109
摩羯形金耳坠 Gold Eardrop in Shape of Fish with Dragon's Head 110
摩羯形金耳坠 Gold Eardrop in Shape of Fish with Dragon's Head 110
摩羯形金耳坠 Gold Eardrop in Shape of Fish with Dragon's Head 110
龙首金链 Gold Necklace with Design of Dragon's Head 111
蟾蜍形金戒指 Gold Ring in Toad Shape 112
凤形金戒指 Gold Ring in Phoenix Shape 112
花形嵌松石金戒指 Turquoise Inlaid Gold Ring in Flower Shape 112
迦陵频伽形金耳坠 Gold Eardrop in Shape of Bird with Human's Face 113
双龙纹金镯 Gold Bracelet with Design of Two Dragons 114
缠枝花纹金镯 Gold Bracelet with Design of Flower Scrolls 114
龙首凤鸟纹金镯 Gold Bracelet with Design of Phoenix and Dragon's Head 114
錾花金镯 Gold Bracelet with Carved Design 114
金?银鞓蹀躞带 Silver Belt with Hole and Gold Ornament 116
金带? Gold Ornament for Belt 118
双凤纹鎏金银带饰 Gold Plated Silver Belt Ornament with Design of Two Phoenixes 120
银、铜?银蹀躞带 Silver Belt with Hole and Silver,Copper Ornaments 120
双凤戏珠纹鎏金捍腰 Gold Plated Girdle with Design of Two Phoenixes Playing with Pearl 121
双凤纹鎏金银带饰 Gold Plated Silver Belt Ornament with Design of Two Phoenixes 122
缠枝莲纹包金银捍腰 Gilded Silver Girdle with Design of Lotus Scrolls 123
双面人头鎏金银饰件 Gold Plated Silver Ornament with Design of Two Faced Human'S Head 124
人形金饰件 Gold Ornament in Human Shape 125
圆形金饰片 Round Gold Ornamental Flake 126
圆形银饰片 Round Silver Ornamental Flake 126
海东青纹金饰牌 Gold Ornamental Plate with Design of Falcon 127
菊花纹金盒 Gold Box with Design of Chrysanthemum 128
八曲连弧形金盒 Gold Box in Arc Shape 129
錾花金针筒 Gold Needle Canister with Carved Design 130
镂花金荷包 Gold Pouch with Hollowed Design 130
玉柄银锥、鎏金银鞘 Silver Awl with Jade Handle and Gold Plated Silver Scabbard 132
玉柄银刀、鎏金银鞘 Silver Sword with Jade Handle and Gold Plated Silver Scabbard 132
莲花形手执银香炉 Silver Incense Burner in Lotus Flower Shape 132
琥珀柄银刀、鎏金银鞘 Silver Sword with Amber Handle and Gold Plated Silver Scabbard 133
錾花银盏托 Silver Saucer 133
摩羯纹金花银盆 Silver Basin with Gilded Design of Fish with Dragon's Head 134
花口金杯 Gold Cup with Mouth in Flower Shape 135
缠枝花鎏金银盘 Gold Plated Silver Plate with Design of Flower Scrolls 136
双凤纹鎏金银盘 Gold Plated Silver Plate with Design of Two Phoenixes 137
摩羯纹金花银碗 Silver Bowl with Gilded Design of Fish with Dragon's Head 138
摩羯纹金花银碗 Silver Bowl with Gilded Design of Fish with Dragon'S Head 138
摩羯纹金花银盘 Silver Plate with Gilded Design of Fish with Dragon's Head 139
双狮纹鎏金银盒 Gold Plated Silver Box with Design of Two Lions 140
团龙戏珠纹金花银碗 Silver Bowl with Gilded Design of Dragon Playing with Pearl 141
鸿雁纹鎏金鋬耳银杯 Gold Plated Silver Cup with Holder and Design of Swan Goose 142
鸳鸯纹金花银碗 Silver Bowl with Gilded Design of Mandarin Duck 143
金花银奁盒 Silver Make-up Box with Gilded Design 145
圆口花腹金杯 Gold Cup with Round Mouth 146
海棠式錾花银盘 Silver Plate in Style of Chinese Flowering Crabapple 147
龙纹金花银盒 Silver Box with Gilded Design of Dragon 148
银质文房用具(笔筒、洗、砚、盘) Silver Stationery(Brush Pot,Washer,Inkstone and Plate) 150
“万岁台”金花银砚盒 Silver Box for Inkstone with Gilded Mark of Wan Sui Tai 151
双狮纹金花银盒 Silver Box with Gilded Design of Two Lions 152
双雁折枝金花银渣斗 Silver Dreg Vessel with Gilded Design of Two Wild Gooses 153
凤纹鎏金银壶 Gold Plate Silver Pot with Design of Phoenix 155
人物纹八棱金杯 Octagonal Gold Cup with Design of Portrait 157
七棱鎏金银杯 Heptagonal Gold Plated Silver Cup 159
乐舞纹鎏金银杯、银盏托 Gold Plated Silver Cup with Design of Dancing and Silver Saucer 160
双鱼纹金花银盖碗 Silver Bowl with Cover and Gilded Design of Two Fishes 161
长颈银壶 Silver Pot with Long Neck 162
人物纹金花银提梁壶 Silver Pot with Handle and Design of Portrait 163
孝子图鎏金银壶 Gold Plated Silver Pot with Design of Dutiful Son 165
金花银渣斗 Silver Dreg Vessel with Gilded Design 166
摩羯纹提梁鎏金银壶 Gold Plated Silver Pot with Design of Fish with Dragon's Head 167
荷叶形银杯 Silver Cup in Lotus Leaf Shape 168
柳斗形银杯 Silver Cup in Funnel Shape 169
复瓣仰莲纹银杯 Silver Cup with Design of Lotus 169
鎏金铁马衔、镳,银马缰 Gold Plated Iron Bit and Silver Rein 170
镶玉银马络 Silver Harness Inlaid with Jade 170
镶玉银胸带、鎏金铜马镫 Jade Inlaid Silver Chest Belt and Gold Plated Copper Stirrup 170
镶玉银蹀躞带、鞧带 Jade Inlaid Silver Belts for Harness 171
金面具、银丝头网 Gold Mask and Silver Net for Hair 172
錾花银靴 Silver Boot with Carved Design 172
高翅鎏金银冠 Gold Plated Silver Coronet 173
鎏金银冠 Gold Plated Silver Coronet 174
金面具 Gold Mask 176
银丝网络 Silver Net 176
錾花银枕 Silver Pillow with Carved Design 177
錾花银枕 Silver Pillow with Carved Design 177
錾花银靴 Silver Boot with Carved Design 177
高翅鎏金银冠 Gold Plated Silver Coronet 178
鎏金银面具 Gold Plated Silver Mask 179
彩绘银韂 Painted Silver Saddle Flap 180
彩绘银韂 Painted Silver Saddle Flap 180
银舍利瓶 Silver Bottle for Buddhist Relics 182
“无垢净光大陀罗尼经”鎏金银板 Gold Plated Silver Board with Design of Sutra 182
陀罗尼咒金板 Gold Board with Design of Dharani Incantation 183
陀罗尼咒银板 Silver Board with Design of Dharani Incantation 183
凤衔珠鎏金法舍利银塔 Gold Plated Silver Dagoba with Design of Phoenix Holder Pearl in Mouth 184
嵌宝石人物纹金耳坠 Gem Inlaid Gold Eardrop with Design of Portrait 186
透雕双鱼纹金指剔 Picker for Nail with Carved Design of Two Fishes 186
莲花形錾花金盏托 Gold Saucer in Lotus Flower Shape 187
双凤花草纹金碗 Gold Bowl with Design of Two Phoenixes,Flower and Grass 188
花口錾花金碗 Gold Bowl in Flower Shape 189
“至正七年”银铤 Silver Ingot with Mark of Zhi Zheng Qi Nian 190
八思巴文金字银牌 Silver Plate with Golden Basiba Characters 191
卧鹿缠枝牡丹纹金马鞍饰件 Gold Ornament for Saddle with Design of Lying Deer and Peony Scrolls 193
龙凤纹金鞍饰 Gold Ornament for Saddle with Design of Dragon and Phoenix 194
嵌宝石金冠饰 Gem Inlaid Gold Coronet 196
双龙纹鎏金银项圈 Gold Plated Silver Chaplet with Design of Two Dragons 197
迦陵频伽金帽顶 Golden Top for Hat with Design of Bird with Human's Face 199
双龙纹金项饰 Gold Necklace with Design of Two Dragons 200
龙形银饰 Silver Ornament in Dragon Shape 201
扭索纹金钗 Gold Hairpin with Design of Guilloche 202
双龙纹金钗 Gold Hairpin with Design of Two Dragons 202
荷花纹高足金杯 Gold Standing Cup with Design of Lotus Flower 203
高足金杯 Gold Standing Cup 204
高足金杯 Gold Standing Cup 204
花卉纹高足金杯 Gold Standing Cup with Design of Flower 204
花卉纹高足金杯 Gold Standing Cup with Design of Flower 205
錾花高足金杯 Gold Standing Cup with Carved Design 205
金花银杯 Silver Cup with Gilded Design 206
金花银盘 Silver Plate with Gilded Design 206
卷草纹鋬耳金杯 Gold Cup with Holder and Design of Coiling Grass 207
双龙戏珠纹鋬耳金杯 Gold Cup with Holder and Design of Two Dragons Playing with Pearl 207
花瓣形缠枝牡丹纹鋬耳金杯 Petal Shaped Gold Cup with Holder and Design of Peony Scrolls 208
银玉壶春瓶 Silver Vase 210
十字宝杵纹金盒 Gold Box with Design of Crossed Stick 211
十字形金饰件 Gold Ornament in Crisscross Shape 211
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