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全日制普通高级中学教科书(必修加选修)CHEMISTRY  第3册  英语版
全日制普通高级中学教科书(必修加选修)CHEMISTRY  第3册  英语版

全日制普通高级中学教科书(必修加选修)CHEMISTRY 第3册 英语版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:课程教材研究所,双语课程教材研究开发中心译
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7107166573
  • 页数:128 页
《全日制普通高级中学教科书(必修加选修)CHEMISTRY 第3册 英语版》目录

Chapter 1 Types and Properties of Crystal 1

1.1 Ionic Crystal,Molecular Crystal and Atomic Crystal 2

1.2 Metallic Crystal 11

Experiment 1 To Determine the Content of Crystal Water in Crystal of Copper Sulfate 14

Summary 15

Review 15

Chapter 2 Properties and Applications of Colloids 18

2.1 Colloid 18

2.2 Properties and Applications of Colloids 23

Summary 28

Chapter 3 Matter Change and Energy Change in Chemical Reactions 29

3.1 Important Oxidants and Reductants 30

3.2 Essence of Ionic Reaction 37

3.3 Energy Change in Chemical Reactions 42

3.4 Heat of Combustion and Heat of Neutralization 49

Experiment 2 To Determine Heat of Neutralization 55

Summary 57

Review 58

Chapter 4 Principles and Applications of Electrolysis 61

4.1 Principles of Electrolysis 62

4.2 Alkali-Chloride Industry 68

Experiment 3 The Electrolysis of Saturated Common Salt Water 75

Summary 75

Review 77

Chapter 5 Sulfuric Acid Industry 80

5.1 Contact Process for Making Sulfuric Acid 81

5.2 A Discussion on Overall Economic Efficiency of the Sulfuric Acid Industry 86

Summary 92

Review 93

Chapter 6 Design of Chemical Experiment Programs 95

6.1 Design of Preparation Experiment Programs 96

Experiment 4 The Preparation of Ferrous Sulfate 101

6.2 Design of Property Experiment Programs 102

Experiment 5 Test for Iron Oxide in Red Brick 104

6.3 Design of Experiments to Test for Substances 105

Experiment 6 Test for Alum 113

Experiment 7 Test for Groups of Unknown Substances 113

6.4 Basic Requirements of Chemical Experiment Program Design 113

Experiment 8 Experimental Exercises 115

Summary 116

Review 116

Review Exercises 120

Appendix Some Terms in the Book with Chinese Translation 128
