英语写作 理论、技巧与实践 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴耀武主编
- 出 版 社:西安:西北工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787561229231
- 页数:238 页
Chapter One Basic Steps in Writing Process 1
1.Prewriting 1
1.1 Choose and narrow your topic 2
1.2 Brainstorming 3
2.Writing 9
2.1 Planning or outlining 9
2.2 Writing and revising drafts 9
3.Postwriting 15
Practice 15
Chapter Two Outlining 17
1.Main types of outline 17
2.The purpose of an outline 17
3.Outline design 18
4.Patterns of organization 21
5.Principles of organization 22
5.1 Chronological order 23
5.2 Spatial order 24
5.3 Climactic order 25
5.4 Topical order 26
Practice 27
Chapter Three The Structure of an Essay 34
1.Introduction 34
1.1 Writing an effective thesis statement 36
1.2 Writing an introductory paragraph 38
Practice 45
2.Conclusion 48
Practice 57
3.Supporting paragraphs 57
Chapter Four Descriptive Essay 59
1.Types of descriptive essay 60
1.1 Objective description 60
1.2 Subjective description 62
2.Writing a descriptive essay 63
2.1 Introductory paragraph 63
2.2 Body 65
2.3 Conclusion 66
3.Logical pattern 67
4.Details in description 68
5.Useful expressions 70
Practice 77
Chapter Five Narrative Essay 85
1.Characteristics of the narrative 86
2.Writing a narrative essay 86
2.1 The introductory paragraph 87
2.2 Methods for beginning a narrative essay 88
2.3 Body 89
2.4 Conclusion 90
3.Logical pattern 90
4.Details in narrative essay 90
5.Transitions in narrative essay 92
Practice 97
Chapter Six Exposition 102
1.Types of exposition 103
1.1 How—exposition 103
1.2 What—exposition 104
2.The purpose of exposition 105
3.Writing an expository essay 106
3.1 Illustration essay 106
Practice 111
3.2 Division and classification essay 113
Practice 118
3.3 Comparison and contrast essay 120
Practice 126
3.4 Cause and effect essay 128
Practice 134
3.5 Definition essay 135
Practice 143
3.6 Process analysis essay 145
Practice 151
Chapter Seven Argument and Persuasion 154
1.Types of arguments 154
2.Logical fallacies in reasoning 157
3.Basic concepts of logic 158
4.Writing an argumentative and persuasive essay 160
5.Useful structures 161
Practice 167
Chapter Eight Summary Writing and Book Report 173
1.Summary writing 173
1.1 The process of summary writing 173
1.2 The characteristics of a good summary 175
1.3 The techniques in summary writing 176
1.4 Useful words and phrases 178
1.5 The format of a summary 178
2.Book report 184
2.1 The process of writing book report 185
2.2 The format of book report 186
Practice 192
Chapter Nine Practical Writing 197
1.Letter writing 197
1.1 English letters and their types 197
1.2 Layout of english Letters 198
1.3 The basic elements of an english letter 201
1.4 The additional parts of business letters 204
1.5 The body of personal letters 207
1.6 The body of business letters 208
1.7 Personal letters 209
Practice 218
1.8 Business letters 220
Practice 228
2.Résumé 229
3.Resignation 234
Bibliography 238
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