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全日制普通高级中学教科书 试验修订本.必修 MATHEMATICS第1册 上
全日制普通高级中学教科书 试验修订本.必修 MATHEMATICS第1册 上

全日制普通高级中学教科书 试验修订本.必修 MATHEMATICS第1册 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:课程教材研究所,双语课程教材研究开发中心组译
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7107155164
  • 页数:163 页
图书介绍:暂缺《MATHEMATICS第一册 数学(上)》简介
《全日制普通高级中学教科书 试验修订本.必修 MATHEMATICS第1册 上》目录

Chapter 1 Set and Simple Logic 4

Ⅰ Set 4

1.1 Set 4

1.2 Subset,Universe,Complementary Set 8

1.3 Intersection,Union 11

1.4 Solutions of Inequalities with Absolute Value 15

1.5 Solutions of One-Variable Quadratic Inequalities 17

Reading Material Number of Elements in a Set 24

Ⅱ Simple Logic 26

1.6 Logical Connective 26

1.7 Four Types of Propositions 31

1.8 Sufficient Condition and Necessary Condition 37

Summary and Review 42

Reference Exercises for Review Ⅰ 46

Chapter 2 Function 50

Ⅰ Mapping and Function 50

2.1 Mapping 50

2.2 Function 55

2.3 Monotonicity and Parity of Function 63

2.4 Inverse Function 71

Ⅱ Exponent and Exponential Function 77

2.5 Exponent 77

2.6 Exponential Function 83

Ⅲ Logarithm and Logaithmic Function 87

2.7 Logarithm 87

Reading Material A Brief History of Logarithm and Exponent 93

2.8 Logarithmic Function 95

2.9 Examples for Function Applications 99

2.10 Field Work 104

Reading Material The Mathematical Model for the Motion of a Freely Falling Body h(t)=1/2gt2 106

Summary and Review 109

Reference Exercises for Review Ⅱ 117

Chapter 3 Number Sequence 122

3.1 Number Sequence 122

3.2 Arithmetic Series 127

3.3 The Surn of the First n Terms of Arithmetic Series 132

Reading Material Calculations on Deposits 138

3.4 Geometric Series 141

3.5 The Sum of the First n Terms of Geometric Series 145

3.6 Studies:Galculations about Payment by Installments 150

Summary and Review 154

Reference Exercises for Review Ⅲ 157

Appendix 161

Some Nouns in the Book with Chinese Translation 161
