电工学原理及应用 英文精编版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)汉伯利著
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787111314592
- 页数:589 页
Part One Circuits 2
Chapter 1 Introduction 2
1.1 Overview of Electrical Engineering 2
1.2 Circuits,Currents,and Voltages 8
1.3 Power and Energy 18
1.4 Kirchhoff's Current Law 22
1.5 Kirchhoff's Voltage Law 25
1.6 Independent on Circuit Elements 29
1.7 Introduction to Circuits 39
Summary 44
Problems 46
Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 53
2.1 Resistances in Series and Parallel 53
2.2 Network Analysis by Using Series and Parallel Equivalents 58
2.3 Voltage-Divider and Current-Divider Circuits 63
2.4 Thévenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits 68
2.5 Superposition Principle 82
2.6 Wheatstone Bridge 90
Summary 92
Problems 93
Chapter 3 Inductance and Capacitance 103
3.1 Capacitance 104
3.2 Capacitances in Series and Parallel 113
3.3 Physical Characteristics of Capacitors 115
3.4 Inductance 120
3.5 Inductances in Series and Parallel 126
3.6 Practical Inductors 127
3.7 Mutual Inductance 131
Summary 132
Problems 133
Chapter 4 Transients 137
4.1 First-Order RC Circuits 137
4.2 DC Steady State 142
4.3 RL Circuits 145
Summary 150
Problems 151
Chapter 5 Steady-State Sinusoidal Analysis 156
5.1 Sinusoidal Currents and Voltages 157
5.2 Phasors 164
5.3 Complex Impedances 170
5.4 Circuit Analysis with Phasors and Complex Impedances 176
5.5 Power in AC Circuits 182
5.6 Thévenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits 196
5.7 Balanced Three-Phase Circuits 202
Summary 216
Problems 218
Chapter 6 Frequency Response,Bode Plots,and Resonance 226
6.1 Fourier Analysis,Filters,and Transfer Functions 227
6.2 First-Order Lowpass Filters 239
6.3 Decibels,the Cascade Connection,and Logarithmic Frequency Scales 245
6.4 Bode Plots 250
6.5 First-Order Highpass Filters 254
6.6 Series Resonance 262
6.7 Parallel Resonance 269
Summary 272
Problems 274
Part Two Digital Systems 279
Chapter 7 Logic Circuits 279
7.1 Basic Logic Circuit Concepts 280
7.2 Representation of Numerical Data in Binary Form 283
7.3 Combinatorial Logic Circuits 293
7.4 Synthesis of Logic Circuits 302
7.5 Minimization of Logic Circuits 310
7.6 Sequential Logic Circuits 315
Summary 330
Problems 331
Chapter 8 Diodes 340
8.1 Basic Diode Concepts 340
8.2 Load-Line Analysis of Diode Circuits 345
8.3 Zener-Diode Voltage-Regulator Circuits 348
8.4 Ideal-Diode Model 353
8.5 Piecewise-Linear Diode Models 356
8.6 Rectifier Circuits 360
8.7 Wave-Shaping Circuits 366
8.8 Linear Small-Signal EquivalentCircuits 372
Summary 379
Problems 380
Chapter 9 Amplifiers:Specifications and External Characteristics 392
9.1 Basic Amplifier Concepts 393
9.2 Cascaded Amplifiers 499
9.3 Power Supplies and Efficiency 403
9.4 Additional Amplifier Models 406
9.5 Importance of Amplifier Impedances in Various Applications 411
9.6 Ideal Amplifiers 414
9.7 Frequency Response 416
9.8 Linear Waveform Distortion 421
9.9 Pulse Response 426
9.10 Transfer Characteristic and Nonlinear Distortion 429
9.11 Differential Amplifiers 432
9.12 Offset Voltage,Bias Current,and Offset Current 438
Summary 444
Problems 445
Chapter 10 Field-Effect Transistors 450
10.1 NMOS and PMOS Transistors 451
10.2 Load-Line Analysis of a Simple NMOS Amplifier 460
10.3 Bias Circuits 463
10.4 Small-Signal Equivalent Circuits 467
10.5 Common-Source Amplifiers 472
10.6 Source Followers 477
10.7 CMOS Logic Gates 482
Summary 489
Problems 490
Chapter 11 Bipolar Junction Transistors 495
11.1 Current and Voltage Relationships 495
11.2 Common-Emitter Characteristics 500
11.3 Load-Line Analysis of a Common-Emitter Amplifier 502
11.4 pnp Bipolar Junction Transistors 509
11.5 Large-Signal DC Circuit Models 511
11.6 Large-Signal DC Analysis of BJT Circuits 514
11.7 Small-Signal Equivalent Circuits 523
11.8 Common-Emitter Amplifiers 527
11.9 Emitter Followers 533
Summary 539
Problems 540
Chapter 12 Operational Amplifiers 549
12.1 Ideal Operational Amplifiers 550
12.2 Inverting Amplifiers 552
12.3 Noninverting Amplifiers 560
12.4 Op-Amp Imperfections in the Linear Range of Operation 564
12.5 Nonlinear Limitations 569
12.6 DC Imperfections 572
12.7 Differential and Instrumentation Amplifiers 574
12.8 Integrators and Differentiators 577
Summary 580
Problems 581
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