- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)BASIL HATIM著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:7560085296
- 页数:254 页
Section Ⅰ:Translation studies:History,basic concepts and key issues in research 1
1 Translation studies and applied linguistics 3
1.1 Applied linguistics and the translation analyst 4
1.2 Action research:The theory-practice cycle 6
1.3 Translation studies:A house of many rooms 8
2 From linguistic systems to cultures in contact 12
2.1 Formal equivalence 13
2.2 Bridging cultural and linguistic differences 18
3 Equivalence:Pragmatic and textual criteria 26
3.1 Opening up to pragmatics 26
3.2 Textuality and equivalence 31
3.3 Translation and relevance 35
4 Cultural studies and translator invisibility 43
4.1 Translator invisibility 45
4.2 Deconstruction:The plurality of meaning 48
4.3 Gendered translation:Production not reproduction 51
5 From word to text and beyond 56
5.1 Translation as metatext 57
5.2 Translation:Shaping context and history 61
6 Litera ry and cultural constraints 66
6.1 Polysystem Theory and translation 67
6.2 The Manipulationists 72
6.3 Translation purpose 73
6.4 The circle closes:Linkages to other disciplines 80
Section Ⅱ:Research models 85
7 Register-oriented research models 87
7.1 The age of dichotomies 88
7.2 Skopos and translation strategy 89
7.3 Text reception and translation strategy 90
7.4 Quality assessment and translation strategy 92
8 The pragmatics turn in research 98
8.1 Translation strategy and Relevance Theory 99
8.2 Translating the direct way 101
8.3 Communicative clues 102
8.4 The pragmatic view of translation strategy assessed 108
9 Focus on the text 110
9.1 Text processing and the process of translation 111
9.2 The genre-text-discourse triad 120
10 Translation and ideology 126
10.1 The ideology of translation:A cultural studies perspective 128
10.2 The ideology of translation:A feminist perspective 134
11 Translation of genre vs translation as genre 140
11.1 The translation of genre 141
11.2 Translation as genre 144
12 Empirical research in translation studies 151
12.1 Corpus research into translation universals 151
12.2 Process research 155
13 Theory and practice in translation teaching 162
13.1 Translation into the foreign language 164
13.2 The nature of translation errors 168
13.3 Text typologies as a didactic instrument 171
Section Ⅲ:Emphasis on practitioner research 185
14 Action and reflection in practitioner research 187
14.1 Textual practices and practitioner research 188
14.2 Researching text,discourse and genre 191
14.3 Text matters 194
14.4 Discourse matters 201
14.5 Genre matters 210
Section Ⅳ:Links and resources 219
15 Links and resources 221
15.1 Translators'on-line resources 221
Glossary 228
References 235
Index 245
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