

现代体能训练 弹力带全方位力量训练方法PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄志基编著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京体育大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787564404772
- 页数:142 页
第1章:弹力带的基本信息 1
弹力带的介绍 2
弹力带的阻力来源 2
使用弹力带训练的优点 5
使用弹力带训练注意事项 5
弹力带的保存 6
弹力带训练目标与次数 6
弹力带训练时姿态要领 8
固定弹力带方法 10
第2章:动态训练 12
1)弹力带哑铃肩上推举(Dumbbell shoulder press) 14
2)弹力带蹲举+颈前下拉(Squat and front pull down) 16
3)弹力带弓步斜上拉(Lunge diagonal pull) 18
4)弹力带哑铃前侧提拉(Dumbbell front lift) 20
5)弹力环半蹲(Half squat) 21
6)弹力带弓步前推(Lunge and forward push) 22
7)弹力带弓步后拉(Lunge and backward pull) 24
8)弹力环站姿髋外旋(Standing hip extenal rotation) 26
9)弹力带弓步提膝(Lunge knee up) 27
10)弹力带斜向弓步蹲前推(Diagonal lunge and forward push) 28
11)弹力带弓步单臂前推(Lunge single arm and forward push) 29
12)弹力带弓步前推+横向拉(Lunge forward push and outward pull) 30
13)弹力带弓步转身单臂排(Trunk rotation and lunge forward push) 32
14)弹力带弓步单臂飞鸟(Lunge and single arm fly) 33
15)弹力带弓步单臂反向飞鸟(Lunge and single arm reverse fly) 34
16)弹力带站姿髋外展+侧平举(Standing hip abduction and lateral raise) 35
17)弹力环单腿俯身上提(Single leg lift) 36
18)弹力带蟹行+侧平举(Crab walk and lateral raise) 38
19)弹力带提膝单臂拉(Knee up single arm pull) 39
20)弹力带提膝后拉(Knee up and backward pull) 40
21)弹力带俯身蹬腿+直臂上拉(Bent-over hip extension and upward pull) 41
22)弹力带直臂斜下拉+提膝(Downward pull and knee up) 42
23)弹力环俯卧横向移动(Push up position lateral movement) 43
24)弹力环俯卧单臂移动(Push up position with one arm moving) 44
25)弹力环单臂侧转支撑(Push up position side plank) 45
26)弹力带侧向移动(Side shuffle) 46
27)弹力带阻力跑(Resisted run) 48
28)弹力带横向手交替(Lateral walk with alternative pull) 49
第3章:核心训练 50
1)弹力带站姿躯干转动(Standing trunk rotation) 52
2)弹力带单腿反向飞鸟(Single leg stand reverse fly) 53
3)弹力带单腿骨盆转动(Single leg stand pelvic rotation) 54
4)弹力带单腿转身(Single leg stand trunk rotation) 55
5)弹力带单腿后拉(Single leg stand backward pull) 56
6)弹力带单腿髋内旋+内拉(Single leg stand hip IR and inward pull) 58
7)弹力带弓步提膝(Lunge and knee up) 59
8)弹力带单腿肩推举(Single leg shoulder press up) 60
9)弹力带弓步斜下压(Lunge and diagonal downward push) 61
10)弹力带弓步下拉(Lunge chop) 62
11)弹力带弓步提拉(Lunge lift) 63
12)弹力带下拉(Chop) 64
13)弹力带上拉(Lift) 65
14)弹力带转身斜下拉(Trunk rotation chop) 66
15)弹力带转身(Trunk rotation) 67
16)弹力带单腿俯身外拉(Single leg stand bent-over outward pull) 68
17)弹力带单腿俯身内拉(Single leg stand bent-over inward pull) 69
18)弹力带俯身单腿支撑(Single leg stand bend-over) 70
19)弹力带单腿俯身划臂(Single leg stand bent-over row) 71
20)弹力带单腿斜上拉(Single leg stand diagonal pull) 72
21)弹力带单腿上拉(Single leg stand and upward pull) 73
22)弹力带转身斜上拉(Trunk rotation lift) 74
23)弹力带转步推拉(Trunk rotation push and pull) 75
24)弹力带转身拉(Trunk rotation pull) 76
25)弹力带外拉+单臂飞鸟(Outward pull and one arm fly) 77
26)弹力带上拉转身(Lift and trunk rotation) 78
27)师力带前跳(Forward jump) 80
28)弹力环侧肩桥反向飞鸟(Side bridge reverse fly) 81
29)弹力带跪姿单臂斜拉(Kneeling single arm pull) 82
30)弹力带一百次(The hundred) 83
31)弹力带反向卷腹(Reverse crunch) 84
32)弹力带卷腹(Crunch) 85
33)弹力带膝屈卷腹(Bent knees crunch) 86
34)弹力带俯卧交替支撑(Push up position alternative support) 87
35)弹力带单腿俯身后拉(Single leg bent-over pull) 88
第4章:运动专项训练 90
1)弹力带俯身划臂(Bent-over pull) 92
2)弹力环蟹行(Crab walk) 93
3)弹力带俯身硬拉(Death lift) 94
4)弹力带出拳(Boxing) 95
5)弹力带肩内收(Shoulder adduction) 96
6)弹力带肩外展(Shoulder abduction) 97
7)弹力带骨盆转动(Resisted pelvic rotation) 98
8)弹力带高尔夫下挥杆训练(Golf downward swing) 99
9)弹力带高尔夫上挥杆训练(Golf upward swing) 100
10)弹力带高尔夫击球(Resisted golf swing to impact) 101
11)弹力带高尔夫躯干转动(Trunk rotation) 102
12)弹力带弓步转身(Lunge and trunk rotation) 103
13)弹力带弓步膝腿(Lunge and knee up) 104
14)弹力带髋内收(Hip adduction) 105
15)弹力带单腿支撑提膝(Single leg stand knee up) 106
16)弹力带阻力跳(Resisted jump) 107
17)弹力带跳转(Trunk rotation jump) 108
18)弹力带蹲跳(Squat jump) 109
19)弹力带抬腿(Knees up) 110
20)弹力带前跳(Forward jump) 111
21)弹力带侧跳(Lateral jump) 112
22)弹力带箭步蹲(Resisted forward lunge) 113
第5章:损伤预防训练 114
1)弹力带外展90度肩外旋(Shoulder ER with 90° of elevation) 116
2)弹力带外展90度肩内旋(Shoulder IR with 90° of elevation) 117
3)弹力带肩外旋(Shoulder ER) 118
4)弹力带肩内旋(Shoulder IR) 119
5)弹力带肩胛面侧平举(Scapular plane lateral raise) 120
6)弹力环颈后下拉(Behind head lat pull down) 121
7)弹力带颈椎伸展肌群-静态(Cervical extension-isometric) 122
8)弹力带反向飞鸟(Reverse fly) 123
9)弹力带颈椎伸展肌群-动态(Cervical extension-dynamic) 124
10)弹力带动态环绕(Dynamic Hug) 125
11)弹力带前踢(Forward kick) 126
12)弹力环下蹲(Resisted squat) 127
13)“赛乐”棒腕伸(F1ex bar wrist extension) 128
14)“赛乐”棒腕屈(Flex bar wrist flexion) 129
第6章:训练组合建议 130
热身组合 132
预防肩部损伤组合 133
加速热量消耗组合 134
提高体能储备组合 136
核心力量组合 138
平衡稳定组合 140
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