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现代销售学:创造客户房价  英文版
现代销售学:创造客户房价  英文版

现代销售学:创造客户房价 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)曼宁,(美)里斯,(美)阿亨著
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787302241126
  • 页数:508 页
《现代销售学:创造客户房价 英文版》目录

PART 1 Developing a Personal Selling Philosophy 3

Chapter 1 Personal Selling and the Marketing Concept 4

Chapter 2 Personal Selling Opportunities in the Age of Information 27

PART 2 Developing a Relationship Strategy 51

Chapter 3 Creating Value with a Relationship Strategy 52

Chapter 4 Communication Styles:A Key to Adaptive Selling Today 73

Chapter 5 Ethics:The Foundation for Relationships in Selling 96

PART 3 Developing a Product Strategy 117

Chapter 6 Creating Product Solutions 118

Chapter 7 Product-Selling Strategies That Add Value 138

PART 4 Developing a Customer Strategy 169

Chapter 8 The Buying Process and Buyer Behavior 160

Chapter 9 Developing and Qualifying a Prospect Base 180

PART 5 Developing a Presentation Strategy 207

Chapter 10 Approaching the Customer with Adaptive Selling 208

Chapter 11 Creating the Consultative Sales Presentation 233

Chapter 12 Creating Value with the Sales Demonstration 259

Chapter 13 Negotiating Buyer Concerns 280

Chapter 14 Adapting the Close and Confirming the Partnership 302

Chapter 15 Servicing the Sale and Building the Partnership 323

PART 6 Management of Self and Others 347

Chapter 16 Opportunity Management:The Key to Greater Sales Productivity 348

Chapter 17 Management of the Sales Force 369

Appendix 1 Reality Selling Today Role-Play Scenarios 390

Appendix 2 Use of Customer Relationship Management(CRM)Salesforce.com System 404

Appendix 3 Partnership Selling:A Role-Play/Simulation for Selling Today 407

Endnotes 473

Glossary 488

Credits 495

Name Index 497

Subject Index 501
