英国文学选读新编 20世纪卷PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈红,段汉武主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:华中师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787562242789
- 页数:678 页
The 20th-Century English LiteratureChapter 1 The Birth of Modernism 1
1.Introduction 1
2.Thomas Hardy(1840—1928) 7
2.1 Presentation topics 7
2.2 Selected reading 7
2.3 Assigned reading 12
3.Joseph Conrad(1857—1924) 26
3.1 Presentation topics 26
3.2 Selected reading 26
3.3 Assigned reading 53
4.D.H.Lawrence(1885—1930) 63
4.1 Presentation topics 63
4.2 Selected reading 63
4.3 Assigned reading 84
Chapter 2 High Modernism 92
1.Introduction 92
2.W.B.Yeats(1865—1939) 97
2.1 Presentation topics 97
2.2 Selected reading 97
2.3 Assigned reading 104
3.Virginia Woolf(1882—1941) 114
3.1 Presentation topics 114
3.2 Selected reading 115
3.3 Assigned reading 122
4.James Joyce(1882—1941) 129
4.1 Presentation topics 129
4.2 Selected reading 130
4.3 Assigned reading 143
Chapter 3 The New Drama 163
1.Introduction 163
2.George Bernard Shaw(1856—1950) 167
2.1 Presentation topics 167
2.2 Selected reading 167
2.3 Assigned reading 203
3.John Galsworthy(1867—1933) 212
3.1 Presentation topics 212
3.2 Selected reading 212
3.3 Assigned reading 245
Chapter 4 Postmodernist Fiction 254
1.Introduction 254
2.John Fowles(1926—2005) 259
2.1 Presentation topics 259
2.2 Selected reading 259
2.3 Assigned reading 270
3.Anthony Burgess(1917—1993) 289
3.1 Presentation topics 289
3.2 Selected reading 290
3.3 Assigned reading 338
Chapter 5 The Movement and After 359
1.Introduction 359
2.Philip Larkin(1922—1985) 364
2.1 Presentation topics 364
2.2 Selected reading 364
2.3 Assigned reading 366
3.Ted Hughes(1930—1998) 370
3.1 Presentation topics 370
3.2 Selected reading 371
3.3 Assigned reading 374
4.Seamus Heaney(1939— ) 390
4.1 Presentation topics 390
4.2 Selected reading 390
4.3 Assigned reading 392
Chapter 6 The Theatre of the Absurd 402
1.Introduction 402
2.Samuel Beckett(1906—1989) 407
2.1 Presentation topics 407
2.2 Selected reading 407
2.3 Assigned reading 437
3.Harold Pinter(1930—2008) 443
3.1 Presentation topics 443
3.2 Selected reading 443
3.3 Assigned reading 475
4.Tom Stoppard(1937— ) 482
4.1 Presentation topics 482
4.2 Selected reading 482
4.3 Assigned reading 515
Chapter 7 Women's Literature 521
1.Introduction 521
2.Jean Rhys(1890—1979) 528
2.1 Presentation topics 528
2.2 Selected reading 528
2.3 Assigned reading 533
3.Edith Sitwell(1887—1964) 541
3.1 Presentation topics 541
3.2 Selected reading 541
3.3 Assigned reading 550
4.Doris Lessing(1919— ) 561
4.1 Presentation topics 561
4.2 Selected reading 561
4.3 Assigned reading 593
Chapter 8 Ethnic Literature 601
1.Introduction 601
2.Kazuo Ishiguro(1954— ) 605
2.1 Presentation Topics 605
2.2 Selected Reading 605
2.3 Assigned Reading 627
3.V.S.Naipaul(1932— ) 634
3.1 Presentation Topics 634
3.2 Selected Reading 634
3.3 Assigned Reading 666
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