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英语写作  理论、技巧与实践  上
英语写作  理论、技巧与实践  上

英语写作 理论、技巧与实践 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:冯正斌编著
  • 出 版 社:西安:西北工业大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787561229231
  • 页数:180 页
《英语写作 理论、技巧与实践 上》目录

Chapter One Diction 1

1.Appropriateness 1

1.1 Level of Words 1

1.2 Standard and Non-standard English 3

1.3 Style 3

2.Consistency 4

3.Exactness 4

3.1 Denotation and Connotation 4

3.2 General and Specific Words 5

3.3 Abstract and Concrete Words 6

3.4 Synonymous Words and Expressions 7

3.5 Idiomatic Language 8

4.Figures of Speech 9

4.1 Simile 9

4.2 Metaphor 9

4.3 Analogy 10

4.4 Personification 11

4.5 Hyperbole 12

4.6 Euphemism 13

4.7 Metonymy 13

4.8 Synecdoche 14

4.9 Alliteration 16

4.10 Irony 16

4.11 Transferred Epithet 17

4.12 Oxymoron 18

Practice 19

Chapter Two Sentences 25

1.Sentence Sense 25

1.1 Definition of a Correct Sentence 25

1.2 Different Types of Correct Sentences 26

1.3 Types of Correct Sentences 27

Practice 1 28

2.Types of Clauses 29

2.1 Independent Clauses 29

2.2 Dependent Clauses 29

2.3 Clause Connectors 30

3.Sentences 31

3.1 Qualities of a Complete Sentence 31

3.2 Types of Sentences 32

Practice 2 40

4.Effective Sentences 43

4.1 Unity 43

4.2 Coherence 44

4.3 Conciseness 44

4.4 Emphasis 45

4.5 Sentence Variety 50

Practice 3 55

4.6 Common Errors 59

Practice 4 72

Chapter Three Paragraphs 78

1.The Importance to Learn to Write Paragraphs 78

2.The Form of a Paragraph 79

2.1 Linear Relationship—Time 79

2.2 Linear Relationship—Process 79

2.3 Linear Relationship—Cause and Effect 81

3.Types of Paragraph 82

3.1 Opening Paragraph 82

3.2 Body Paragraph 83

3.3 Transitional Paragraph 84

3.4 Concluding Paragraph 85

Practice 1 86

4.Characteristics of a Good English Paragraph 89

4.1 Unity 90

4.2 Coherence 92

4.3 Completeness 102

Practice 2 104

5.Basic Elements of a Paragraph 109

5.1 Topic Sentence 110

5.2 Supporting Sentences 114

5.3 The Concluding Sentence 116

Practice 3 117

6.Ways of Developing Paragraph 122

6.1 Development by Example/Illustration 122

6.2 Development by Comparison and Contrast 124

6.3 development by Cause and Effect 128

6.4 Development by Process Analysis 131

6.5 Development by Anecdote 133

6.6 Development by Time 134

6.7 Development by Space 135

6.8 Development by Classification and Division 137

6.9 Development by Definition 140

Practice 4 141

Chapter Four Punctuation 145

1.The Period(.) 145

2.The Question Mark(?) 145

3.The Exclamation Mark(!) 146

4.The Comma(,) 146

5.The Colon(:) 148

6.The Semicolon(;) 149

7.The Quotation Mark("")('') 150

8.The Dash(—) 151

9.The Hyphen(-) 151

10.The Parentheses(()) 152

11.The Braekets([]) 152

12.The Ellipses(.../...) 153

13.The Slash(/) 153

Practice 153

Chapter Five Mechanics 157

1.Arrangement 157

2.Word Division 158

3.Capitalization 159

4.Italics 160

Keys for Reference 161

Bibliography 180
