- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:司联合著
- 出 版 社:南京:东南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787564125714
- 页数:412 页
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Lexical Semantics and Word Meaning 1
1.3 Sentence Semantics 7
1.3.1 Situation Types 8
1.3.2 Tense 10
1.3.3 Aspect 14
1.3.4 Mood and Modality 21
1.3.5 Voice 25
1.3.6 Thematic Roles 28
1.4 Sentence Meaning 37
1.4.1 Word Meaning and Sentence Meaning 37
1.4.2 Sentence Meaning and Utterance Meaning and Propositional Meaning 39
1.4.3 Sentence Patterns,Sentence Types and Sentence Categories 40
1.5 Significance of the Book 47
1.6 Methodology and Corpus 49
1.7 Organization of the Book 49
Chapter Two Interpretations of Sentence Meaning 51
2.1 Introduction 51
2.2 Katz'Semantic Theory 52
2.3 Montague Grammar 58
2.4 Leech's Semantic Structures of Sentences 63
2.4.1 Predications,Predicats,and Arguments 65
2.4.2 n-place Predicates 67
2.4.3 Predication Analysis 68
2.4.4 Subordinate Predication 69
2.4.5 Downgraded or'Featurized'Predication 70
2.5 Logical Semantics on Sentence Meaning 72
2.6 Jackendoff's Conceptual Semantics 79
2.7 Huang's Hierarchical Network of Concepts(HNC) 88
2.8 The Theoretical Framework of Sentence Meaning 90
2.8.1 Theoretical Framework 90
2.8.2 Huang's Hypothesis of Semantic Chunks and Sentences 93
2.8.3 Si's Hypothesis of Sentence Meaning 93
2.8.4 Expressions of Semantic Chunks 98
2.8.5 Semantic Situation Information 100
Chapter Three Preliminaries 105
3.1 Introduction 105
3.2 Semantic Chunks(including E chunk and JKs) 106
3.2.1 Constituents of Chunks 106
3.2.2 Types of Semantic Chunks 107
3.2.3 Semantic Chunks and Phrases 108
3.2.4 Constiuents of Sentences 110
3.2.5 Seven Sentence Categories 111
3.2.6 Concept Knowledge 114
3.2.7 E Chunk 118
3.2.8 JKs(juzi kuai) 124
3.2.9 How to Segment and Combine Chunks 128
3.3 Three Semantic Networks 139
3.3.1 Semantic Network of Primitive Concepts 141
3.3.2 Semantic Network of Basic Concepts 142
3.3.3 Semantic Network of Logical Concepts 142
3.4 Semantic Primitives 146
3.5 Semantic Structural Equation(SSE) 148
3.6 Linguistic and Philosophical Bases 153
3.7 Concepts 158
Chapter Four Simple Sentences 162
4.1 Introduction 162
4.2 Action Sentences(XJs) 166
4.2.1 General Action Sentences 166
4.2.2 Bearing Sentences 170
4.2.3 Reaction Sentences 184
4.2.4 Remitting Sentences 196
4.2.5 Binding Sentences 199
4.3 Process Sentences(PJs) 200
4.3.1 General Process Sentences 201
4.3.2 Basic Process Sentences 208
4.3.3 Sketch Sentences 212
4.3.4 Cause-effect & Effect-cause Sentences 214
4.4 Transfer Sentences(TJs) 218
4.4.1 Introduction 218
4.4.2 General Transfer Sentences 219
4.4.3 Substance Transfer Sentences 225
4.4.4 Informational Transfer Sentences 227
4.4.5 General Incept Sentences 231
4.4.6 Pertinent Incept Sentences 233
4.4.7 Transmitting Sentences 236
4.4.8 Self-transfer Sentences 241
4.4.9 Exchange Sentences 244
4.4.10 Substitute Sentences and Transformational Sentences 248
4.5 Effect Sentences(YJs) 251
4.5.1 Introduction 251
4.5.2 General Effect Sentences 252
4.5.3 Basic Effect Sentences 255
4.5.4 Bi-objects Effect Sentences 259
4.5.5 Action-effect Sentences 272
4.6 Relation Sentences(RJs) 277
4.6.1 Introduction 277
4.6.2 Bi-directional Relation Sentences 279
4.6.3 Extended Bi-directional Relation Sentences 281
4.6.4 Basic Main and Subordinate Relation Sentences 282
4.6.5 Extended Main and Subordinate Relation Sentences 285
4.7 State Sentences(SJs) 288
4.7.1 Introduction 288
4.7.2 General State Sentences 293
4.7.3 Basic State Sentences 296
4.7.4 Bi-permutation State Sentences 297
4.7.5 Tri-permutation State Sentences 298
4.7.6 Concise State Sentences 300
4.8 Decision Sentences(DJs) 306
4.8.1 Introduction 306
4.8.2 General State Sentences 306
4.8.3 Chunk-extended Decision Sentences 309
4.8.4 Basic Decision Sentences 310
4.8.5 Comparative Decision Sentences 316
4.8.6 Concise Decision Sentences 323
4.8.7 Concise Situational Decision Sentences 327
Chapter Five Multiple Sentences 328
5.1 Introduction 328
5.2 Compound Sentences 330
5.3 Complex Sentences 334
5.4 Mixed Sentences 348
5.4.1 Complex-Compound Sentences 348
5.4.2 Compound-complex Sentences 351
5.5 Summary 354
Chapter Six Conclusions 358
6.1 Contributions and Implications of This Research 358
6.2 Some Issues Worthy of Further Study 362
Bibliography 364
Appendix Ⅰ:List of Nodes for Concepts in Semantic Networks 375
Appendix Ⅱ:Expressions of Basic Sentence Categories 403
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